Happy Birthday Mike!!!


New member
Happy 29th Mike.

Haha, there is a member called "mshinoda", and their birthday is today, and it says he/she is 29. *coughnolifecough*



New member
Is it me...or did I miss the "Happy Birthday Phi" thread? Where was that? His birthday was Wednesday...seriously.

Anyway...I hope Mikey has a great day. <3



New member
As I always say and million others it's better late than never HAPPy B-DAY

but for some reason with no feelings strangely don't get insulted you mike opsessed ppl okay



New member
Im Petrified, can you please change your sig to a appropiate size.

175px by 500px is the limit i think

but thats a nice pic lol


im petrified

New member
Im Petrified, can you please change your sig to a appropiate size.175px by 500px is the limit i think

but thats a nice pic lol
i have removed tomorrow ill do another sig picture thanks to remind me :thumbsup:



New member
sorry i got too busy...

belated happy 29th birthdays to david farrell and michael kenji!!!! hey fellow lpf members, our beloved band members are getting old!

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