Happy Birthday Jojo (crazy robster)!

THANK YOUOUOUOUOUOU!!!! Awww ain'tcha all such sweeties it's almost unbelievable!! *misty snuffles* Love ya all so much!! I've been here for 2 solid years and I think you are the best friends (or should I say family) I could possibly have!!! Thank you all again!! *hugs and kisses all around* :D :D <3 <3
Oh my... Seems like half of LPF has come in here to wish me, what better present than that? And yes, time flies, doesn't it? My Fribselot, I still remember my noob days when i mistook you for a girl haha!! Seems like yesterday...*dreamy sigh* Oh well, I only wish I could be more active in here but my free time is limited these days. Thank God for summer holidays coming soon! Yay! (Ok I've turned this into a journal now and some mod will prolly shoot me for that but hey, take it as the afterglow of my birthday happiness which lasts at least 2 days so it's somehow related to the topic haha;)) Love you all!