Globalization, Wht up?


New member
Well the debate fourm has been dying so here at it..

Globalization, In essence its communication, one of the based technologies, taking its most advanced form. But is it better to be part of wht we'll refer to as "The Beast!!!! GRR" or would we be better off living in a fully self-suffcient country?

The simple fact is that it is communication that has allowed humanity to grow/advance at the geometric rate its been at for the past few thousand years. From the invention of greater modes of transpotation (Sailboats to air planes) to the ever essential written word (Communication with the future, without acually being present) it is the collective effort of humanity that has made us the gods-on-earth that we are. This was definatly advanagious to us for a long time, but no that we are all so economically and culturally and technoligically dependent on others it seems as though we've lost the ability to stand on our own as nations and peoples under a common banner. Maybe it would be best for everything to be (insert your country) made, for your country. But then again the greatest results usually come from the group effort (even if it is 'each man for himself'). Even barring a global collapse of the economy it seems that we're losing the cultures that made us distinct. (Although nowadays the new world cultures are spin offs of the european cultures mostly, mixed with imigration form wherever else you'ld like to name)

In anycase, your opinions :)



New member
Well as far as the US making it in the long run, I think the idea of "self sufficiencey" hits the nail on the head. But not quite in teh same way as you mention here. Most are willing to say that the US and Germany are comparable countries in economy and industrialisation and technoilogy. But the difference lies in germany's longevuty and self sufficiency. I believe that long before we fall do to our dependency on others for technology and cheap workers, we will infact eat ourselves alive by giving no regard to our own natural resources. Germany as a nation is an expert in sustaining natural resources through recycling and renuable resources. If push came to shove they would not have to rely on outside sources for simple survival. The US on the other hand, is completely dependant on outside resources for the simplest of survival. If we are unable to sustain life by our own means then it doesn't really matter who we depend on for technolgy because we are going to kill ourselves from the inside out before the rest of it means anything.

*** I am not sure any of this makes sense. It's late but I wanted to get my thoughts out before I lost them to the night. I will clarify some of this later



New member
Good stuff, it makes sense, but germany dosn't quite push the envalope so much as the US when it comes to 'Luxeries' (SUVs, Fast Food, Swiffer Cloths etc) I think its abuse thats leading some of us richer countries to ****. I'd like to see more self-sufficientcy all around the world though, if each could stand alone then they would not be taking advantage of the poorer countries for their resources and they would remain in country for bettering themselves. This would result in a world where not everything would be avalable to everyone but each could ateast live within their OWN means. It'll never happen, but i think it would nice.


New member
Glad to see there is a another dreamer/optimist around here ;) We are a nation of more money more power and eventual that WILL be our downfall. Pretty soon this country is going to be utterly dependant on the rest of the world for our survival and that in turn will makes os THE most vulnerable nation and most likely to be taken over by someone who had the forsight to use their brains and not eat themselves alive!!!

WTF does a person need with a freaking hummer inthe middle of ******* white suburbia?



New member
Glad to see there is a another dreamer/optimist around here ;) We are a nation of more money more power and eventual that WILL be our downfall. Pretty soon this country is going to be utterly dependant on the rest of the world for our survival and that in turn will makes os THE most vulnerable nation and most likely to be taken over by someone who had the forsight to use their brains and not eat themselves alive!!!
WTF does a person need with a freaking hummer inthe middle of ******* white suburbia?

More money more power is what made this country. I would rather have that then 'no money no power'.

Pretty soon this country is going to be utterly dependant on the rest of the world for our survival .........
How is our "power hungary" culture going to lead us to be 100% dependant on foreign goods?

Our thirst for power is what granted us power in the first place.



New member
Our thirst for power is not what made this country, it was our thirst for independence. The more we consume themore we will have to reliy on others to feed our hunger. asociety that hungers only for more powere cannot make it in the long run. Once our natural resources are gone, all it would take is for a few countries we depend on to raise their prices or cut us off and we are done. Our power is all an illusion.


New member
Personally I'm not one for Power at all costs, or global power in general (it mean you walk over others, thats BS). Yes it is the fact that you have your fingers in many pies that makes the US so powerful but I don't believe in imperilism in anyform. All empires die, its just a matter of time, better to make the center of said empire able to stand on its own so when that time comes the Visigoths don't run in and kick the ***** out of yas. This goes for any country really, when you make your people dependent on other places they become less dependant on your own country (kinda like smoking, a Japanese car here and there will lead to Addiciton.) For the US in particular, if you hold your current course then Canada is gonna be a big winner, I'm canadian and i don't want that, it'll leave alot of fuked Americans (people). We have water, we have recently found MASSIVE amounts of oil (enough to feed the Americas for the next 50years) and we have tons of woodlands. Almost all of it is going south of the border (your gov is fuking us on the salesprices though). Now there nothing wrong with being neighbourly, but i would rather see most of OUR exports stay here and be used to sustain ourselves insted of say; chopping down trees, sending them to Japan then buying them back at near twice the price (don't ask me how the **** that works!)


