Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Sis- HI!! Nice to see you here again! :D

yeah I know hon, dont worry.

I understand exactly what you mean but actually I'm having at school :rolleyes: *cough cough*

thanx hon

take care

*hugs tightly*

Blue that is faded- lmoa yes, it was so much fun in the insane thread! :D I miss that so much!

meeh it's ok, I'm actually fun! ^^

*hugs and smooches* thanx hon


Azem- lol I enjoyed reading that cause you remind me alot of a friend back in India ^^

thanx for droping by.


Fiona- lmao that sounds funny :D

meeh my schedule is ok...


ttyl hon

Fri- lol Klingon lang? :D

lol we say the same thing and exactly 3 XD

I love scandinavia ^^

August 23rd

I woke up and wen to school, late, again!! I've gotta do something about this late thing every single day. So I got 20 mins late and got remark again =_=

Anyways I had english and we read this thing about keeping your lockers clean o_O which was an article from cosmo magazine o_O

so anyways after that I hadgym =_= which sucked ***! We had to run at first which went perfectly well but we had to jump the long jump thing and I twisted my ankle and it hurt like **** so I just sat with Louice and Rebecca that rest of the lesson and talked about our parents who are the same.

Later on I took a shower and went to school, had tema and me, Louice and Carro went to the library to find info anout the french revolution which we have to work with now. Boring =_= I found everything in really hard and old swedish and then I told Fidde to help mewith it and he reminded me of how I do my Social assgments in english *slaps forhead* so back to 0 again.

after that I had lyunch and after lunch, tema. So I found info in english.

later on me, Louice, Sofia and Carro went out and lied down on the long grass. The feeling was just too awsome. The wind was blowing and the sun was shining so it was warm and nice. We talked aboutgreen day's song, Wake me up when September ends and apparently I'm the only one who thinks that the song is new. everyone says it's old here. I'm like nuh-uh,I just saw the vid but everyone I know has the **** album :p

After that idk what happened but all 3 of them starting to think that I was in love. I'm like "NO!" and then they go and tell a freind of ours who usually chooses the songs to play on the school radio so they played all love songs and dedicated to me O.O I'm not in love and if I would be, then who?!?!

love is just waaay to strong word for me. I almost dont believe in it. *shrugs*

So they started with it untill we ended school after home economics which was so fun! I was paired up with Zinn and we pretended to be a couple (remember that we all were really tired after a loong day of school) and we came up with this lousy jokes like I would say "aaah what a handsome face" and when you say that, it sounds really like "Var det han som fes" in Swedish which means "was it him who farted" lmao and Zinn is like "no Jocke did" and we laughed our ***** off o_O Louice hates him cause she is like a string feminist and Zinn thinks that she is a men hater lol which is not true. But they argue about it all the time. Anyways everyone said "ooohhhh" when they saw me and all I would do is just show the long finger :thumbsup: (no not the thumb *chuckles* o_O)

so I went home with Jennie and later on I went to her place. We ate kladkaka! :D She makes the bestest kladkaka ever XP

We listened to teh old hilary duff songs we used to love and just talked. lol she is like in love and she asks ME, about it. o_O *shakes head* poor girl.

oooh btw I forgot all day that it was my mom's b'day and Jennie reminded it to me. I was so embaressed. Mom was really upset but hey, I gave her mine and hers fav thing, a white rose. :D We both love white roses.

Well I just came home, chat with Mia and am listening to "wake me up when Sep ends" That song makes me really emo. I feel like crying *shrugs*

So that was my day. I'll just stay online now and later on read some manga. :thumbsup:

thanx for reading




New member
eww you smoked...yey you gave it up lol

i tried it..well my aunt gave me one because i said to her, and she was like if u like it im gonna give u another, then another and keep giving them to you until u HATE them....yeah so i hate them now^^

btw did u ever put a recording of urself...you know you said ud put one up...but what with my comp breaking and all i dunno if u did it:p

<3 u loads sweetie

*huggles and kisses*



New member
Smoked you mean you smoke LMAO I do now after a few weeks I quit for like long than time took it's toll as usual and I just smoked again


New member
lol yes, half Indian and half persian but that's nothing to do with kladkaka.

