Globalization, Wht up?


New member
Please explain that Johny. How am I an idiot for accepting that without balance, the enviornment can no longer sustain life? If we **** kup the enviornment, it may no longer be able to sustain us. What is idiotic about the obvious?

**** girl, cool off for a sec.

I was tired and couldn't think of anything to type. So I saw below your name that you were an idiot, so I called you an idiot.

Really alot of what your saying makes sense. The problem lies in how much control do you give the government?

As far as what cars we need, Why do we all the sudden need Hummers?
Lady, you've been watching to much liberal news media bullshit. Who are you to say I can't have a hummer? My truck gets worse gas mileage than a hummer. I drive a 1997 Chevy Tahoe with 6 inches of lift and 38 inch gumbo monster mudders. ****, my truck probably sprays gasoline out of the exhaust. There are alot of vehicles that have terrible gas mileage. Who are you to tell people they don't 'need' the kind of vehicle they have? Everyone attacks Hummers because they are a symbol of pride and vainity.

We can do better to preserve our resourses for the future but freedom is not going to be one of them. What if the government gave everyone a 'gas card' that allowed them to use only a certain amount of gas per week?

Its things like this that happen when you give the control to the feds. Open the door just a little and they'll push all kinds of **** through it.



New member
I'd like to give you rep tizz, but appearently you're an idiot.

Indeed i agree with pretty much everything you've said, I'm no hippy but half my friends are, so i get the joy of being exposed to this **** on a regular bases whaile also being exposed to the big business flip side from some of my teachers and the like, seldom though do i see somebody of intelligence siding with consumption, there may be a reason for that eh?

The thing is we gotta start using alternative fuels ASAP, the problem is that the oil business is SO VERY established that it'll be **** to *** with it, i understand that and am willing to wait awhile for the change. The proble i have is that there are too few accually making that change. Its nolonger the energy business but the Oil business instead, they need to evolve before they 1)Kill the economy and 2) Kill the planet. Which will coem first is still up in the air sadly.

Lastly, I somewhat worry about wht you said about another country dangling Oil over your heads, from wht i've been reading that MAY become us. Although since our 2 economies are so tied together whts bad for you is bad for us (Although we have been trying to send our business elsewhere, China, the EU etc..) So maybe Ottawa is preparing for your fall, just don't try to take US over for our reserves or anything. From what an American Colonol has told me (he shall remain nameless) Canada is un-invadable by you folks for a number of reasons. Guess i can take some comfort in that. :)



New member
We recently legalized Gay marriage (not QUITE through, but in a month it will) so i'm sure Vortex wouldn't mind hoppin over either.(we got lumber Jacks) **** we can just have a big GF BBQ. (Steer clear of Alberta though, unless you like harcore conservatives and lots of angry oil-drillers)

I actually have looked into it. Dont get me wrong i like this country, but at the same time im fed up with the direction its going (bush, conservatives, christian lobying)....However I seem to be a little short on the requirements to move there. After all I am a server and dont speak a foreign language. I took some test a while back (think it was from the canadian website) and was just a couple points behind!

I suppose i should visit there before i move there eh?

Canada is un-invadable by you folks for a number of reasons. Guess i can take some comfort in that.
I doubt the governement would partake in a war on our actual borders. We seem to like to fight them far from us.


New member
I remember back when I was a kid reading in our "weekly reader" about acid rain and how it was pretty much because of pressure coming from Canada that we cleaned up our act. Canada apparently threatened to kind of sue the US in teh 80's over acid rain being cause by polution in the north east. Funny how that stuck with me but it did. Canada apparently had something over us because there was amajor press for clean air right after that. Gods that had to be way back in teh early to mid 80's


New member
There has been tecnology out there to produce alternative fuels. The problem is our economy is oil based. The price of crude goes up the price of rice and beans rises. I believe I have stated before that there is an ultra simple method for turning Hardees and Burger Kings used vegetable into diesel fuel. The cost woud be about 6.00 bucks for forty gallons of fuel. :mad:


New member
I'm one of the lucky ones, my mini-van is a FFV (flexible fuel vehicle), and here in Nebraska we have E85 fuel which is about .30 cents cheaper then the regular stuff. So thats what I use.

Too bad Bush is too ******* stupid to see that Ethanol is a great alternative to fossil fuels. It could really be used to help us sway away from dependence on foreign fuels.





New member
There has been tecnology out there to produce alternative fuels. The problem is our economy is oil based. The price of crude goes up the price of rice and beans rises. I believe I have stated before that there is an ultra simple method for turning Hardees and Burger Kings used vegetable into diesel fuel. The cost woud be about 6.00 bucks for forty gallons of fuel. :mad:

Any diesel engine can be pretty easily converted to run on fry oil. Diesels were originally designed to run on peanut oil.

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