Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Hybrid Soldier

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2004
Whos goin to the midnight party for this thing?
im so going, just so i can take pics of the funky smellin geeks dressed in weirdass costumes
I think it is so stupid. I don't see why people just don't wait and buy it the next day. I will never understand this waiting in line for movies and books.
their ok
i dont get it either, its idiotic, but im going to this for the same reason my friends went to the star wars 3 premiere, to see the smelly geeks dressed in weirdass costumes
i'm not going to the party thing. i'm just going to wait, and then read it at work. it's gonna be on sale at my work hehe, so i can snag a copy and read it on my break.
Im going..I personally love the books, but im not gonns be dressing up or any **** like that. Me and my friends are going just for the hell of staying out late, and like Hybrid Soldier, to see all the geeks dressed up
yeah, i saw pics from a star wars premiere, so i decided i had to go to this, the people here might actually be even geekier
The book prolly will be, but im just going for the experience, chances are ill bail out pretty early too, itll get boring. But im goin with one of my friends, so im find we can find somethin to terrorize for all that time.
Where I pre-ordered it at there is a party but Im not going to that Im just gonna go get the book at midnight. My friend's friends are dressing up cause they are afraid they are gonna get jumped if they dont lol.
Hyper said:
rofl, so.. stereotypical of me.. but you're blonde then? lol

i thought you meant starwars 3, guess i gave you too much credit rofl

dirty blonde with natural blonde highlights to be exact. i normally dont act blonde but when i do, its over very stupid things.