Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

4everLP_Shinoda said:
hahaha u are that lazy to read a book with a lot of pages?????The last time I read Harry Potter and the order of phoenix,the book had 870 pages:eek::p

ahhh! no way. i write. i dont read. =P all i read is poetry, skateboarding magazines and books for school.
I will have to pass...I am not much of a Harry Potter fan. I used to read the books a while back but then asked myself "Why do I still read these boring books?" so then I stopped. The movies are pretty good but again I am not really fan any more so I won't be seeing any of the new movies.
I love the books! They're not boring at all in my opinion lol, very imaginative that's for sure. Who would've known how big Harry Potter would've been. Really weird when I think about when I read the first book AGES back. But yeah, I've been following it and have read all of the books like...6 times each. Yup that includes the last 2 which are really really big lol. I don't mind large books anyway as long as they're interesting, I love reading, and the books are a lot better than the movies I reakon.

My sister reserved this book and she went and got it today =D She told me what happened.... bleh spoilers... I can't wait to start reading it myself though, and nah I didn't bother going to the midnight thingy. I wanted to go bed lol.
I went and there werent alot of geeks dressed up, actually there where alot of teenagers there. Man there where so many people! There was about 6 lines and they ended all the way in the back of the store.
Since I had a whole 9 hour car ride home I read the book all the way home today..Pretty good book
i got it yesterday and been a reading zombie ever since, 2 beraks yesterday: to eat and to sleep and right now im having my first break today cuz my eyes were going funny :p
I went to the party thing at like 11:30 with my friends just to get the book. There werent that many people dressed up, like only little kids and the staff were dressed up. haha, I saw this girl, dressed up as a snitch, and she looked like a waffle with wings. BUt yeah, as soon as I got home I read and kept reading, and I finished the book at like 4:00 in the morning today. Its a pretty good book, probably one of my favorite HP books.
God you read fast! I finished my after 1 day and 4 hours of opening it. Yes, I timed it, and yes, I'm a sort of slow reader. I'm trying to beat my BF with it, you see, but she got her's at midnight and I didn't get mine til about 2pm the same day.