This topic here for instance... like I said before, even fooled ME for a bit. At first I thought.... yeah, ****, playing hardball now, throw in government funded abortions.... But then I thought about it some more. I thought, well, I guess it could be in the bill, I haven't read it ALL yet, but it IS listed in a news site so it must be true... then I thought about it even more, and I realized.... HEY WAIT A MINUTE, that's just frikken CRAZY. NO WAY would they try throwing something like that in there, that would draw away too many people on both the right and the left. It would NEVER pass. That's when I got suspicious and checked into it. turns out I was VERY correct to be suspicious. That wording simply DOES NOT exist, it never did, was never even considered.
So think about that for a moment... Do I blame a right winger? Hmm, most likely, but one needs to be more specific. Obviously this was meant to stir up emotions in Republicans and those on the left who are pro-life.... why? And the query I LOVE to run with... "QUE BONO" Who benefits from ******* all these people off, who benefits from scaring the living **** out of seniors with **** like Euthanasia talk, or benefits cut?
When I see the town hall videos, first and foremost, I see astro-turf led chaos to disrupt whichever congressman it is from answering question, you can't deny that, but what I ALSO see, a very emotional, worked up, scared to death, frenzied older folks getting words like SOCIALISM and **** tossed at them, they are screaming and yelling about things that aren't even REAL or part of the bill. So again, I ask... who benefits?
Could it be this middle man between my Dr. and myself called the insurance companies who handle the premiums I pay them, give huge bonuses to themselves, and deny people coverage or deny claims? That in itself is a VERY nice little racketeering scheme they got going on.
So why should I trust the government, what have THEY ever done for me?
Well first of all, I trust the government because they work for me, they are non profit, so that means my health won't depend on 1st quarter sales expectations, and they already run a health care program. The same one TJ's son has the benefit of using. Interesting it is, that the main job sector that is hiring right now... actually, the ONLY sector.... is the health care industry. Dr's, nurses, orderly's, you name it. Obviously doing something like spending a stimulus into educating our youth would be to our advantage.
A single payer plan would simply be a pool of money we are paying in to keep each other healthy, as outlined above, there are different proposed levels. One for the subsidies crowd, one for the lower wage earners, and one for the middle class... IN ADDITION, you have your regular private options.
There is ALOT to learn about the entire plan, and the more people actually READ THE BILL, the more it will all make sense.
I just wish the sellout crowd like the blue dog ******* in my state who took the payoffs come to their **** senses and reach a bi-partisan agreement.
One things for sure... I am SICK AND TIRED of the propaganda lies.