I know who you quoted. I figured I'd jump in, since I do so enjoy trying to curb your obsession with how wrong people of other opinions are.
Also, in case you didn't get it: Your analogy is quite backwards. And, you know, incorrect. But hey, your inability to represent facts is impressive, man.
No prob. We'll just go back to your hypocrisy where you think people who do something you think is offensive should expect being met with violence but someone else who does something someone else might find offensive shouldn't even be able to voice their opinion against it.
Actually, that's not true at all. I said that when people deeply offend someone, there is a chance that person will resort to violence. I never condoned it. I never said it was right. And I think it's perfectly OK to voice your opinion to something. Some people just don't respect that fact, hence the guy with the pepper spray.
Your inability to admit what a hypocrite you are is impressive, man.
I'm a hypocrite by admitting that people tend to get violent when offended? Hm.
Where as I have continually said that I think that both the WBC people and the GZM people have the right to do what hey want, without violence, but also support the right of people to be offended by what these people do, and their right to voice that opinion, as long as it doesn't infringe anyone's rights, should be respected.
As have I. I never once said they didn't have the right and that it shouldn't be respected. I fully endorse that. I completely agree with you there. Doesn't mean the GZM won't get blown up by some **** hole. Doesn't mean the WBC people won't get maced. Those acts aren't legal, no matter what your opinion is. And yes, I don't like the WBC one bit. And if they picketed a funeral I was going to, I would buy megaphones for everyone at the funeral to loudly tell them to fornicate themselves. Which is a great use of my rights.
Difference between me and you is that I see both sides of the issue, doesn't depend on the issue and can differentiate between what is right and wrong and what is a Right and a violation of said Right. Hypocrite.
IWS, where did I say I condone violent responses to this? Yes, I would love to see the WBC the the holy **** beat out of them. Would I do it? No, because it's illegal, and it wouldn't be worth my time. Do I enjoy hearing stories about them getting maced? Yes. Yes I do. The same way people enjoy bad things happening to people they think deserve it. But it's illegal, and they have no right at all to do it, and the people who do it should go to jail, because they not only assaulted them, but because they tried to violate the rights of American Citizens by silencing them.
I know their rights, and I would uphold them. Granted, I don't think I'd be able to defend them in a court of law (bias would be a factor), but they have rights. That would be an ACLU thing, if it ever were taken to court, they'd probably jump in.
So let me repeat:
1. WBC have the right to protest funerals.
2. I do believe that when they do this, they should expect people to react negatively, possibly in a physical manner. Go into a group of blacks/jews/mexicans and start using racial slurs. Same general effect.
3. I know that violent reactions are legally wrong, and such actions are trying to silence their rights as Americans, which should not be condoned at any point. If we say we can shut them up, then we can say we can shut anybody up, and we just gave up a right.
4. I never once said you shouldn't be able to voice your opinion. I'm not fully sure where you got that from, to be perfectly honest.