Harriet Miers...George Bush's Never Ending Stupidity ****** Me Off


New member
Touche... I regret to tell you that I took you for another 'Builder'... I respect the fact that you voted for him, and then were able to muster up the courage to rail some of his policies... All arguments made from one side only tend to be the hallmark of the uneducated, ignorant, or plain old egotistical... I didn't mean to put you in any of those categories... Well, I shouldn't have anyway without first examining your view with a little more scrutiny... I guess I'm just a bit jaded by listening to 'people's' absolutely pig-headed, one-sided, and extremeley sort-sighted railings against a man who, although mildly retarded, has actually done some good!

Besides... He's our president... We put him there... now we have to deal with him... START DEALING...:eek:


Curt Sibling

New member
If King George the Dubious is as thick as a chipboard plank, as our US liberal

chums point out - How come none of these leftist geni have came up with a

viable way to prevent their own 'sacred' government being bent double and

royally sodomised by crooked mafia and insaniac fundamentalist interests?

'Stupid' eh?

Well Dubber is playing you yanks for clowns...

You can almost hear democracy being buggered!

thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap!


Can we send our slithering communist **** Blair over to the US as a playmate for him?




New member
I see your point about qualifications but she DID have qualifications. The liberalism comes into play be the means they are picked. If they don
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