he wants me back !!!

Rock Angel

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
hi every one :mad:

do you remember that asshole ?!! the one who turn out to be gay!!

ok you don't let me tell you about him
he WAS my boyfriend until that day when i saw him KISSING some GUY
omg that was horrible!!!

any way it's been around three weeks i guess :eek:

and just two hours ago he called and i didn't even stand to hear his voise so i didn't pick up
but my answer MACHINE did it for me and he side: hey brooke what's up?
i know you don't want to talk to me but hey i'm different now !!
i promise you i'll be the one you use to love i don't even know why i became gay!! i guess i was just looking for something new but now i know that all i really need is you if you can hear me now just pick up pleas !!!
and if you don't just think about it and let me know ok !! i really need you .


i really don't know what to do can i believe him?? :confused: :(

just tell me what would you do if you were me :(
I'm not very good at giving advice...so.... maybe u should talk to him. How you feel about him. If you don't like him anymore, then ..screw him.!
Um... Well you can give him another chance. I mean some people can take very long to find out about their own status. He could be just confused. But then again he could be just playing or something.

But by the sound of your post, i think that it'd be very hard for you to get back with him again. You don't hafta do anything against your thoughts. If you don't want him anymore, just tell him so. And tell him why. But everyone should keep an open mind about homosexuality and such... so think about it yourself
yaeh i was so close to get over him and now that he wants me back i'm starting to have a second thoughts !! but when i remebe rhim with that guy !!!omg id rather kill my self than get back to him !!! god!! :(
i think you should accept him for who he is. dont get back together with him. but guide him because he seems lost. if he feels he knows he's gay then accept and always be there for him. if hes not then accept him and always be there for him. lifes to short to hold grudges
ok ...i met him just last night and i told him that i can't be his girlfriend any more
not just because he hurt me once but because i just can't trust him any more !
and he tried to tell me that he'll be better person ..but i just couldn't buy it!
and i told him that he will always be a close friend ......damn!

that feels good :D thank you all honestly thank you :)
lol you made the right choice...people never change no matter what anyone says...
by some miracle chance though, the person can change, but it depends on how committed they can be to actually changing O.O now...how does that make you feel? (Dr. Phil spoof hehehe)
I hate guys like that. They really get on nerves. I use to mess about with a dude like that. He didn't want anyone to know he was gay. I can't stand closet cases they are irritating. Just admit your gay and move on. :rolleyes: