god is sin?

PaleFace said:
God gave us the greatest gift one could give. Free Will

Nothing makes me quite as giddy as a new member posting something worth reading...

...unfortunately dragging up a thread almost a month old and posting a one liner doesn't meet that ever so elusive pedestal.

Bite me.
Crazywumbat said:
Nothing makes me quite as giddy as a new member posting something worth reading...

...unfortunately dragging up a thread almost a month old and posting a one liner doesn't meet that ever so elusive pedestal.

Bite me.

Oh ill do one better, why don't you give me your adress? i can come over and punch your teeth down throat or.......... you can just sit there and continue to be the lame ass internet warrior that you apparently are. Don't eat too many hot pockets fat ****.
PaleFace said:
Oh ill do one better, why don't you give me your adress? i can come over and punch your teeth down throat or.......... you can just sit there and continue to be the lame ass internet warrior that you apparently are. Don't eat too many hot pockets fat ****.
good to see that you are using that God-given free will for something useful...
anyone who belives in a the big invisible floaty man needs to be smacked really hard with a 2x4.
Sly said:
anyone who belives in a the big invisible floaty man needs to be smacked really hard with a 2x4.

It's a four by two you pissant. You yanks got things arse-about from the start.
PaleFace said:
God gave us the greatest gift one could give. Free Will

only free will untill we doubt him, then we will burn forever for trying to do what we are not supposed to.

like Iran :D

and yeah, why the onle lined necropost?
You know what I never could understand, How people cannot believe that God exists and yet choose to insult Him. Does this mean that deep down you know He exists but you choose to deliberately act STUPID:confused:
Sly said:
anyone who belives in a the big invisible floaty man needs to be smacked really hard with a 2x4.

since he is invisible, how the heck do you know he is a big, floaty man??? Sly you're an idiot.
You know what I never could understand, How people cannot believe that God exists and yet choose to insult Him. Does this mean that deep down you know He exists but you choose to deliberately act STUPID:confused:

This is a good post, thank you! I believe that the reason people, who do not believe make fun of God, is to show that they do not fear punishment from Him.
If you read part of my signature, it kind of explains how I feel about it... Why take the chance? Why mock something that COULD BE the Supreme Being in existence? You non-believers, or people that mock God, had better hope, for your sake, that you're right! If you're wrong, you're going to suffer worse than you can possibly imagine when you die. If you're right... we all become trees... You should really think about this, and acknowledge, before you decide to mock God. But... I'll leave that up to you and Him.
phreakwars said:
God, well at least the God who is worshipped by most Earthlings, was created by man to justify their actions and decisions.

The God I believe in, doesn't give a **** if I worship him or not. And does not tell me how to live my life.

True, True, True. We created evil......We're all pretty evil..
cynthiaa89 said:
True, True, True. We created evil......We're all pretty evil..

I will say it here! Say it loud! and only say it once.... but be warned.... it is the truth!

White people are the decendants of Satan!

I'm sorry it that bothers you as a white person, but I must speak the truth if I have knowlege of it!
fullauto said:
I will say it here! Say it loud! and only say it once.... but be warned.... it is the truth!

White people are the decendants of Satan!

I'm sorry it that bothers you as a white person, but I must speak the truth if I have knowlege of it!

:) that makes me feel good