"Hey. How YOU doin'?"


New member
That mentality really ****** me off. I have a friend who has slept with a total of four men while her husband has only slept with two women and he lords her "soiled past" over her all the time. It's so stupid! He asked her how many men she had slept with, she told him, and now it's a constant sore spot between them in their marriage.
Why past lovers has any bearing on a current relationship, so long as the past lovers are IN THE PAST, is beyond me.

****, I like for a guy to be a little jealous but being punished for the men in my life from days gone by is taking things too far.
Hater! How is it your friend's fault he wasn't able to score more? :p I can see if she had a TON of men before him, but 4? Come on now. How old were they when they got married?



Active Members
Well on topic I believe this goes back to the "booty call" mentality many women have turned to these days, if you don't even want a dinner before you let a stranger screw you, why not a bad line and even buy the guy drinks? Maybe his indifference to the woman to be so crude painted him as not really interested in *** with her so now he was a challenge........

I don't have a clue why women fall for that stuff, I guess because they want to, but guys, them I understand, guys want ***, and many (not all) will "hit" anything they can get to hold still long enough. Find the ugliest woman in the bar and watch her......maybe not when the night is young, but as the night wears on, guys will start hitting on her and at closing time, she will be snatched up by someone (if she wants it).


I don't really understand.......is your wife taking "Jack's" side? You seem to be saying the guy is just looking for excuses, that would be supportive of "Jill", why would your wife not like you being supportive of her best friend? Sounds strange to be honest.

I don't get involved in relationships with friends, it is a dead end road that forces people to choose sides and even get ugly with one party. I refuse. The only people who know what was happening with these two people are them, it is impossible to know all the little details that could be upsetting one or the other but they are not sharing all the details......let me give you an example from me being strange:

I hate.....let me say this again, I hate it when someone brushes their teeth then spray little spit/paste dots on my mirror. I also hate the blop of ketchup under the lid of a squeeze bottle, gross. Little details like that may not be noticed while two people are still in the '****' phase of their relationship but sooner or later as things cool off to a more standard relationship, the little irritations start showing up and suddenly, excuses to not stay together will appear.



New member
I motioned them over and asked the brunette, "Hey, can I smell your *****?".
"No!", she said.

"Oh, it must be your feet then," I replied, and my buddy started rolling!

At first the chick was ****** and walked off but then she came back and started buying us drinks. I ended up fukking her that night. She was alright.
Think you could get me her phone number? :D



New member
Snafu, CB, I know you have been going out of your way to enhance your relationship with your wife; but please do not become a DOORMAT.

You are entitled to your opinion, and should be able to speak about it without your spouse becoming angry. Perhaps you and I should sign up for wifeswap, my spouse would scare her straight - lol.

You are right about this man, he's an *** and as Ali says looking for an excuse. If someone has to snoop through someone's emails - they shouldn't be together.

PS: I love you man ;)

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