Fribby-lol I think she meant the other one
meeh hey you are an elite..that´s like your job lol
I_love_Mike_shinoda2- hey and welcome to my ever lasting boring journal! :thumbsup:
can I know what your name is? if it´s ok with you.
well yeah um..actually no lol I have waaay more weirder dreams the her
you should stay and see..belive me ^^
Sis Heathy-yeah, but a boring noe...again =_=' meeh who cares lol
Matt-my dreams are usually horrible too so dont worry, you´re the not the only one lol sometimes or actually many times, I have this thing in my dreams that I have to rescue a child and I fail
that´s no good! but then I get weird dreams as this one too *nodes*
well ttyl
Hannah- Hey and welcome to my journal! glad you stopped by and meeh belive me, he is not like that
I hope you are feeling better now hon
sooooo hello! ^^
update time for um..may 10th? or 12th? meeh w/e
so I woke up and this time I didn´t have a weird dream lol
so I got ready and went to school and had art! ^^ love it! so I had cermaics today and well I had already done what I was supposed to do so I had to draw a bowl of dry fruits and use shadows. so I couldn´t give it a form..only by shadow lol kinda head to explain..well I´m quite satisfied with it and my teacher liked it alot too so she hung it up in her main art class lol
Well later on I had Tema and there I went to art class again and completed my map. I have to make a huge map to keep my drawings in there so students usually do it in 7th grade but as I wasn´t there I couldn´ yeah I painted my name and class by Linkin Park´s font. It looks awsome! and then I painted the LP logos.
Well then I had lunch and I was really nervous cause I had test in gym after that. We had to run 2,4 Kms in short amount of time and I usually dont run so I was very nervous.
Well I went to the place we had to run and I did it! lol I didn´t think I could run continously but I could..thanx to meteora!¨I was listening and concentrarting on the music whole time ^^
Good old Meteora!^^ so I´m really glad hehe and then I had maths and belive b4 gym I had never like missed maths so much lol cause I realy didn´t want to do the test XD
glad it´s over maths was boring, I and Annika listened to Hollaback girl on my Mp3 and sung it in Swedish which was fun lmao
then I went home which was the best part of the day :thumbsup: and went for a walk with my was great...awsome weather...*cough* raining
and LP...just perfect lol
then I went grocery shopping and now I´m home. Im chatting with my freind, Carro from school who is really good at maths!
she can everything!!!waoaah...she has A freaking +
well I´m gonna eat soon cause I´m freakin hungry but I´m too lazy and tired to eat right now XD------------------------------------
well that was half of my day.
thanx for reading.