Didn't that happen last time people came over here to moan about the place?
You mean your lead admin, Mrs. K? Yeah.. she did.. Prolly fixed her account by now though.. I thought I saw her running naked through the shoutbox awhile back..
It was the day weez joined last summer to tell her to either quit banning me, or leave my name out of her petty arguments. The one where her and Ali where arguing over who disgusted men more... hahahahaha
I noticed it lasted all of about 5 minutes before it was deleted.. I smell a cover up.. Nice to be lead admin I bet.
It was my 3rd account a few months after annoying pr ck, which was #2.. weeez made #4... Whip me, please.
btw.. Don't you have rules against that? Yes? I thought so...
Ban - o - rama?