Happy Easter!


Leave us blinded.
lol i know its kinda early...
but im not going to be here to celebrate with you people.
( i always have bad luck with lpf events)



HAPPY EASTER *gives everyone a duck with a pancake hat and a easter egg..but gives al a sheep instead*

make it a good one and ill see you all when i get back from my holidays...
Easter is here. My first easter as a re-dedicated Christian. Quite a big deal for me, actually. I'm looking forward to the musical my church is putting on, and the service to follow.
Happy Easter 2 every1!!The oter day on my english class,some teachers had decided to dressed the security guard(from the building I go to my english classes)into a bunny,men u should have seen it!It was soooo funny!:p plus one of the teachers tooks us a pic with him,hahahaha.
And about the chocolate eggs,may be I wil eat some:p,also I got this chocolate rabbit yay I´m so gonna enjoy it.
*gives 2 every1 chocolate eggs and wishes to every1 a happy easter holiday*;):thumbsup:
Suicide King said:
This may sound odd...but I still enjoy painting eggs for Easter. It's fun, in a weird kinda way.

Happy Easter.
nar thatas not weird, i've done it a few times for easter..
anyways HAPPY EASTER!!! *hugs every1 and gives supa big chocolate eggs to every1* :D :D
Happy Easter for everyone! I'm planning on eating some good amount of chocolate :p This Easter holidays won't be the best ever, because I only have one week off college, and there's so much crap to study and stuff, it can hardly be called a break. Anyway, I think I'm gonna extend them to 2 weeks (by skipping classes a couple days) and I'll try to rest as much as I can, because I'm too tired to do anything, I need to refresh so I can go to class feeling a little more able to study and work. Anyway, let the chocolate come ^_^ Happy Easter!
Happy Bunny Day!!

I already know what im getting from the "easter bunny" the new breaking benjamin CD!! I cant wait to listen to it. Im not going to see any of my family this easter, only the one's im livin with.