GraDoN's Journal

eh so im back, for a few hours, then i gotta go back. was a fun week, but no pics :\ could not get my moms cam so bleh...
but it was awesome and ill get pics from my friends and post them next week :>
classes starts tomorrow so wish me luck

<3 ya all
yeah, ill be here all weekend. The girls here are soooo awesome holy **** i wish i could walk up the them and take their pics -_- it seems that the trend has moved to hotpants since its damn warm here so.... yeah ^_^
some classes are so boring, half of the class is sleeping at the end which is rather funny but so far i like Statistics, accounting and business management.

well i better log off using internet from my cellphone via a bluetooth adapter. gotta love technology :D
yeah, ill be here all weekend. The girls here are soooo awesome holy **** i wish i could walk up the them and take their pics -_- it seems that the trend has moved to hotpants since its damn warm here so.... yeah ^_^
some classes are so boring, half of the class is sleeping at the end which is rather funny but so far i like Statistics, accounting and business management.

well i better log off using internet from my cellphone via a bluetooth adapter. gotta love technology :D
hehe i'm studying accountancy, like it aswell^^
so im home now, looks like my lpu year has expired which is odd since i joined late feb last year... but w/e i think ill join lpu8 again.