New member
Hey gentillehoome, isn't Canada also experimenting with hemp for manufacturing as well? One more renewable resource. **** it I want to move to canada


New member
I've not heard alot on it but some places are, we;ve been heading towards legalization of pot for awhile too. (especially BC) Its not criminal anymore so they're really just toying with people and i wouldn't be surprised if its legal in the next 10-20 years. They're gonna tax the **** out of it, but it'll end grow-ops and the violence/mobsters associated with them. You want more freedoms then yah, come on up tizz. We recently legalized Gay marriage (not QUITE through, but in a month it will) so i'm sure Vortex wouldn't mind hoppin over either.(we got lumber Jacks) **** we can just have a big GF BBQ. (Steer clear of Alberta though, unless you like harcore conservatives and lots of angry oil-drillers)


New member
It is amazing how similar our two nations can be while still being so freakishly different. Honestly though, I am into any nation that has teh ***** to take something like hemp, and work to rewrite public opinion and allow it's use for manufaturing. It is unreal how much can be done with it, and what a weight could be lifted off foriegn dependencies. (not to mention the trees that could be saved I LOVE TREES!!!!!!!!!)


New member
Our thirst for power is not what made this country, it was our thirst for independence. The more we consume themore we will have to reliy on others to feed our hunger. asociety that hungers only for more powere cannot make it in the long run. Once our natural resources are gone, all it would take is for a few countries we depend on to raise their prices or cut us off and we are done. Our power is all an illusion.

Our most abundant natural resource is food, and we use this to open trade routes for other resources that we may not have in great supply. Free trade has existed throughout all recorded time. These days energy is at the top of Americas needs and your right that our consumption demand will overpower the future supply of energy.

We all have our own little part in raping mother nature of her resourses. Are you a better person for driving a 4 cylinder Hyundai, then me for driving an 8 cylinder Chevy Tahoe? How much consumption is O.K.?



New member
It is not the individual consumption but the mass total. If this country would put limits on consumption or at the very least stop encouraging mass cunsumption, we might just last a little longer but we are still doomed to inevitable failure


New member
It is not the individual consumption but the mass total. If this country would put limits on consumption or at the very least stop encouraging mass cunsumption, we might just last a little longer but we are still doomed to inevitable failure

I'm all about excess.

How much government moderation is acceptable before your rights go away? Should the government limit your supply of gas?



New member
Other countries add taxes to higher consuming vehicles. I mean they are not a neccesity and people have lieved with families for many years without having to drive a monster SUV. I feel one should have to pay for their over excess. I mean you have to realize you are doing more than consuming. If you over indulge it that which consumes our resources you are forcing the rest of the country into foriegn dependance. I am not talking about rights. Owning a car is not a right it is a privelage, and one too many people over indulge in. Across the board, if you are going to contribute to America's dependency on other nations for resources you should have to pay for it. We are too much about two things in this country. Me and Now. We care little of the rest of the country and how our choices effect the whole and as a nation we could care less about the situation we leave our future generations with. This nation is only 200 yrs old and allready we have outgroan our own resources. If you wish for future generations to have an america you better get out of the now and think more about what is coming next


New member
Posted by Tizz:Other countries add taxes to higher consuming vehicles. I mean they are not a neccesity....
What about people who do farm work? What about folks who live in the country where the roads are real bad? What about areas that have alot of snowfall?

Is it fair to make people pay more then others?

...if your going to contribute to Americas dependency on other nations for resources you should have to pay for it.
What about you? Are you actualy willing to submit yourself to this kind of limitation? Look at you, using the internet. Don't you know that your supporting the giant communication companies whose craving for energy is insatiable. Your assisting in using up our resources just so you can have the internet. Well then, the government should make you pay an extra tax on your internet usage. How about $10.00 a month. Does that sound fair?

You see what i'm saying? It sounds great for you treehuggin' types to blurt out these messages of conservation but you put no thought towards the logistics involved.



New member
I do pay extra taxes for my comunications products. As far as what cars we need, why do we all of the sudden need hummers? And why aren't farmers using them? They are inpracticle and useless for consumers. What logistics are you talking about? You do realize that there are plenty of available alternative resources out there right? You do realize they are stiffled by big business and even bigger wallets right? You do know we don't HAVE to clear cut forrests to make paper right? You do know that there IS technology out there that would decrease our dependancy on foriegn iol right? Why do you assume that because I believe in alternative rescources and creating a self sufficient nation that I do so for teh sake of the enviornment? Perhaps I am one of the few that are thinking far enough ahead to see my descendants enjoy the same ideals and antion that my family has been enjoying since before it's inception? I don't WANT to see america fall but if we continue our current course there is no other possiobility. As soon as our natural resources are gone, we are done for. We will be nothing. We will esentially fall faster that the soviet union. All it would take is for one country with huge access to fuels to hold it ove our heads and we will be dropped to our knees. It is simple to see. I don't want to se that happen but unfortunately not enough people take the time to look past the next year let alone their own llifetime. Eventually the next generation will be left with a mess that cannot be cleaned up.


New member
**** hate not being able to edit!!!

I have to ask, how can you tell me that I am liberal when just a second ago you were telling me I was suggesting teh govt take more rights away? **** just because I appreciate the delicate balance of nature and our dependancy on what it offers doesn't mean I am a tree huggin liberal.. I am a realist! I don't let that kind of **** blind me to the obvious



New member
**** hate not being able to edit!!!
I have to ask, how can you tell me that I am liberal when just a second ago you were telling me I was suggesting teh govt take more rights away? **** just because I appreciate the delicate balance of nature and our dependancy on what it offers doesn't mean I am a tree huggin liberal.. I am a realist! I don't let that kind of **** blind me to the obvious

You are an Idiot!



New member
Please explain that Johny. How am I an idiot for accepting that without balance, the enviornment can no longer sustain life? If we **** kup the enviornment, it may no longer be able to sustain us. What is idiotic about the obvious?
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