Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Hey again! ^_^

Fribby- Hey again! :p yeah I agree, nature is very important to me too. IT´s just gotta be there. I dont know why but I´m always been very close to the nature so I love it :p

yep they are! sometimes it´s good and sometimes bad. For instance there can be seriuos polution problems cause of that but then you have everything you want near you. As I said, it depends on where you live. :thumbsup:

no I´m leaving to India on 12th lol I´m just visiting my family and freinds for 2 months there in my summer vacations. It is gonna be so much fun...like good old times XD I´m gonna leave for Canada after I´ve completed school here..for university..so like 3 more yrs *sigh* cant wait that long ;)

Thanx! I like chatting with you too! ^^ it´s fun fun! lol

ttyl :thumbsup:

Vero- Hey Vero!!! What´s up girl? everything is fine here...actually it´s too fine to be true o.o it´s scaring be alill lol :p

yeah he got me a LP poster so now I have 2!! ^^

yeah I like BSB...lol I used to be a huge fan and all and now they´re back and I like there new song. I dont know...they just remind me of the old me. *shrug* meeeh...

well yeah take care and talk to later hon


Matt- Hey! I´ve not seen the LP poster cause he hasn´t came back yet lol but he just told me that over the phone. I dont know which one it is but he told me that it is black and white o_O hm....dont know..

I´ve one another LP poster too from Canada! XD lol My cousin sent it to me..

The reanimation poster is cool! It´s not available here tho =_= well gotta do a lots of shopping in India ;)

Yeah I like BSB ,lol it´s just as I said to Vero, they remind me of the old me...I know it´s weird but I like slow music at times...yeeaaah lol

well ttyl :thumbsup:

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::7th May::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Yesterday I watched this comedy show thing about ellen Denegrees and she is soo funny! lol so I dreamt about her that me and her were telling joks to ppl that didn´t even make sense but ppl were laughing there ***** off o_O hm...well anyways I woke up later on and watched lill, ate breakfast..meeh the usuall. Then I got bored so I played some playstation..this is all Hybi´s fault! she reminded of it and well here I am playing playstation all teh time! :p

well got bored again and my bro wanted to do something funny so he decvided to wax o.o dude..that´s gay! guys dont wax. I was said the same thing to him and he told me that he wanted to try it so well I waxed only a lill bit of his leg..like a lill square and he thought it hurt so much and it was enough for him *shakes* I dont know what would happen to him if his was a girl o.o *** help him lol

well I and Georgia (my bro´s gf) made fun of him after that which was fun :D

and I got bored again so here I am now. Listening to music and chatting..nothing else..just bored lol

I think I´ll go out for a walk in the woods or something...the weather is pretty good.----------------------

yeah that´s the half update for today..I dont know if I´ll be onilne later on..I´m just bored to do anything! o.o

*hugs everyone*



New member
heeey sis!

i think you got the same poster as i have above my bed lol :D

and you like the BSB? o.o i used too but now i hate them lol

i was a huge fan too.. mheh :p

You playing playstation.. my fault? o_0....?

what did i do? what did i do?

and playing playstation isn't that bad...no? :D

ahh well..

lol your brother waxing??? lol yeah how gay..

well the weather is fine here too.. so if you're going to walk in the woods..

have fun then :D

ttyl! *hugs*



New member
cool! cant wait to see it.

lol yeah I still like them..I was really happy when Tim ( the guy from Mtve news) lol said that they were coming back. :p

lmao it is fun tho! do thanx ;)

yeah that´s gay..he is very wied....and creepy..o_O

yeah I´ll take a walk later on :D like evening time then it´s cool and no one is out so I´m alone with the nature...aaah...just perfect :thumbsup:



New member
it's a great poster.. at least i think it is lol

ow glad you like to play playstation:p

otherwise i made you do something you don't want to do o.o

you know.. my little brother's also weird :p

he teases little mikey :( *hamster*

yeah walking alone is great ^^

so peaceful :D



New member
lmao first when I read lill Mikey I thought you meant Mike.. was like...what??! :p

well that´s no good! meeh brothers are just weird *rolls eyes*

all LP posters rock **** it :D :thumbsup:

yeah I love walking alone..mom doesn´t like the sound of it...she gets scared that something will happen to me o.o

***´s sake I´m no baby anymore...why do moms always do that? o_O



New member
lol that's why i put *hamster* behind it :p

same here.. my mom is just the same..

she's afraid that someone jumps out of the bushes and rapes me or something =S

mheh.. she also won't let me cycle alone in the dark :rolleyes:

someone has too be with me... =_=



New member
lmao I always joke with my mom and say that the bushes thing or that someone will kidnapp me or something. lol

I cant do anything in the dark **** it.

