

New member
im pretty sure you all are having parties for halloween well.. i am

i think im going to be a sexy maid actully for sure i am...

my shoes are so high i hope i dont fall in them


so any way i just want to know what your doing on halloween and what you'll be wearing


iwanna know so badly



New member
Good choice im sure most dudes and some dudettes would appriciate that lol

The only way I can see myselef celebrating halloween in anyway (living in the UK n all) is if I go clubbing then maybe I will go as michael jackson or something, wake up in a prison with a guinea pig I baught from a pub......... good times :D



New member
you all have nice costumes

and if your in micigan come party with us

(jackie medows + friends + and people i dont know = partying all night )



New member
you all have nice costumesand if your in micigan come party with us

(jackie medows + friends + and people i dont know = partying all night )

If only lol that sounds like one fun party! That I would kick it up oldskool and tar n feather people whilst on my 8th glass of vodka and 10th bar of chocolate making n *** of myself which at the time would make me seem like a ***.

I will probably give it a miss though due to the hangover that would be sure to follow lol.

Im Gueesing that the lil box thing is her n the other may be just a picture she alterd *shrugs* I dunno.



New member
Probs be going to some party I go to every year.

As what, I'm not sure yet.

I'll probably just mess up my hair, spray it, put on loads of eyeliner and wear all black, with boots ^^



New member
you all have nice costumesand if your in micigan come party with us

(jackie medows + friends + and people i dont know = partying all night )
lol about 2 hour drive for me to Michigan (I think)

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