It is not bullshit and wow you two are so ignorant of this thing...
gradon, you're in South Africa...and even you don't get this. Palestinians are having to huddle up together, 1.5 million of them in a tiny zone with no basic needs...definitely comparable to certain aspects of apartheid.
a lot of people are also calling this genocide...Israel is also using chemical weapons on Palestine civilians...
and the point that you two think you're making is one of the dumbest I've ever seen. Tomer, you wouldn't like it if someone decided Belgium no longer was considered a country, and hundreds of thousands or millions of people were suddenly to move in, and Belgian houses demolished and people killed so that new ones could be built...
you would be angry if you were robbed of basic needs and if other people said "well you can just move to some random place where other people of similar ethnicity or religion live". it's not about that. its about being allowed to live where you want to live.
and if we go into that, under these conditions Palestinians don't want to live there. they dont want to be bombed just for living there. they would like to flee now. but I can't overstate this, THEY CAN'T. Israel has them surrounded, and doesn't even allow transport of basic goods like food or electricity into the area...They can't even flee.
and that's not even the point. they shouldn't have to flee. their children shouldn't have to die playing outside in the streets. the people lying in hospital beds sick or injured shouldn't have to die because the hospitals dont get vital electricity to keep them alive and well...
seriously, how can you support mass murder of people that have done nothing?
and you know why people will support hamas? because they have nothing else. when everything fails, they cannot turn to media for info because there is no electricity or barely any, so there's no tv or radio, no internet. no newspapers being delivered because the paper people would be scared to **** to be bombed when outside having a stroll.
when the community is faultering because of the airstrikes and ground warfare, there is nothing to count on but hamas for them. and when are people going to realize that people get angry when their children and families are being murdered?
the US used the same thing to rationalize invasions of afghanistan and iraq...