Hey its NEWS in NEBRASKA !!

Go figure he knocked up girls in Omaha. I have heard from many a friend that Council Tucky girls need to have makeovers on the Swan pageant on Fox or whatever the hell channel it was on.
Has anyone heard of that chick from Maury Povich who has had like 15 men tested to see if they are her kids father and it's always NO? Well I bet this is the daddy finally!!!!
tizz said:
Has anyone heard of that chick from Maury Povich who has had like 15 men tested to see if they are her kids father and it's always NO? Well I bet this is the daddy finally!!!!

OMG, that is horrible! lmfao. Wow. You just may be right! :eek:
ta2dgirl28 said:
Go figure he knocked up girls in Omaha. I have heard from many a friend that Council Tucky girls need to have makeovers on the Swan pageant on Fox or whatever the hell channel it was on.

ahh good ol stinky town....glad to hear its still being called council tucky!

I am going through a little delema myself right now...

I just found out they are opening a cheesecake factory in Omaha in march...Ive been missing my family alot lately and am considering moving back once it opens...

ugh...but omaha vs minneapolis....easy choice....but since elkhorn just got annexed into omaha recently it must be growing quite fast..
