Hitlary is Past Her Prime; Old, Haggy, Fish-Like, and All She Offers is Lies


Patriot Games


Hillary Past Her Prime

Saturday, January 5, 2008
By: Dick Morris

Fleetwood Mac would roll over in their musical graves if they could hear how
the Hillary campaign has gotten into a time warp, obsessing with the 90s
while a new political generation demands a focus on tomorrow.

Going into Iowa, the Hillary campaign was notable for transcending the
gender barrier while Obama struggled to overcome the racial divide. But last
night, as the Iowa results came in, it was apparent that the real polarity
was over generation and age. The Baby Boomers are being challenged to give
up power. Voters under 30 backed Obama by 4:1, signaling the emergence of a
new political force in our politics.

And the Huckabee victory on the Republican side mirrored the Obama triumph.
The evangelical populist reached out to the Reagan Democrats in a way that
the GOP has not since the master left the stage. But now, the Republicans
have a candidate who defies the country club set, blasts hedge fund tax
shelters, criticizes huge CEO salaries and calls for an end to the IRS.

But all the while, Hillary Clinton clings to her rhetoric about experience
and her ability to bring about change. She recites the lines that worked in
Mark Penn's polls without understanding the nature of the seismic changes
the Obama candidacy represents.

In the new politics of Obama and Huckabee, negative campaigning is out. The
guttural tone of American politics is pass
On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:15:31 -0500, "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>And the Huckabee victory on the Republican side mirrored the Obama triumph.
>The evangelical populist reached out to the Reagan Democrats in a way that
>the GOP has not since the master left the stage. But now, the Republicans
>have a candidate who defies the country club set, blasts hedge fund tax
>shelters, criticizes huge CEO salaries and calls for an end to the IRS.

What an insult to Ronald Reagan. There is no way that Huckabee resembles anything
about him. Huckabee is certainly no conservative. He may be trying to talk
conservative but he's never walked the walk. I'm getting tired of Dick Morris and
his constant predictions. Look back on the 2004 elections and see how many of his
predictions actually happened.

Just do me a favor Dick, keep pointing out Hillary's flaws of which there are many
and her lies, of which there are many. Remind us of how weak Bill was (in more ways
than one). We'll take it from there....AAC-
Here is a quote from "Ewige Front" by SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Albert
Hartl. It's what the National Socialists said about German women:

It is difficult to sum up in one word everything that German man
relates to the ideal image of women in terms of loftiness, nobility
and beauty. One of the most fitting words for the totality of all
virtues and advantages of the German girl and the girl woman is the
word charm.

Charm means a natural, uniform, physical beauty. Unhealthy
distortion of natural beauty, unnatural muscle athleticism, unnatural
castigation of body, unfeminine masculinization or spiritualization of
the body stand in contradiction to charm. This natural beauty is
shaped , promoted and preserved through robust movement in air, sun
and water. The charm of the female body radiates in fresh, happy games
and dances, in female physical exercise and gymnastics; it enlivens
celebrations and holidays, psychologically enriches the community and
transmits highest values above all to the man. For the girl and women
herself, however, there lies therein wellsprings for fulfillment and
perfection of her deepest essence. Genuine Nordic art of every
millennium displays a mirror of this female charm.

Charm simultaneously means a mental-psychological bearing which
expresses itself in manifold forms. Charm expresses the female
harmony of mental and psychological forces, the gentle harmony of
reason and mood. The meaning of all female life fulfills itself in the
kind, caring, loving and always helping mother and housewife. The art
of all German history has again and again celebrated precisely this
inexhaustible depth of German female feeling, of German mother's love,
of selfless, love-fulfilled devotion and the immeasurable wealth of
the German woman's soul. And if one speaks of charm of a girl or of a
woman, then the psychological sincerity is also expressed by precisely
this term.

The German women, however, should not and does not want to only be
a good mother and housewife. In the orient, the women was often only a
birthing machine and maid. The German woman wants to simultaneously,
knowing and understanding, stand at the side of her husband as comrade
and coworker. She wants to share the husband's cares, tasks, and work,
yes, she wants to stimulate and fertilize. The German women hence does
not exhaust herself in superficial beauty and fleeting charms. Rich
spirit and deep understanding for all things in life radiates from her
charm. She does not just take care of the table, rather she shapes the
culture of the house, the style of the residence, the family's manner
of life. Hence clear intellect and practical sense also radiate
simultaneously from the charm of the German girl and the German woman.

The women is the bearer of new life, the protector of her folk's
blood and kind for distant generations. She must guard the purity of
the blood, maintain discipline and proper manner, ward off poison and
decay. The most sacred obligation and greatest pride lies therein for
each girl and each woman. For each man this means immeasurable
responsibility toward his folk. The deepest essence and the most
beautiful decoration of female charm lies in this purity of blood and
kind. The woman becomes a participant in divine powers as the bearer
of new life. Through her own blood, she is inseparably bound to the
folk's eternal life.

The German world-view and life-view also grows from German blood and
German kind. The woman is the natural bearer and teacher of a
world-view and life-view to her children fitting for her kind. She
gives them life. But she is also the first, closest, natural one to
solve for her children the riddle of life, to lead them into the
little and larger worlds of divine creation. The woman opens the
child's eyes and their view for the manifoldness of this world and in
the process she herself becomes ever richer inwardly. She teaches to
differentiate between good and evil, beautiful and ugly, noble and
base, useful and harmful. But she also lets her children surmise the
eternal relationships of family, folk, homeland and Fuehrer, of
workers, peasants and soldiers, of war and peace and the eternal laws
of life. The woman also finally leads her children to the faith and
divine power, a "dear God", who lives above us. In this emersion in
natural, genuine and deep-wide, in this familiarity with the divine
order of creation, the woman herself finds that inner strength and
depth, that richness of heart, which especially typifies the German

Natural beauty and health, purity of blood, richness of feeling,
clear sense, genuine, deep world-view - those are the gifts and
advantages that radiate from the charm of the German girl and the
German woman.

