Got Myspace profile? Help LPF grow!


Active Member
Nov 8, 2005
Well... A couple of weeks ago I created a Myspace profile for LPF:
(Couple of pictures used there are made by SNS)

So if you have a Myspace profile and you wish to help our beloved LPF to grow please consider doing the following:
1. Add LPF as a friend (go to and click "Add to Friends")
2. Add LPF to your "Top 8".
3. Let your Myspace friends know about LPF by clicking that "CLICK HERE TO POST FOR LPF!" button and confirm the bulletin.
4. You name it!
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Yay, there's a MySpace thread in General Talk and I think quite a lot of the members have it =)
Haha it's true what they say, every living person, that persons dog, mum, house, our e-home, has it's own MySpace :D And it seems like you've made loads of friends on there! Awesome, I'll do just that.
Hey can anyone help me with that join LPF or bulletin thing or something? I have no idea what to do.

And yeah I know, I'm bad with MySpace lol
what do u want?? to become there friend go to there MySpace page and on on the felf under there defult picture is a little table and go to add friend or what ever else yu want done
Nah, I've got that one. It was the bulletin thing that troubled me, but I've got it now :thumbsup:
but thank you