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Please explain that Johny. How am I an idiot for accepting that without balance, the enviornment can no longer sustain life? If we **** kup the enviornment, it may no longer be able to sustain us. What is idiotic about the obvious?
**** girl, cool off for a sec.
I was tired and couldn't think of anything to type. So I saw below your name that you were an idiot, so I called you an idiot.
Really alot of what your saying makes sense. The problem lies in how much control do you give the government?
Lady, you've been watching to much liberal news media bullshit. Who are you to say I can't have a hummer? My truck gets worse gas mileage than a hummer. I drive a 1997 Chevy Tahoe with 6 inches of lift and 38 inch gumbo monster mudders. ****, my truck probably sprays gasoline out of the exhaust. There are alot of vehicles that have terrible gas mileage. Who are you to tell people they don't 'need' the kind of vehicle they have? Everyone attacks Hummers because they are a symbol of pride and vainity.As far as what cars we need, Why do we all the sudden need Hummers?
We can do better to preserve our resourses for the future but freedom is not going to be one of them. What if the government gave everyone a 'gas card' that allowed them to use only a certain amount of gas per week?
Its things like this that happen when you give the control to the feds. Open the door just a little and they'll push all kinds of **** through it.