It's a swedish dish, it means Sticky cookie :p



New member
Fri- um..I really didn't understand that but sure why not?! :p

something..var är du..?..

ugh, see? told ya, it's midnight :rolleyes:

yeaaa! it's fun, dont have the time for it but it's fun ^^

Shaun- why thank you!

well, yea I smoked and yea I quit and I just dont feel to smoke anymore *shrug*

ppl are like "it's so hard to quit" but it isn't really *shrug*

Keza- Hello dear!^^

haha yea, well I wanted a change *shrug*

lol! that's exactly what happened to me but instead of my aunt it was my friend!

no I didnät. Well I did and then I heard and omg my voice is like a guy ><

like deep and all..man-ish :rolleyes:

you know I <3 ya too


Well, I wont be updating cause .. .

I better go do my les devoirs d'espangol right now. ..Spanish h/w..=_=

so ..umm take care and stuff

(cant wait till friday!!)



New member
Yeah I know it's not hard to quit it's just I don't want to XD

It's just something to do to help me when I stress out XD



New member
heya sis!

lol i have the green day album too :D

it kicks *** :p

wake me up when september ends is a great song ^^

it's so beautiful.. makes me wanna cry too sometimes..

anyway.. woah.. busy day on school huh?

ah poor you..

well take care hun *hugs*



New member
Fri- um..I really didn't understand that but sure why not?! :p something..var är du..?..

ugh, see? told ya, it's midnight :rolleyes:

yeaaa! it's fun, dont have the time for it but it's fun ^^
erm it's like Danish for hard-working

like, Oh you're so hard-working waking up so early! :D lol



New member
aah sry for not replying b4

cool azem, I have a freind who is from Trinidad too :thumbsup:

I wonder tho, what does your username mean?

Hiya sis!

aaah everyone has it! :p

yeah I agree, I have been listening to it again and again ever since I updated the journal.

lol it was fun! :D

*hugs back*



New member
oh no please post ur voice *kneels and begs* uv been going on about it for so long it would just be plain mean to not now *sticks out lower lip like a lil child*





New member
Shaun - oh lol, ok then that's different :p

yea, I started that way too

Woody - I did? o.o

neeeeh...I did?

well go ahead then, [drama]I've commited a woody sin, kill me now![/drama]

Fribby - ohwww lol

well thanx then :p

Kezi - haha aww omg you are so cute!

ok ok, but then everone will laugh =/

and say: *points at their screen* she is sooo guy-ish! hahahaha


that's just meen! ><



New member
lol yes I did :p

it is actually fun!

I'm with more freinds now and I feel so comfortable in my school now. Idk...I love to meet my freinds there, that's why, it's fun :p



New member
LOL your on yes and also I know what you mean it

just keeps my mind off what ever i get stressed about but lately it's been all the time XD



New member
Azemkamikaze Break down

Azem: When I was in Third Grade I got a game called WcW mayhem. I wanted to make my own wrestler. So I though of a name I thought up Aztekian. But i thought it didnt sound cool...so I sed hmm Azem sounds cool(I didnt know it actually was a name)

Kamikaze-dinve wind

03-short for 2003



New member
Hey Sammi Pooooo!!*hugs and smooches*

Im really hyper right now,lmao.

Hows it going hun? Lmao,im always late for school too.

You have the Green day album!!-jealous-

I don't..but I heart Wake me up when september ends.

Hope you are doing well.

Take care hun.*hugs*




New member
Why cause lately I've been stressed and I've been hideing it well from all my friends you know I can cover all my **** up with my retarded act I had many years of

practice to cover it up my friends call me a smokeaholic

cause I smoke lots but I never told them cause I've been stressed



New member
August 23rd

I woke up and wen to school, late, again!! I've gotta do something about this late thing every single day. So I got 20 mins late and got remark again =_=

Anyways I had english and we read this thing about keeping your lockers clean o_O which was an article from cosmo magazine o_O

so anyways after that I hadgym =_= which sucked ***! We had to run at first which went perfectly well but we had to jump the long jump thing and I twisted my ankle and it hurt like **** so I just sat with Louice and Rebecca that rest of the lesson and talked about our parents who are the same.

