Gum ruins $1.5 million dollar piece of ****... I mean art...

Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Hey I get a lot flack for loving Jackson Pollack, but his work up close is amazing. I also adore Jasper Johns
Helen Frankenthaler is one of the foremost practitioners of the Abstract Expressionist style of painting. Highly influenced by Jackson Pollock, she changed her entire method of painting after watching him lay his unstretched canvases on the floor.

This revolutionary approach to painting appealed to Frankenthaler, and she has taken this process one step further.



New member
Ya, but I think she missed something. (just my opinion) Pollack OWNED the style and no one has been able to use th process as successfully as he has. I don't HATE her work, I just have never much liked it. I HAVE met a lot of people who LOVED her work though


New member
Leave it to you to twist the intentional defacing of very expensive artwork by a twerp kid into "the artist sucks". The kid is a vandal. The parents can be proud.
Glad you are such a expert art critic. :rolleyes: I hope your parenting skills are somewhat better.

FYI: It has nothing to do with being "Avant-garde" (Oh BTW, you spelled it wrong).

It's very nice modern art and many people love it, myself included. I love all forms of art in all mediums.

Many forms of art were initially unappreciated in their day by many people, but later came to be some of the most respected and sought after artworks in the world. Van Gogh, Cezanne, Monet, Picasso, Georgia O'Keeffe, Andy Warhol, or Keith Haring ring a bell with you?

Probably not. You're about as art ignorant as the next moron.

Just so you know, all of those artists are just a smidgen of those once considered "Avant-garde" and all are master artists who's works command the highest prices in the world.

Yeah, that's right Lethalfind...This is where I tell you...

Go **** yourself you ignorant *****! Don't talk about that which you know nothing about. If you don't like it, fine, YOU don't like it. That does not make it not art and certainly doesn't justify giggling about a child defacing it; in an art museum no doubt!

I hope your daughter doesn't turn out to deface other peoples property and act so nonchalant about it like you.

A child who is not taught the value of all things, quickly teaches themselves how to devalue anything, even human beings.
I absolutely agree that the kid is a vandal, HOWEVER I can't stand modern art, I'm not crying any tears over this one being damaged. If my daughter did something like this she would of course be in trouble but not because she has deprived the world of a treasure but because she damaged something that someone else valued.

Whats funny is that you can take a subject about a painting that was damaged and make it about the kid when everyone is really going on about the painting being ****. I don't think anyone here would want their kid damaging something that someone else valued, whether it was an expensive painting on something of sentimental value that no one else cared about.

This is not about lack of education my part its about I don't care for the style. Its not my thing and I think people who are into this, are into it because its in "in" thing.



New member
It was humor Lethal.

We all know he vandalized the painting. I don’t know if he new what he was doing at the time or not. But when you look at a blotch on a canvas and want to cry because it cost some much, you have to ask yourself who in their right mind would spend that kind of money on ****!

Seriously does anybody think this painting is worth 1.5 million? What about all the spending for the war? blaa blaa blaa? What about all those hungry kids that go to bed at night? People should wake up and get their priorities stright.

******* art..


Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
All this artsy-fartsy talk is giving me a migraine....I for one believe in if you like something then so be it. I don't and won't subscribe to the whole "art" thing but then again, I am a lowly gearhead with about as much refinement as a bull in a china shop. ****, a smudge of oil on the driveway is about as "artistic" as I go...and BTW, Ms. Fingerbanger, Frankenfurter, Fuckinfarter, or whatever **** her name is, paints the same "spot" on a canvas that my '72 Chevy does on the pavement.

Maybe I can get $1.5mil for my driveway!! :p

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