ok so I felt like updating my journal cause Idk if I´ll be online later today.
April 24..?---------------------------------
I woke up by the phone ringing =_= Annoying when I finally was getting some good sleep.
It was my dad..I was missing him and I wanted to talk to him but I couldn´t =_= He´ll be coming home at 17th may....long time left..it´s just that dad is dad!! lol mucho more fun then mom!! 1 of the reasons is cause he likes me for who I am and mom always wants me to be more gurly =_=...*sigh*
well then I couldn´t sleep so I woke up and watched Mtv. Pts.of.Athrty was on Mtv later on! wohooo ^_^ it was long time ago I saw that video!
I cooked the breakfast today!! o.o lol I actually cooked! and did not burn it!! wohooo! lmao my home economics´ teacher told me that I have no chance for a B in HE. lol aah...I dont care..*shrugs*
so I ate the yummy breakfast and watched tv again cause I had nothing to do! Later on I got bored and decided t draw some animations and I did draw one animation. I wish I could show it to you but I dont have a scanner or anything...****...=_=
Then I watched freinds!! I have my fav freinds episodes recorded lol so I watched that casette today! Ross somehow reminds me of Rob sometimes lol idk..but I love chandler! he is sooo funny!lmao
Well I saw thw whole casett and was bored so I decided to make a new layout on my live journal. I couldn´t do much cause I have a free account there but this is what I did
it´s o..k..... Then I came on LPF and soon I´m gonna leave cause I´m bored again *sigh*
omg I just remembered I haven´t eat my lunch yet and it´s 6:20!!
hehe I guess I´ll just eat dinner then...I´m not then hungry...
Yet another boring day...tomorrow will be somewhat fun cause we are having sports day with my class! ^_^
*hugs everyone*