CES can lick MY *****!
I respect your opinions and regard you as a very fair man... USUALLY...
But I constantly find you on the same side of any argument... namely... what ever side Bush is NOT on!
You don't see how this blind adherence to ANYTHING can be dangerous?! Muslim's blind adherence to Sharia... Xtian blind adherence to the bible?! Even Bush's blind adherence to his own foreign policy!
I generally like Mr Bush... His heart is in the right place even when his brain and body take too many vacations... He's got the right idea, most of the time... Problem is, he's too much of an idealist... But I like him... Heart is where it's at...
But just because I like Him doesn't mean I can't question certain aspects of his ideals, or even AGREE WITH THE OTHER SIDE JUST TO SPITE HIM!
Christ... You don't see how Hypocritical that is!?
I will agree with you, on principal, that She was a BAD CHOICE... She might have been the ******* Messiah of Judges, but she didn't have a ******'s chance at the loan office of getting a clean nomination... Besides, you're right... She was never a judge... That's a little suspect!
See how it works... Just because I like Mr Bush, and most of his policies, doesn't mean that I have to pull the party lever on every single thing that happens! Nor do I have to call him stupid, blood-thirsty, war-monger, or any other name that Anti-Bush simps call him simply to bolster the fact that you don't like him...
Don't let your like or dislike of him cloud your judgement of his actions... I think Clinton was a fine president, and respect him for his ability to ride an economic wave as long as he did in an attempt to finally balance the fricken budget... I hated his foreign policy, but never resorted to calling him names... I hated all the republicans also for beating that blow-job deal into a frenzy, when it had nothing to do with the job he was doing, But I didn't give Mr Clinton a blank check to act however he wanted based on the fact that I disagreed with his enemies!
Think of it this way... in the early 80's, the US support a little known group of Islamic 'freedom fighters' called the Mujaheddin, and the Taliban simply because they were fighting an enemy of ours... Now who are we fighting?
All you anti-Bush people need to reassess where your loyalties are... Love for America is Patriotic, Not love for who ever isn't Bush!
I would lick your ***** except that you have none. You are speaking out of your *** on this one.
Furthermore, your assumptions about me are just plain WRONG; Nothing more.
I voted for our current President, twice. I believed in the Republican ideas, not Bush's ideas. I don't vote for politicians based upon what THEY think, I vote for them based upon their CLAIMS that they will represent and defend the IDEAS which I support.
The only Republican ideas I support are less government, lower taxes, less bureaucratic bullshit, limited foreign expenditures both financially and militarily, and a strong domestic military establishment. Bush has done NOTHING to foster any of this. In fact, he's done everything the opposite and got wrapped up in the whack job religious right prayer this and that bullshit and anti gay (legalized discrimination) rhetoric. Can you offer any examples to the contrary?
I supported his ideas he campaigned on and the platform of the Republican Party, not the bullshit actions he has effected since he was sworn in. Nobody in their right mind could claim that G.W. Bush follows Republican Party tenants. Quite the opposite.
F.Y.I. I don't disagree with everything about the man, that is simply untrue. I do however, speak loud and clear about that which I find fault in him with, and unfortunately, he has done quite little to praise him about.
I challenge you to list his "accomplishments" as President. He has next to none and nobody is more saddened by this than I.
AS to Harriet Miers, she was quite simply unqualified for the position, and there are far more dedicated and distinguished judges who DESERVE an appointment to the Supreme Court. That was just cronyism and EVERYBODY knew it, especially Meirs herself. She never had a chance.
I hate to burst your bubble, but she gave up because she lacked support more on the RIGHT of the aisle, than on the LEFT.
I'm also sick and tired of the distortion and propaganda of the so called "activist judges". There is no such thing, and in fact, more republican judges have acted in ways contrary to how Mr. Bush thinks they should than any democratic judge ever could. Don't think so, go look at
then we can talk some more about this if you wish.
You are the brainwashed one if you actually believe that to disagree with the President and his stupid policies, somehow qualifies as Un-American or Un-Patrioic!
Nothing could be further from the truth.