Goddamn Proxy server blocking Off Topic Forum at work or school pisses me off!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2004
I used to be able to get online and go to GF and have fun at work.... Damn company is blocking GF at the proxy. Is there possibly a way to get around this?? I know that they had myspace blocked at one time, but everyone at work goes there now, all you have to do is remove the www., but the same trick does not work for GF. I got to work, and I got the blocked by Alcoa page, I was a bit pissed, but I can't do **** about it.... Damnit, someone help me.
lol... btw Phreak... I was blocked from getting into those sites that you suggested by the proxy.... I dont know what to do... I hate not being back here!! THIS SUCKS!!
At my old job they tried to block us from getting on the internet at all. They had to leave the connection because there was a way throught he proprietary software to access a mapping program to assist patients with directions to the doctors offices, however they were unable to keep me off the net. I found if I opened on browser, that would be blocked but the second one I opened would go right through.
I also found that if I typed out www.yahoo.com in the email program and clicked on the link, it would connect me to yahoo...lol.
Assholes. I was so thrilled when I got laid off that job.

If you can, you can forward yourself onto GF that way too, it's kind of a generic proxy. But then if you want info on that hack, do the searching yourself, I won't disclose this info on GF.

But here is ONE hack that might work:D


http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://Off Topic Forum.com/images/black/logo.gif&imgrefurl=http://Off Topic Forum.com/&h=115&w=275&sz=9&tbnid=2L3wBHb3ETQJ:&tbnh=45&tbnw=109&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwhatpissesyouoff%26svnum%3D100%26hl%3Den%26lr%3Dlang_en%26newwindow%3D1%26safe%3Doff%26rls%3DGGLG,GGLG:2005-32,GGLG:en

Just E-mail that link to yourself at work.

Move the google toolbar upwards, and you pretty much have the whole page normal size.

I find this info probably most helpfull to the Cali kids who had a DICK for an admin last year who would block them from viewing GF.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I used to be able to get online and go to GF and have fun at work.... Damn company is blocking GF at the proxy. Is there possibly a way to get around this?? I know that they had myspace blocked at one time, but everyone at work goes there now, all you have to do is remove the www., but the same trick does not work for GF. I got to work, and I got the blocked by Alcoa page, I was a bit pissed, but I can't do **** about it.... Damnit, someone help me.
So that's what happened to you...I was wondering.
I'm actually pretty curious to know if anybody else had tried the google hack into GF from work or school with any success. Or if anybody else has a solution that works just as well.

Kind of a bummer when you can't slack off on the job. :D

In case you missed it, forward onto GF from THIS link in google by E-mailing the link to yourself at work, or if you have a floppy just create a bookmark url with the link in it .
phreakwars said:
I'm actually pretty curious to know if anybody else had tried the google hack into GF from work or school with any success. Or if anybody else has a solution that works just as well.

Kind of a bummer when you can't slack off on the job. :D

In case you missed it, forward onto GF from THIS link in google by E-mailing the link to yourself at work, or if you have a floppy just create a bookmark url with the link in it .

I got around it by taking off the www and putting in bbs. Thanks to whoever gave that tip.:)
phreakwars said:
I find this info probably most helpfull to the Cali kids who had a DICK for an admin last year who would block them from viewing GF.

That's Me!!!(or at least I'm one of 'em.) Still can't access this. We did get a new admin this year. BUT HE WON'T EVEN ENTERTAIN THE THOUGHT OF UNBLOCKING SOMETHING HE HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!! And I would use a proxy, but we can get expelled for using them, and I have gotten caught before, so they would love to throw my ass out.