Have you noticed? Rudy Ghouliani is a liar. In fact, he's one hell of a liar.


Harry Hope

I don't know if you've noticed this - I mean, it's not like the press
have been covering it extensively - but Rudy Giuliani is a liar.

In fact, he's one hell of a liar.

The guy practically never stops lying.

His teeth are falling out because he can't stop lying through them,
and his butt is on the ground because he lied it all the way off.

Yes - Rudy Giuliani is a liar.

Rudy continued his parade of lies last week in a radio ad:


My chance of surviving prostate cancer - and thank God I was cured of
it - in the United States?

Eighty-two percent.

My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England?

Only 44 percent, under socialized medicine.

Wow, if that's true, it's shocking.

Shame it's a complete lie.

According to the Washington Post:

Experts from the National Cancer Institute and the Departments of
Urology at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Kansas
agreed that Giuliani's figures were way out of date, if they were ever
accurate at all.

The latest official figures for five-year "survivability" rates for
men diagnosed with prostate cancer are around 98 per cent in the
United States and 74 per cent in England.


In the United States, there has been a big emphasis since the early
1990s on early screening through PSA (prostate-specific antigen)

Five-year survivability rates have increased simply because men are
being diagnosed with prostate cancer at a very preliminary stage of a
slow-developing disease.

If you are diagnosed early on, your chances of surviving for another
five years are close to 100 percent. Britain is several years behind
the United States in the widespread use of PSA testing.


Another way of comparing treatment of prostate cancer in the U.S. and
Britain is to look at the mortality rates from the disease.

Here the two countries are much closer.

The graph below shows deaths per 100,000 males in each country.

About 25 men out of 100,000 are dying from prostate cancer every year
in both the U.K. and the U.S.


Rudy Giuliani is simply wrong when he claims that his chances of
surviving prostate cancer are almost twice as high in the United
States as in England, under a "socialized" medical system.

The mayor seems to be making a habit of making sweeping statements
with little or no factual support.

See our recent posts on his claims about Mikhail Gorbachev and the end
of the Soviet Union,
the cost of health care premiums,
and his own record as mayor of New York.

So there you have it - the death rate from prostate cancer among men
is almost identical in both the U.S. and the U.K.


I bet those Brits and their stupid "socialized medicine" feel pretty
dumb spending just 41 percent of what we spend on healthcare in the
U.S., right?!

By EarlG
Democratic Underground

"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
> I don't know if you've noticed this - I mean, it's not like the press
> have been covering it extensively - but Rudy Giuliani is a liar.
> In fact, he's one hell of a liar.
> The guy practically never stops lying.
> His teeth are falling out because he can't stop lying through them,
> and his butt is on the ground because he lied it all the way off.
> Yes - Rudy Giuliani is a liar.
> Rudy continued his parade of lies last week in a radio ad:
> My chance of surviving prostate cancer - and thank God I was cured of
> it - in the United States?
> Eighty-two percent.
> My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England?
> Only 44 percent, under socialized medicine.
> Wow, if that's true, it's shocking.
> Shame it's a complete lie.
> According to the Washington Post:
> http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2007/10/rudy_miscalculates_cancer_surv.html
> Experts from the National Cancer Institute and the Departments of
> Urology at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Kansas
> agreed that Giuliani's figures were way out of date, if they were ever
> accurate at all.
> The latest official figures for five-year "survivability" rates for
> men diagnosed with prostate cancer are around 98 per cent in the
> United States and 74 per cent in England.
> (snip)
> In the United States, there has been a big emphasis since the early
> 1990s on early screening through PSA (prostate-specific antigen)
> testing.
> Five-year survivability rates have increased simply because men are
> being diagnosed with prostate cancer at a very preliminary stage of a
> slow-developing disease.
> If you are diagnosed early on, your chances of surviving for another
> five years are close to 100 percent. Britain is several years behind
> the United States in the widespread use of PSA testing.
> (snip)
> Another way of comparing treatment of prostate cancer in the U.S. and
> Britain is to look at the mortality rates from the disease.
> Here the two countries are much closer.
> The graph below shows deaths per 100,000 males in each country.
> About 25 men out of 100,000 are dying from prostate cancer every year
> in both the U.K. and the U.S.
> (snip)
> Rudy Giuliani is simply wrong when he claims that his chances of
> surviving prostate cancer are almost twice as high in the United
> States as in England, under a "socialized" medical system.
> The mayor seems to be making a habit of making sweeping statements
> with little or no factual support.
> See our recent posts on his claims about Mikhail Gorbachev and the end
> of the Soviet Union,
> http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2007/10/barbers_for_dodd_gorbie_endors_1.html#gorbachev
> the cost of health care premiums,
> http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2007/10/hillary_care_and_socialized_me.html
> and his own record as mayor of New York.
> http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2007/10/the_mitt_and_rudy_show_lies_da_1.html
> So there you have it - the death rate from prostate cancer among men
> is almost identical in both the U.S. and the U.K.
> Ha!
> I bet those Brits and their stupid "socialized medicine" feel pretty
> dumb spending just 41 percent of what we spend on healthcare in the
> U.S., right?!
> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/02/opinion/02krugman.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin
> By EarlG
> Democratic Underground
> http://www.democraticunderground.com/
> Harry

I remember watching JulieAnnie on 9/11 and wondering if his constant cell
calls were to his presidential campaign organizers, his bookie or one of his
My feeling is that the media has let us down badly. Journalists trumpet into
their wallets.

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