Having to read Fox news every other day at school


Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
Okay, so it doesn't really inflame me, (like people who piss on toilet seats) but it does irritate me.

I could handle being required to read conservatively biased articles at school, as long as they were counterbalanced with some from the other side. I, personally, am too independent and arrogant to not be able to think for myself, but the principle of the thing is rather sickening.

Just because my teacher is a card-carrying member of the christian right doesn't mean us kids should only be exposed to one viewpoint at school. The actual activities and articles are fairly harmless, but the concept itself is bordering on criminal.

Only reading things that you KNOW you'll completely agree with is like masturbation. Perfectly alright - but if it's all you ever do, you're one sorry mother****er.
How is FOX news, (laughs at the word news coming after the word FOX), integrated into your studies? Under what pretext?
It's a Political Studies class. Apparently most of our studying of politics is coming from Foxnews.com. Or... straight from the horses mouth, as it were. Ugh.
Fox news is refreshing to CNN and other cable news networks... The bias must be defined in facts and Fox allows you to decide the facts and offers differing points of view on news...

If you are interested in spinn or balance PM me and I'll send you a list of addresses from both political parties that will surely scare you in their bias... I subscribe to DNC and RNC and their puppies and you can read and decide what scares you the most from day to day...

Did you know there are reduced rates on republican hotel rooms for the counter anti war thing in DC in Sept. when cindy and crowd show up they will be blown out of the water?

News shouldn't have a slant but it does and if you have a problem with Fox it is because you have been on a diet of selected feeding...
Fox News is the biggest piece of propaganda you could ever watch. CNN is slightly but not much better.

If you want to watch a real news broadcast worth watching, watch BBC.
pjbuk said:
Well I for one don't like FOX news and I really dislike people like Bill O'Reilly.

OUTFOXED! Unfair & Unbalanced

Bill is my favorite news guy even though I often dissagree with his analsys of the war...

What kind of filtered news do you like? Bill is on a rampage on child molestors and has confronted several governors what are the other stations doing?

I like to look at the news on the Internet and Fox, CNN, CMBC and so on... for balance...

If it hurts to listen and watch it probably is some truth being subjected to an unwilling mind...
Actually, Critter, I make it a point to occasionally read/watch news that's slanted every which way, and if I had to make a personal judgement call, I'd say that Fox was "the biggest peice of propaganda you could ever watch". It pisses me off the way you can't just go to any one news source and get all the information because they all have their own interests to look out for. It depresses me so much that sometimes I don't even bother.
I'm in that class too.
Said teacher gets pissed off if you have an opinion other than hers. So I save myself the crap and don't participate in her discussions.

Anyway, want some good news?


But no, really. I like to get my news from The Daily Rotten. The articles are user submitted, so you get stuff from all sorts of newspapers from around the world. For instance, Joe Blow wants to submit an article he found in a newspaper from his hometown, he submits the link, bam. Done. Granted, you get some, uh, strange articles, but you do get more than you would from FOX or CNN.
I do hate her. "Bush really didn't have a clue about any WMD's in Iraq!" "No, your wrong, Billy. He knew. CNN just wants you to think he didn't". Right wing christian bible thumper.
Asmodai said:
It's a Political Studies class. Apparently most of our studying of politics is coming from Foxnews.com. Or... straight from the horses mouth, as it were. Ugh.

After reading an number of posts on this board I can agree that it comes from the horse...just not from his mouth.
After reading an number of posts on this board I can agree that it comes from the horse...just not from his mouth.

Hey TH, that's really funny and poignant at the same time. Especially for you. Not your usual vulgar interjections. You deserve some good rep for that one...
All I have to say is I watch FOX because of Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly is the best thing since peanut butter.
8_BALL said:
All I have to say is I watch FOX because of Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly is the best thing since peanut butter.

I really hope you don't have that high of an opinion of peanut butter... I hate Bill O'Reilly. Well, not really hate - he doesn't deserve that. The point is he's a goddamn idiot and he really, really annoys me.

And to quote Patton Oswald... Why do the conservative extremist assholes have all the good music? "And next on Bill O'Reilly - why black people smell funny! DA-NA-NA-NA-RAAHHH!"
And, for some WEIRD reason, he hates the ACLU. According to him, it is the "most dangerous organization in America". I am not kidding...he said that on one of his shows.
jokersarewild said:
And, for some WEIRD reason, he hates the ACLU. According to him, it is the "most dangerous organization in America". I am not kidding...he said that on one of his shows.
The ACLU, NY & LA times and Jimmy Carter are anti american organisms....

Bill calls it right more than the other news opinion shows...
Crispy Critter said:
The ACLU, NY & LA times and Jimmy Carter are anti american organisms....

Bill calls it right more than the other news opinion shows...

Depends on your view of right...

And the phrase "Anti American organisms" is going to keep me awake laughing for a week. Thanks.