Have you ever mispelled your name?


New member
I've done the opposite. My name is Sara but I've spelled it Sarah a couple times. I used to spell my last name wrong all the time too.

i use to mispell it cos it was cool as "sara" then it just turned gay.



New member
i've never spelt my name wrong. well, i mean it is Brad so only four letters so its pretty simple. i might have spelt it wrong when i was starting out but i cant remember spelling my name wrong ever. If you get to my last name i've misspelled it countless times since im not used to writing it all the time. Forrest.. i sometimes forget one R :)


New member
Lol bless you all. I don't think I have since I was realllyyy young. Jenny only has 3 different letters and I type about myself in third person so much... it's hard to mis-spell it :D It's usually just Jen, if I somehow managed to spell that wrong, I'll feel pretty stupid;)


New member
I don´t think I have misspelled my name but I do tend to misspell other words lol.

Like the day I went to buy FM(and they didn´t have it yet ¬¬)the dude ask me what´s the solist´s name?And I said S-h-i-n-d-a or something like that :p :eek:

Shame on me :p !



New member
haha I spell other words wrong when there is a hint of my name in it... like France (in dutch; Frankrijk)

then I would write Frankarijk :p :D

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