Later on I took a shower and went to school, had tema and me, Louice and Carro went to the library to find info anout the french revolution which we have to work with now. Boring =_= I found everything in really hard and old swedish and then I told Fidde to help mewith it and he reminded me of how I do my Social assgments in english *slaps forhead* so back to 0 again.

after that I had lyunch and after lunch, tema. So I found info in english.

later on me, Louice, Sofia and Carro went out and lied down on the long grass. The feeling was just too awsome. The wind was blowing and the sun was shining so it was warm and nice. We talked aboutgreen day's song, Wake me up when September ends and apparently I'm the only one who thinks that the song is new. everyone says it's old here. I'm like nuh-uh,I just saw the vid but everyone I know has the **** album :p

After that idk what happened but all 3 of them starting to think that I was in love. I'm like "NO!" and then they go and tell a freind of ours who usually chooses the songs to play on the school radio so they played all love songs and dedicated to me O.O I'm not in love and if I would be, then who?!?!

love is just waaay to strong word for me. I almost dont believe in it. *shrugs*

So they started with it untill we ended school after home economics which was so fun! I was paired up with Zinn and we pretended to be a couple (remember that we all were really tired after a loong day of school) and we came up with this lousy jokes like I would say "aaah what a handsome face" and when you say that, it sounds really like "Var det han som fes" in Swedish which means "was it him who farted" lmao and Zinn is like "no Jocke did" and we laughed our ***** off o_O Louice hates him cause she is like a string feminist and Zinn thinks that she is a men hater lol which is not true. But they argue about it all the time. Anyways everyone said "ooohhhh" when they saw me and all I would do is just show the long finger :thumbsup: (no not the thumb *chuckles* o_O)

so I went home with Jennie and later on I went to her place. We ate kladkaka! :D She makes the bestest kladkaka ever XP

We listened to teh old hilary duff songs we used to love and just talked. lol she is like in love and she asks ME, about it. o_O *shakes head* poor girl.

oooh btw I forgot all day that it was my mom's b'day and Jennie reminded it to me. I was so embaressed. Mom was really upset but hey, I gave her mine and hers fav thing, a white rose. :D We both love white roses.

Well I just came home, chat with Mia and am listening to "wake me up when Sep ends" That song makes me really emo. I feel like crying *shrugs*

So that was my day. I'll just stay online now and later on read some manga. :thumbsup:

thanx for reading

I love that Green Day song, it reminds me of my grandpa, who died 10 years ago.

lol that couple thing and with the face, funny stuff :p



New member
well, they are your friends..and I think you should..I mean they are your friends...well you should feel comfortable around them...

For me, smoking is nothing big, it's just...you just do that..I mean it's nothing to get addicted at, you know..

atleast, that's how I feel. Just burned air that tastes good XD



New member
Azem- cool username! :thumbsup:

Basmah- hey hon! *hugs and smooches back*

lol you're sooo funny when you get all hyper well...your funny when you are normal too :p

everything is fine, thanx sweetie.

lol Today I was 10 mins late =_=

nooo, I dont have the green day album. everyone has it except me and you lol I want it so bad!!!

I heart that song too.

Thanx sweetie.

ttyl *hugs and kisses*

Fri- I'm sry but that song is really awsome.

*chuckles* that's me when I get tired and hyper *shakes head*

August 24rth

I woke up earlier than I usually do cause I wanted to reach at school on time.

So I get ready and everything and notice that I have 20 mins left so I had my breakfast and watched Simpsons. It was awsome but guess what? I forgot about my school and was late again. but this time it was only a couple of mins and luckily my teacher was late too. she is so irritating. My mentor, maths teacher and science teacher, Kerstin Holgersson. =_= *sigh* She wants everything to be perfect! ><

Anyways I had maths and it was fun again. Easy stuff is always fun :p

Later on I had social with my art teacher o_O she is our new social teacher. Actually, she was pretty good. I usually dont like social but today I thought it was interesting. *impressed*

After that I had Swedish and we had to read a book called "Sandor slash Ida" and that book had sooo many swear words so I felt like reading only abuses and nothing else. Like the whole class thought it was so much fun reading it :p and oh Marghim! *tsk tsk* He used to have a crush on me when I was in 7th grade and I found out he still does =_= *sigh* He is just so unbelivable...stupid! he started stripping today and sang this really stupid song of a singer called Günter who I really really hate. *shakes head* a total loser. Anyways, after that I had free period cause my old french teacher was absent again. Me, Sofia and JennieWent out and lied down on the grass again. But this time I got insects in my hair =_= Lady bugs, they are cute but insects means insects! lol Luckily I got them off. I went o the library and read manga in the love room and guess who was there? Niklas =_=' I just ran out of there lol Anyways I had lunch with Louice and then we had science with Kerstin Holgersson =_= We got resus in the middle of the lesson and me, Louice and Shriti wnet for a walk and forgot about the time so we all came 20 mins late =_= so I guess, I cant miss day without a late remark in my diary. After science I was supposed to have Spanish but my teacher Åsa was sick so me, Louice, Alex and Niklas went out and just talked. I felt like poking Niklas' eyes out tho :rolleyes:

