Hezbollah rockets kill 10 in N. Israel

RobertY7 said:
...You just basically argued that I am 'wrong' in my choice to not believe in 'god'.

1. You are neither "right" nor "wrong"... you are STUPID! You make blanket statements that are not backed up with any facts. I do not care how you believe, I care that you waste good debating space with unintelligible fluff.

2. You try way too hard to disprove something you don't believe in.

3. Being an atheist requires as much faith as being a christian. The only group I know of that can cover all bases on this issue are the agnostics. There is just as much "proof" that there is a supreme being as there isn't.

4. I have been following your posts and most of them are disjointed, regurgitation of the same old ****. I don't think any of these have any single theme.

5. You attack anyone and everyone with no purpose, no point, no clear objective. It is all just the musings of a schizophrenic weirdo.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
3. Being an atheist requires as much faith as being a christian. The only group I know of that can cover all bases on this issue are the agnostics. There is just as much "proof" that there is a supreme being as there isn't.

Errmm...just thought I'd chime in real quick to correct a common misconception about agnosticism. Claiming to be agnostic is NOT a valid answer to whether or not you believe in a god. The original greek word gnostic means knowing. Agnostic means not knowing. Now, knowing and believing something are completely different. Any logical human being therefore, atheist or theist, would be an agnostic, as they cannot completely prove the existence or lack-there-of of any god. So when you ask someone if they believe in god, and they reply that they're agnostic, all they're saying is they don't know that a god exists or not. Which is not a correct answer to a matter of belief.
RobertY7 said:
You are the one babbling on about jesus you **** head. Not everyone is Jesus' Bitch... Just you and the other bible pounders.

Remove your head from your ass and realize there are people that live outside the walls of the church.

Yeah, I don't care for religion period, muslims (retarded), christians (retarded), catholics are the worst... Can you not see through religion and realize that "god" doesn't exist any more than peter ****ing pan. What tangible evidence do you have to prove he has ever influenced your life? or done something good for you?

Try removing your **** from the hole you carved in your jesus statue and try reality on for size.

Actually, I am Ghoombahnian, not christian, I just give out the going to hell statements to piss off stupid ****ing secular government lovin' humanists such as yourself. Remove your head from your ass. I know that is impossible for a pinko liberal to do. Praise Goombah!!
RobertY7 said:
Religion is not since the beginning of time. Cro-magnon didnt pray. They buried their dead, and many confused this for a religious type thing, but the bible didnt exist then, so who were they praying to? They placed a body in the grave and gave it things because they had a sense of self and didnt grasp the concept of eternity (death, in a whole in the ground and not in a shiny palace).

Wow, what an idiot. His rational for cro-magnon man did not pray was that the bible did not exist. What a stupid baboon! Excuse me, robertie, christianity is just one of many religions. Religion fulfills a basic psychological need of any creature that recognizes its own mortality. Most religious people ain't Christian. Many religions existed before Christianity. Of course you have substituted worshipping the state instead of worshipping God. You are the bigger fool. Lucky for you that Goombah is a forgiving God. Praise Goombah!
Crazywumbat said:
Errmm...just thought I'd chime in real quick to correct a common misconception about agnosticism. Claiming to be agnostic is NOT a valid answer to whether or not you believe in a god. The original greek word gnostic means knowing. Agnostic means not knowing. Now, knowing and believing something are completely different. Any logical human being therefore, atheist or theist, would be an agnostic, as they cannot completely prove the existence or lack-there-of of any god. So when you ask someone if they believe in god, and they reply that they're agnostic, all they're saying is they don't know that a god exists or not. Which is not a correct answer to a matter of belief.

What a dumbshit.