Hardest Language to Learn

Despite I´m from Argentina,and I do speak a bit of english,I have to keep learning about it,cuz I like it,it has their difficulties but if i give it a try it wouldn´t have to be a problem for me tho.
But I think the most difficults languages to learn are:
All those languages that have symbols are very hard for me:p
jomama10691 said:
English? hard to learn? can any of you read japanese and chinese characters????? other languages like french, tagalog etc etc have the sam alphabet so they can atleast TRY to sound things out. but if ya give someone from another country a book with chinese characters...i dont think theres a way to sound those out.

Actually, Japanese is quite an easy language to learn. Also alot of English words you can't sound out properly like knight. Notice how cut and put end the same but don't rhyme? It's not exactly helpful for a foreigner. What if you gave an English book to a Japanese person? I'm sure the same thing would happen.
[gabi_lp] said:
English is such a VERY easy language.... I can speak, write and listen in English and my native language is Portuguese (this one, YES, it's a difficult language!! Try! =P).... but I think Japanese, Chinese n German r the most difficult!...

I can speak, write and listen in english too. Just saying its a pretty unlogical language. There are no pattern to follow unlike in Japanese. Japanese isn't that much of a big deal, each character does have a specific sound, but ONLY that sound.

Alot of you guys all this stuff about characters, but to a foreigner English letters ARE characters.
Hybrid-Heart said:
i can read english and understand it, but when i have to speak english... :rolleyes:

....I read many english books I understand it very well...(well most of the time) but speaking english it's horrible the words are sow wrong :eek:

really embarrasing when you've to talk english in your host family in england...and the words wont come :eek: :(

hardest languages
Finnisch that's hard language in my opnion
People say English is really hard.....I don't know. Easy for me cause I'm American. lol I would think like Chinese, Japenese, or Korean or something like that would be hard cause of the different symbols and stuff.
misery said:
english has been proven to be the hardest, so id have to go with that too.
but other than english, id have to say french only cuz i almost failed french class, but thats the only other one ive tried to learn. :p

me too! im failing in french class...:( WHY? why me?

i tried to learn german, cuz my mom's uncle's wife is german,and she was trying to teach me, and..its hard
hindi is the hradest......i can learn arabic anytime but i wanna learn japanese, french is pretty easy, i did good at it the first year but i droppred it off