Meeh I went hime, took a shower and practised piano. Later on I went to piano classes and today things went really well. I played a swedish song, Evenstar, Rohan, Many meetings and the sad version of concerning hobbits from ROTK. lol my sir thinks it's so funny cause he notices how I change when I play Concerning hobbits, I love that song and it makes me wanna cry cause I think of all the good byes I've said and he thinks that is funny o_O

meeeh so that is all I did today.

Later on I'm gonna watch LOST *reaaaallly excited* :D

Thanx for reading




New member
LMAO I know it's burned air that taste good XD

and everything XD it's just that I can't

really bring my-self to say it don't know why

I've just been quiet lately and never

wanna say anything about everything

oh well it's just how I'am happy here and then sad their XD



New member
Fri- I'm sry but that song is really awsome.*chuckles* that's me when I get tired and hyper *shakes head*

no no Sammi, no need to be sorry, I love that song, it means a lot to me now.

So there's a lot of boys that have a crush on you now? lol :p How does it feel?



New member
are you afraid that they're gonna respond..the way you dont want?

then just screw that.

but if you feel like that, then well, you decide if you want to talk about stuff or not. If you dont trust anyone enough to talk about it then that's different.

Just so you know, keep in mind that anytime you wanna talk about something that is bothering you, I'll be here =)



New member
oh well, I'm glad :)

aaah gå härifrån :p lol I have been saying that alot today. It means go away but as in a joke so dont worry XP

Well all the losers keep falling for me, the guys I like, almost never like me *shrugs*

dude, Big losers!

one who strips and the other is kinda gay lmao



New member
haha lol :eek:

the losers? hmm that's not very good

gay? lol he can't really be gay if he has a crush on you lol :p unless you haven't told us that you're really a boy lol :p



New member
Wow, that dude that has a crush on you is reallly weird

o__O lol so anyways, how are you?

I thought I'd stop by before I become a slave again X-]

*hugs* take care



New member
heyaaaaaaaa sammi...its like the simpsons thingy lol...now u say 'hi dr keza' hahahaha *cough*

anywho...no one will say that at all!!! they will be like omg that voice is so magical...i could listen to that all day^^ <333333

are u entering the lpf purtyful thing...if ur not a judge that is...>.<

well hope alls well <3 u tons lil girlie


*big huggles and kisses*



New member
**** i wanted to relpy here but suddenly our computer was going nuts =_=

anyway.. luckely i had the time to copy and past it into a document :D

so this was my reply:

woah many boys are hitting on you?

you must be lucky.. or really pretty..

but since you don't think so i'll shut up..

lost is on the tv again?

****.. her it isn't..

i want to see it T_T

anyway.. take care sis *hugs*



New member
Sis - Hi Sis! :D

I'm juuust fine, thanx!

how about you?

mucho love-o

Shaun - well, that wasn't a big chat but better than nothing :)

omg that sounds so..wow lol

Kezi - Hiya!! oh I mean..HI DR. KEZA! :D

omg hahaha wait a sec *rofl* *breaths* ok, I'm done.

magical? hahah here comes some more! XD

I dont know..I saw your photo and you look marvellously pretty love! =*

I think I will, it's fun getting humiliated :p




New member
Hey Sammi Poo!*hugs and kisses*

How are you?^^

LMAO! HE WAS STRIPPING! Lol,thats crazy. o_O

You watch lost?I never watch that show..I think its kinda boring,lol. But,all my friends watch it.

Hope you are doing well.

Take care,love.*hugs*



New member
yey you said it ***** whats with rofl then 'breath' hahahaha

anywho my turn to rofl u wont be humiliated and not purtyful but thankyou!!! *huggles u*

*jumps around the room* i cant remember what u lk like, that is if uv ever posted a pic lol^^

and u better post ur voice or i will....i dunno what i'll do, but it will be horrible ahahahah <~~evil laugh

*hugs and kisses*

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