Once I rememver I was coming from my freind Andrea´s place and I was supposed to sleep over at 'Jennie´s place so we both decided to stay late there. well when we came back it was over 12 midnight and my mom was exactly behind me. We were all tired and hyper so everyone could hear us laugh lol and my freind told me that she saw my mom and I laughed even more lol but then when I saw her, I was like O.O

lmao I knew I was dead..meh nothing hapened..she "just" got really ****** :p



New member
lol no she and my dad were coming from a party o.o

well when you asked that, have your parents ever searched you?



New member
yeah they did that one time..

we had a huge fight... and i got so mad that i ran away from home..

my mom and dad thought that i would come back..

but i didn't.. so they got scared..

they searched for me together,

it was already night.. when i got home no one was there..

i sat in our backyard behind some rocks..

i didn't wanted to go inside..

mom came back and she was very scared at that time..

she came into the backyard.. and then she found me..

sitting behind those rocks.. crying..

she sat next to me and hugged me..

she was really happy she found me.. lol

she told me how scared they were and that i didn't had to do that again..

we never got big fights ever again after that

lol :p



New member
awwwwww how cute! :D

what a happy ending *no sarcasm* lmao

well whenever I come home late from school or from somewhere, she calls the whol råslätt (the place where I live) to know where I am o.o

and when she sees me, she doesn´t hug me but hits me first and then hugs me o.o

she is weird...one weird woman



New member
yeah a happy ending :D lol

lmao!.. she calls everyone from your town? lol

my mom only calls friends and family :p

yeah my mom sometimes hits me too.. lol

but then hugs me

moms are weird lol



New member
noo lol like almost the whole town..you know freinds and and well our realtives dont live in Sweden so just freinds :p

the whole town thing was sarcasm :p

Mom are weird indeed...I dont wanna be a weird mom when I become a mom lol



New member
lmao.. i thought: WTF the whole town 0.o.. mheh

yeah hope i become a normal mom lol *that can't be:p*

well g2g now

brother wants on the computer

byebye! *hugs*



New member
lmao yeah!

well it depends on what you think normal is :thumbsup:

my mom is DEFINTELY not normal to me lmao

well me g2g too. eat lol

ttyl hon





New member
Hey again! ^_^
Fribby- Hey again! :p yeah I agree, nature is very important to me too. IT´s just gotta be there. I dont know why but I´m always been very close to the nature so I love it :p

yep they are! sometimes it´s good and sometimes bad. For instance there can be seriuos polution problems cause of that but then you have everything you want near you. As I said, it depends on where you live. :thumbsup:

no I´m leaving to India on 12th lol I´m just visiting my family and freinds for 2 months there in my summer vacations. It is gonna be so much fun...like good old times XD I´m gonna leave for Canada after I´ve completed school here..for university..so like 3 more yrs *sigh* cant wait that long ;)

Thanx! I like chatting with you too! ^^ it´s fun fun! lol

ttyl :thumbsup:

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::7th May::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Yesterday I watched this comedy show thing about ellen Denegrees and she is soo funny! lol so I dreamt about her that me and her were telling joks to ppl that didn´t even make sense but ppl were laughing there ***** off o_O hm...well anyways I woke up later on and watched lill, ate breakfast..meeh the usuall. Then I got bored so I played some playstation..this is all Hybi´s fault! she reminded of it and well here I am playing playstation all teh time! :p

well got bored again and my bro wanted to do something funny so he decvided to wax o.o dude..that´s gay! guys dont wax. I was said the same thing to him and he told me that he wanted to try it so well I waxed only a lill bit of his leg..like a lill square and he thought it hurt so much and it was enough for him *shakes* I dont know what would happen to him if his was a girl o.o *** help him lol

well I and Georgia (my bro´s gf) made fun of him after that which was fun :D

and I got bored again so here I am now. Listening to music and chatting..nothing else..just bored lol

I think I´ll go out for a walk in the woods or something...the weather is pretty good.----------------------

yeah that´s the half update for today..I dont know if I´ll be onilne later on..I´m just bored to do anything! o.o

*hugs everyone*
Now Sweden, then India, and then Canada? Wow, I'd like to travel, I've only been to 2 foreign countries.

