Happy 4th!

I'll be grilling some steaks and celebrating my freedom in America by blowing a chunk of it up.

Yes happy 4th to you to, ill be drinking and setting off my fireworks, but ill be using the pyrotechnics before the beer ;)
I started the day off right by going to my old debate site and pissing off about a thousand on knee pads. They have a three strike rule and I got my second early this morning. I've been reading a lot of history and gave a lot of thought to the gonads it took to back up the Declaration of Independence.

Going to go check out the fireworks at 8:00 with the family.

Happy 4th of July America!
WOOHOO we did the fireworks thing Saturday (Damn fine show even if I did eat a few embers) Tonight is relaxation and watching my kid sing grand old flag and happy birthday to america and then it is off to the couch to watch James Cagney in "yankee doodle dandy" for the thord time this weekend. It's one of my all time favorite movies and Gearge M cohan is one of my all time favorite broadway producers!!!
Wow what a great show except fot the car alarms going off to drown out the music track keyed to the show. We had one of the nicest evenings lately with a 30 MPH sea breeze and I just wish I had headlights on my lawn mower so I could do the grass while this temporary condition continues and my ears are already damaged.

Imagine the real bombs bursting in air!
I was gonna watch the New York show but they started out with Mariah Carey so it's on teh my yankee doodle boy for me!!!! Damn if that movie doesn't make you want to put out your flag then you Just shouldn't live here!!!!
welp i just worked all night bored off my ass because we were so dead...untill the light was near and 5 tables walked in 4 minutes untill we closed...keeping my tired behind there till midnight..


But i did sneak out for a smoke break or two and caught some fireworks on the horizon...Hey i got to see at least a few!