Heart LP´s Journal

ah :p
well that happens to me too all the time haha

nah I mean it's not like you said to your cousin "are you my uncle?" XD
so not a big deal :D
hahaha XD
that reminds me, when I was back in India visiting my relatives, I went to a temple on my b'day and there was this preist dude who thought that I was married and it was my 15th b'day o.o
wow..as Keza would say : "woop" XD

That's not really mixing up but..oh wth -.-'
haha yea XD
she really has.
It would be really cool if she wrote a book with her "lang" :p
even if it would be about a poor child dying or something, I would be laughing my ass off XD
aww that does not sound good :eek:
Heart_LP said:
haha yea XD
she really has.
It would be really cool if she wrote a book with her "lang" :p
even if it would be about a poor child dying or something, I would be laughing my ass off XD
aww that does not sound good :eek:
yeah lmao ...I'd definately read that :p

exactly Xd
but you're right...it does sound bad haha
rawr sammi
i cant see an update *looks around* but lmfao at bottom convo
yood laugh at a dying person haha
poor them
sorreh ima like butting in:D:D
*huggles yoo*
hope alls gdleh sweetie<333
Okish Update time!

From 16th to 18th August
Righto, school started 16th and IT IS AWSOME!!! o.o
omg I love school! it's so beautiful and the teachers are so great and my class is just wonderfully awsome with a whole lot of look-a-likes in it o.0
Like Lindsay Lohan, Leadsinger form pussycat dolls and Rupert Grtint (Ron Weasley) and yes I like to stare at him -.-
He's Irish! yaaay! ^^ and he is so funny XD there's this other guy, Björn who is also really funny <3 <3
Although I feel a bit guilaty like just I dont know, making new friends o.0 You see, I cant have just one friend. I have to like know groups and change group of friends from time to time. That does mean that I forget teh group I change. Just taking a break. Now Jennie on the other hand is the exact opposite. She likes to be with only one person therefore is very shy among new ppl. I get very shy and all chicken too BUT that does not mean that I just hide in my shell. I have to push myself to get to know my classmates.
And oh btw IB so totally ROXOX!! I cant be happier honeslty.
Now we've got this called the "kick". It's like a tradition in IB that the students that in IB 2 aka third IB year, "teases" around the first years. But then it somehow got a competition between the 2 first year IB classes. So the ones who get most points win and the losers have to arrange the christmas party for all the IB classes in all 3 yrs aka 6. So, yea for ex if we say "oh godly one, my coward fishy unworthy eyes are not worth to behold your brilliance" we get 15 points. Then if we bow, we get 5 points. So we have to somehow kiss their ass XD the other class wrote this really cool love poem to a guy in IB 2 and got 1000 points >.<
but my class is still in the lead :D
So anywho, the teachers are cool too. Biology teacher is just über old :rolleyes: and english teacher has this really fake british accent o.0 it's so fony ><
er..yea. remember Linus? He's in my school! Ok so anyways, before school started we met at a huge shopping center here called a6. So yea ...well, I can say that we are definetly more than friends but I kinda dont know..I'm not the kinda girl who takes the first step in relations cause I'm way to chicken about that XD Cause it would be something like this:
Hey! I..er..um..heh..good..nice..what?...yea..pfft....uhh..uh...cool *nods* *shuts up*
so you get the point -.-
but with him it's diff really. What I really like about him is that he does not judge ppl and that's why I feel so comfortable around him. I can totally be me without thinking that I'll prolly embaress myself.
For instance right now, I feel like..so odd telling this :eek:
<.< ...>.>
moving on to er...nothing really. That's it.

yep so thanx for reading...heh
Whoaw I hope I'll like school as much as you do >_<
I hope I'll make friends easier.
And I'm shy too so yea I know how hard that is..
lol actually your school sounds like nothing for me..

lmao relationship thing is kinda the same though :rolleyes:
I'd love a guy who doesn't judge..

Xxx there.. boringerst reply ^-^
No reply at this journal is ever boring! :D

Well yea, what I really like that he's really shy too XD
I did not know taht cause he doesn't seem shy at all but at graduation we had a party and like everyone was dancing their ass off except him XD
aww so cute! haha

anywho, oh my new school is just amazing specieally IB students. They are really crazy. wow, it's shocking really.
But I hope that your school is fun too!
You know what? when ppl meet me they dont think that I'm shy at all o.o
weirdos o.0
but dont worry, as I said, as soon as ppl get to know you they'll see that you're awsome :D
Haha I actually like shy guys in a way.. as they understand me..
Ppl on your school.. as long as they're crazy in a good way! ^^;

Hehe I hope so too.. tuesday introduction oh my >_< dunno how that's gonna turn out..
4 years ago freshman of last school I was like 10 times shy-er.. so I hope I'll improve on this school.. too bad I had to leave the school I met my best friends only in the last two years of being on there (the friends I had in the first 2 years were crap :/)

but even they support me saying that I'll meet people like them on there.. haha no one has ever been so honest and sweet with me really..

I'm going to a Secretary school.. being a secretary has never been my dream but I did a professional Career Test and my strongest points were Computers and Language.. which 'Secretary' perfectly included..
anyways I assume people who chose that school have those interests too so that'd be cool..

=) And Thank Yew ^^
Just to reply to some threads before....

awww sammi, *hugs*

you're having a real tough time and I don't blame you :(, we all qeustion our lives once in a while...why me? or why him....but I always find that I get stronger through these tough incidents. and sorry for the SUPER DUPER late reply =.+ I've been away for a bit

I'm glad you're having a blast at school...haha I hiope it'll be a blast for me too when it starts o_O""""""
Hellooooo! ^^
guesh who?
-.-' yep it's me..again! :eek:

Okish, I have been away for quite a while now ..hehe..but now I felt that I must check out LPF and see who are left!
And so I did :p or atleast will do..
What else? I miss writing journal entries and reading sweet comments from my loverly friends ^^
hm...where was I? I was really busy with school and stuff. Nothing else really...

so yea, I'll drop by others' journals after I finish studying for my history test which is tomorrow so..yep..

missed ya!
Sammi poo -.-'