Your bro waxes? Well, that is gay. I'm not going to pretend I don't think it's gay, it is, and I do think so. :p I would never do that willingly lol :D



New member
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::7th May::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Yesterday I watched this comedy show thing about ellen Denegrees and she is soo funny! lol so I dreamt about her that me and her were telling joks to ppl that didn´t even make sense but ppl were laughing there ***** off o_O hm...well anyways I woke up later on and watched lill, ate breakfast..meeh the usuall. Then I got bored so I played some playstation..this is all Hybi´s fault! she reminded of it and well here I am playing playstation all teh time! :p

well got bored again and my bro wanted to do something funny so he decvided to wax o.o dude..that´s gay! guys dont wax. I was said the same thing to him and he told me that he wanted to try it so well I waxed only a lill bit of his leg..like a lill square and he thought it hurt so much and it was enough for him *shakes* I dont know what would happen to him if his was a girl o.o *** help him lol

well I and Georgia (my bro´s gf) made fun of him after that which was fun :D

and I got bored again so here I am now. Listening to music and chatting..nothing else..just bored lol

I think I´ll go out for a walk in the woods or something...the weather is pretty good.----------------------

yeah that´s the half update for today..I dont know if I´ll be onilne later on..I´m just bored to do anything! o.o

*hugs everyone*
lol, your brother is weird. I'd never try that.. it sounds like it would hurt way too much, lmao.

Well, hope you have fun taking your walk in the woods :) It's always great to just get out and go somewhere peaceful.

Well, so long for now :)



New member
yeah he is a weirdo.. he just wanted to do that cause well he wanted to see if it hurts o_O

good he tried it actually, I enjoyed it lmao :p

lmao Fribby it´s good that you stick to your decision! :D

well I hope you can travel alot too :thumbsup:

whcih countries have you been to?

I´ve been to India, Sweden and Germany only lol

well yeah I´m off to taking a walk now...



New member
yeah he is a weirdo.. he just wanted to do that cause well he wanted to see if it hurts o_Ogood he tried it actually, I enjoyed it lmao :p

lmao Fribby it´s good that you stick to your decision! :D

well I hope you can travel alot too :thumbsup:

whcih countries have you been to?

I´ve been to India, Sweden and Germany only lol

well yeah I´m off to taking a walk now...
lol yeah I would have enjoyed that too :p

Yeah I intend to, the next time I have the money lol :D

I've been to Portugal and England.

Have a nice walk.



New member
lol yeah I would have enjoyed that too :p
Yeah I intend to, the next time I have the money lol :D

I've been to Portugal and England.

Have a nice walk.
well I hope you get the money to travel to....*thinks* Sweden! :D

or anywhere else you want ^^

Cool countries..I wanna go to England some day and talk in british english lol I just love their accent :p

thanx and well I´m back so I´ll just upadte my journal----------------------

well later on Damini (my freind) came and she seems really down, I told her to come in but she didn´t. she just have one thing and left. I asked mom what had happened to her cause she was with her and she told me that Damini´s step dad was disturbing her again :( I hate him. He is so cruel! and so greedy when it comes to money. :mad:

She is not the kinda person who talkes about her problems. She just doesn´t care about anything yet I can see that she has been feeling worse and worse. :( She wont talk to me and I´m her best freind..well she is my best freind too but yeaah...

so later on I helped mom a lill in the kitchen and mostly talked lol then she got tired of by talking so let me go online again :p typical me, talking 24/7 XD

Then I talked alill with Hybi and then took a shower. Later on I kept thinking of how it would be to see my freinds and family again in India and like going back to the old life. So I just took out the last photos I took of them and kept remembering crazy stuff that we did :p good times..^_^

then I downloaded PSP9 which is awsome and´I´ve alreday made some animation sigs. I love animations..they are cute ^^

well I went for a walk and when I came back home no one was home! wohoo ^^ so I came online again and am making some new sigs :thumbsup: ::::::::::

This was my yet another boring day

*hugs everyone*

Thanx for reading

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