[Guns and Safety]

[Does Owning A Gun Make You Safer?]

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • I Don't Know

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Yes. But like all things, if you use something out of it's intended place and purpose - you're in for a world of hurt...and with guns, literally.
Yeah I was thinking of that! Plus (and I was thinking of it A LOT) if the owner of the gun had a son who was getting picked on brought it to school then you know the rest. Also some people might just use that amendment to get out of trouble....maybe!
Either way you look at it you can't get rid of guns. Although I do think if we could all be civil and not shoot each other guns would be one of the greatest things around!
the crime level here is very high, so yeah here a gun will make you safer. Too bad the police assumes its was murder everytime someone kills in self defence here.
I'm pro-armament. I grew up around guns, I know how to use, how to care for, how to store them. I believe fear and ignorance about guns can be as dangerous as the weapons themselves. Granted, it can lull people into a false sense of security, and the percentages of accidental shootings, spousal homicides and murders generally go up where guns are easily accesible, but the peace of mind you get from knowing it's there should something happen can be worth the risk in people's eyes. And I'm afraid I like the notion of being able to decide for myself if I want them, not be stripped of them because a few bad apples spoil it for the rest of us - I understand too this society's becoming more violent, less tolerant, more desperate and socially segregated, but the alternative is a oppressive police state, or worse in the other extreme, martial law.
i guess its abit yes and no

no in that u have a loaded weapon in ur house and who knows when you might use it/ or if its used other than by you, at the same time its nice to know you can protect your domain if need be

though itd be ironic if your gun was stolen and used on you......

it comes down to how capable you are, if like rayv and you can store your weapons properly and out of reach of idiots and it makes you feel safer than great, its not so much guns but the people tht use them anyways, though i know people that wouldnt buy guns cause having a loaded weapon in the house scares them