hi everybody!!!!(i'm new here)when lp live in ARGENTINA

Well long shot. Because LP isnt going to do another show until their new album is done. So if they do do a show in your area excpect it to be in about late 2005 or early 2006.
spike91232004 said:
Well long shot. Because LP isnt going to do another show until their new album is done. So if they do do a show in your area excpect it to be in about late 2005 or early 2006.
I have been told by some1 on msn that LP would probable come to Argentina this yes on November the 23rd,I dunno if this has been comfirmed but it´s what I have been told,so I´m starting to saving my money for their concert.
Linkin.ARG said:
Hi, i'm from Argentina too, and i wish that Linkin will came to our country this year, Vero told me that Linkin will came to Argentina at November 23, so i hope that she will be right :p lol
Yeah I hope so 2,we just have to start to save up some money and cross our fingers so they can come in here,and if they do come,wow,that day is gonna be the best day in our lifes,I guarentee u that :thumbsup:
AplaceFmyH said:
hi! i cant wait to see LP in concert, i love them, like all of u. See them is my dream.
LP rockssssssssssss

**Melu Bennington**
Nice!!!More argentinean fans!!!YAY:DI´m so happy!!This is really great,at 1st I tought I was the only one from Argentina but now I´m glad that there are more fans from Argentina!! :D
Sorry about the offtopic.