

New member
Though the limburgers here have a thing called "Carnaval" which is basically the same.. dress up etc. only you don't have to be scary you can be anything, but you sing weird dialect songs and drink all night.. yawn I hate it..

I'd love to dress up like a Banshee




New member
halloween isn't as big here as it is in america but i still do something. i have 3 kids so they will be dressing as witches and going trick or treating.


Active Members
I'll be at my church actually. We have one of those 'Halloween Alternatives' every year, and its pretty sweet. We get a ton of candy to give out...last year we had rock walls and all kinds of sweet stuff like that.


New member
I'm basically a recluse but I might just walk the streets of my town on Halloween. maybe steal a few pumpkins or go to a couple of houses for treats. I may be 19, but I still can Trick - or - Treat. I'm planning to go as the Crow, but I'll have purple hair then so I'll have to see what it looks like before stepping out. If I don't like that look, I'll be what I was last year - a victim of wolves in Candyland's Candy Cane Forrest! I just love doing the make up for that


New member
I Probably won't do anything this year :O

not really in the mood....just seems to borin for me now.

not unless if my friends drag me out like last year.

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