Have you ever mispelled your name?

meh, other people do.

It's really Isaac. But i see Issac and Isacc, doesn't matter to me lol, it's the thought that counts

and i've spelled my name issac a couple times, wasn't thinking rofl. and i forget how to spell my last name on occasion.
I've put Rayn before. :p but of course my name is Ryan.

But this reminded me... Today in science we were doing a project on ecosystems, and I was researching on the internet. I spelled swamp "smap" probably about 10 times, lol.
woodyloveslinkin said:
yes. i spelt my name sara once and fi put it on her MSN nick once as sara! lol. its spelt sarah...so stupid of me.
I've done the opposite. My name is Sara but I've spelled it Sarah a couple times.
I used to spell my last name wrong all the time too.
I sometimes misspell my first name when typing on a keyboard, but that's just the usual putting a letter after a wrong one, or missing a letter or something

I misspell loads of other **** though when I'm tired, well my name's a good example, sometimes it goes something like; Kiestjaæ (that's not nearly my name :p)
allieking said:
well my name is alison and i hate it so i call myself allie, so i'm mispelling my name all the time.

i forget my kids names sometimes lol

Yay I'm an Alison too ^.^ Occasionally I'll put 2 Ls in it like Allison, but not too often. Or when I'm typing I'll put Alsion or something.
Only on games... often miss out the n. Bradon it often is lol. My name is Brandon :cool:
I always switch two letters cuz my one finger is faster than the other :p Then usually it's something like Marsika or Marisak (supposed to be Mariska)
Um it's actually franka but I use the PH as nicknames.. It's.. Different

but no never did it unintentionally I guess..