Hi everybody :)


May 21, 2006
my name is George. I've been LP fan since.. maybe January '05. I'm interested in web design and programming, but they both come with Linkin Park :) I'll have to practice my english, if I'm gonna write here. I'm from Bulgaria :)
That's it, I hope I'll enjoy posting/reading in LPF ;)
Hey hey Welcome George!
I'm Franka, but you can call me Franky or anything.
Good luck on here ^^
Hope you'll have fun.
Hey there, your english isn't thát bad really, I've seen much, much worse.

Hope you'll have a good time here XD
Thanks to all of you :thumbsup:

Thats my introduction here, so I'll show you one design made by me.. it's old, but I like it ;) If there are any designers here - comment please :)


  • battle2.jpg
    411.1 KB · Views: 65
I'm sorry, I'm not a designer, but I think it looks pretty cool - I myself can't be bothered to mess around with image programs anymore.. too lazy x)
Hi George!!! I'm Joanna! Welcome to the forums! Your design is really nice although I'm not a designer myself so I couldn't tell...Nice to meet you anyway!!!:)
George! George of the Jungle! lol! hi there buddy, you'll have an awesome time here, and we'll help you out with your english ;)

see you around.
okay...you get the traditional welcome song....
that's me singing....kay?!
welcome and i hope you ave fun here..:D
i'm yacky