'Hairy Legs' Pelosi's Witch Hunt Continues - House Holds Bush Confidants in Contempt!

"Jerry Kraus" <jkraus_1999@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Feb 17, 12:09 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>Patriot, these ARE criminal charges. This is the U.S. Congress, the
>senior branch of government.

There is no such thing as "senior branch" of gov't.

>They do not have to go through the
>Justice Department, although you would like to think they do.

I didn't say that. I said the NEXT step MUST BE a Grand Jury, which CAN
ONLY be summonned by a sitting Judge.

>They will go in front of a judge.


>And, if they choose to subpoena these
>people again, they can charge them again. As many times as they
>like. Each failure to appear is a new contempt charge. Just like in
>any other court.

No. If you ANNOY a Judge the Judge will hold YOU in contempt.
On Feb 17, 3:23 pm, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Patriot, I am genuninely concerned you are going over the edge. Have
> you had yourself checked out lately?

Mr. Kraus, again, I urge you to just give it up. You are wasting your

First off, Games when over the edge decades ago. I posted above his
own statement that he had "boot-beaten" black people when he was a
child. PG may never have been on the edge.

Secondly, you assume that Games is psychological capable of looking at
himself objectively. He is not. Several years and tens of thousands
of his Usenet's posts shows his mind is completely closed to Reality.

Please notice Games did not reply to this post of yours, Mr. Kraus,
though he did reply to the one which immediately followed it. That
tells you something, Mr. Kraus.

He is emotionally an immature, terrified, little brat who spends
almost his entire day, day after day, week after week, month after
month, posting his HATE to Usenet. Games posts anywhere from 4,000 to
7,000 posts each month. This is a "man" without any real Life, only
his twisted and distorted beliefs.

Just before this message, I wrote in another post to someone else:

"It is a good thing to always hope a person can change. It is
rational to understand and accept that some people never will."

It would be good for you, Mr. Kraus, to understand this with regards
to Patriot Games.

If you cannot understand and accept that now, there will come a time
in the future, not to far away I think, when you will.

-Tom Sr.
"Jerry Kraus" <jkraus_1999@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Feb 17, 5:02 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "Jerry Kraus" <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:b3654011-4721-4a79-8ba5-66f4a32a49f5@i12g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
>> On Feb 17, 12:09 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> >Patriot, these ARE criminal charges. This is the U.S. Congress, the
>> >senior branch of government.

>> There is no such thing as "senior branch" of gov't.
>> >They do not have to go through the
>> >Justice Department, although you would like to think they do.

>> I didn't say that. I said the NEXT step MUST BE a Grand Jury, which CAN
>> ONLY be summonned by a sitting Judge.
>> >They will go in front of a judge.

>> Naaaaaa....
>> >And, if they choose to subpoena these
>> >people again, they can charge them again. As many times as they
>> >like. Each failure to appear is a new contempt charge. Just like in
>> >any other court.

>> No. If you ANNOY a Judge the Judge will hold YOU in contempt.

>OK, Patriot, so, you are saying that Congress has no oversight power
>over the executive branch.

No, I didn't say that. Pay attention.

>And, you are saying a Judge will hold the entire Congress in contempt,
>for charging members of the executive branch with contempt.

No, I didn't say that. Pay attention.

>There is a problem with that notion.

Reality isn't a "notion."

> Congress has a police force.

Again, you demonstrate a PROFOUND IGNORANCE.

The Capitol Police Force is governed by the Capitol Police Force Board of
THREE. One elected by the Senate, one by the House, and the third appointed
by the President.

> Judges don't.

Yes, they do.