Happy Hallowween!

My daughter is going as a hippie chick even though she said two years ago she was getting too old for Halloween. I think she wants to act older than she is but doesn't want to miss out on anything yet.

My son wanted to go as a Star Wars Clone Trooper but couldn't find the costume and decided to go as a Bionicle.
Diane went as Jasmine, she loves Disney so we get their costumes. If I can, I will post a picture of them. My daughters friend went with us and she as a vampire.
It was fun going around the neighborhood seeing all the kids, they do it up big here in Florida. People sit out in their driveways with candy and some decorate as much or more that people do for Christmas.
Well, my son is only 4 months old, but my neighbors have adopted him as the cute neighborhood baby, so they bought him a blue monster suit with glitter. I took him around pretty early so that he wouldn't be out the cool air. It's already in the high 30's now!! He had a blast and is now taking a nap.
manicmonday said:
Well, my son is only 4 months old, but my neighbors have adopted him as the cute neighborhood baby, so they bought him a blue monster suit with glitter. I took him around pretty early so that he wouldn't be out the cool air. It's already in the high 30's now!! He had a blast and is now taking a nap.

I bet he was adorable...I love it when people dress up babys. Year before last I had a friend who dressed her baby as a little witch. It was too cute.
Lethalfind said:
I bet he was adorable...I love it when people dress up babys. Year before last I had a friend who dressed her baby as a little witch. It was too cute.

I wasn't going to say........ but I went as PippyLongstocking. And one house I went to, the man was handing beers to the adults. ;) I can't drink so I let the guy behind me have it. His house was popular!!!!
My son and some other scouts made a hunted house for the Moose Lodge. They had a blast. Here's what he wore.
hunted house for the Moose Lodge he he pun intended? Fruedian slip??

FTR, I'm an editor for a paper, so I can't help but see typos. This one (if it was one) just cracked me up.
well i had to work till 11 (bars close at 2)...so i went to work a half hour early and went to the mall halloween shop ( they all seem to have them )...and bought a dead pirate costume........someone told me tonight i was out of pirates of the carrabean...didnt realize it till then...but ahh well

i went to a straight bar (i know how odd) and was one of 3 people in costume...

didnt care...i had fun

looked up the costume from the bag and here it is


paid 20 bux for it and the shop was originally asking 50 for it :)

course online it still woulda been more expensive :)

shrug i had a good time...kept telling everyone i didnt have time to get in costume cuz i had to work....

I...got a friend of mine stoned for the very first time.... It was quite a moment. (Oh and he was dressed up as the electirc Jesus, purple glittering mustache and all!)
My daughter was a pink poodle, my middle son was Rock from the fantastic four, and my oldest was Raphael the red Ninja Turtle.
ToriAllen said:
My daughter was a pink poodle, my middle son was Rock from the fantastic four, and my oldest was Raphael the red Ninja Turtle.

Tor......if you took pics, us Granny's-In-Waiting would like to see.

manicmonday said:
I wasn't going to say........ but I went as PippyLongstocking. And one house I went to, the man was handing beers to the adults. ;) I can't drink so I let the guy behind me have it. His house was popular!!!!

You brought back fond memories with this...

I once dressed as Pippi Longstocking. I braided my long hair around a bent coathanger so I could make it swoop up, sprayed it gawd-awful red...the whole bit. The funny thing was .... I was walking the streets of Vancouver on my way to the party, and walked by a street bum passed out in a doorway. As I passed by he woke up, half sat up, and blurted out,

"oh my God! It's Pippi Longstocking!" ...and flopped back down.

I always smile and wonder if he thought I was a mere figment.
My daughter went as Samara from The Ring. That black hair spray was a bitch to wash out, let me tell ya.