To preserve and increase these advantages is the pride, the
striving and the obligation of each girl and each woman. To win and
keep such a girl and such a woman as the mother of his children and as
a life comrade, is the yearning and unconditional will of each man. A
folk, in which the radiance of this female charm is united with the
soldierly bearing of the man, will live and blossom forever.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

Look at the first three posters in this thread:

Patriot Games, AnAmericanCitizen, and Topaz.

Three Neo-Nazi all in a row.

-Tom Sr.
AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmnesty@earthlink.net> wrote in

> On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:15:31 -0500, "Patriot Games"
> <Patriot@America.com> wrote:
>>And the Huckabee victory on the Republican side mirrored the Obama
>>triumph. The evangelical populist reached out to the Reagan Democrats
>>in a way that the GOP has not since the master left the stage. But
>>now, the Republicans have a candidate who defies the country club set,
>>blasts hedge fund tax shelters, criticizes huge CEO salaries and calls
>>for an end to the IRS.


Hillary will be a better person,a more worthwhile human being on her
worst day than you will EVER be..SCUM. So go and suck some more scum.
AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmnesty@earthlink.net> wrote in

> On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:15:31 -0500, "Patriot Games"
> <Patriot@America.com> wrote:
>>And the Huckabee victory on the Republican side mirrored the Obama
>>triumph. The evangelical populist reached out to the Reagan Democrats
>>in a way that the GOP has not since the master left the stage. But
>>now, the Republicans have a candidate who defies the country club set,
>>blasts hedge fund tax shelters, criticizes huge CEO salaries and calls
>>for an end to the IRS.


Hillary will be a better person,a more worthwhile human being on her
worst day than you will EVER be..SCUM. So go and suck some more scum.
"Itchy Nappy-Haired Ho" <itchy@anon.com> wrote in message
> Hillary will be a better person,a more worthwhile human being on her
> worst day than you will EVER be.

Has she ever managed a large company? No.

Has she ever managed any company? No.

Has she ever managed a large city? No.

Has she ever managed any city? No.

Has she ever managed a large state? No.

Has she ever managed any state? No.

Has she ever managed a large organization? No.

Has she ever managed any organization? No.

Has she ever managed a small office? Yes. Result? Her management skills
were so horrible that some guy killed himself.

Did she manage to keep her husband's **** in his pants? No.

PROOF POSITIVE that Hitlary's management skills are HORRIBLE and LACKING,
that her management experience doesn't exist, and her very few small
attempts were DISASTROUS.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>PROOF POSITIVE that Hitlary's management skills are HORRIBLE and LACKING,
>that her management experience doesn't exist, and her very few small
>attempts were DISASTROUS.

I suspect this Presidency would be a co-Presidency no less than the

She can get the job done, but unlike her husband, she won't have an
opposition Congress to keep her in line.

"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> babble
>>PROOF POSITIVE that Hitlary's management skills are HORRIBLE and LACKING,
>>that her management experience doesn't exist, and her very few small
>>attempts were DISASTROUS.

> I suspect this Presidency would be a co-Presidency no less than the
> last.

God help us!

> She can get the job done, but unlike her husband, she won't have an
> opposition Congress to keep her in line.

What job? Oh, that little favor she owes George Soros, you mean the
EuroSocialization of America? That job?
On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 19:57:38 -0500, Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote:

>"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>>PROOF POSITIVE that Hitlary's management skills are HORRIBLE and LACKING,
>>that her management experience doesn't exist, and her very few small
>>attempts were DISASTROUS.

>I suspect this Presidency would be a co-Presidency no less than the
>She can get the job done, but unlike her husband, she won't have an
>opposition Congress to keep her in line.

You certainly don't know that for sure, not with the present Democratic Congress at
an 11% approval rating....AAC

The Presidential race distracts the public from the more serious problem,
a complicit and lazy Congress too caught up in it's own corruption to even
be embarrassed anymore....Patriot Games
In News j528o35h0e5m4np0spcehs45ce9bfosfk3@4ax.com,, AnAmericanCitizen at
NoAmnesty@earthlink.net, typed this:

> On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 19:57:38 -0500, Governor Swill
> <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>> babble
>>> PROOF POSITIVE that Hitlary's management skills are HORRIBLE and
>>> LACKING, that her management experience doesn't exist, and her very
>>> few small attempts were DISASTROUS.

>> I suspect this Presidency would be a co-Presidency no less than the
>> last.
>> She can get the job done, but unlike her husband, she won't have an
>> opposition Congress to keep her in line.
>> Swill

> You certainly don't know that for sure, not with the present
> Democratic Congress at an 11% approval rating....AAC

The Congress is at 11% because of the Republicans blocking any sort of real

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong
enough to take away everything you have."

Thomas Jefferson
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>> babble
>>>PROOF POSITIVE that Hitlary's management skills are HORRIBLE and LACKING,
>>>that her management experience doesn't exist, and her very few small
>>>attempts were DISASTROUS.

>> I suspect this Presidency would be a co-Presidency no less than the
>> last.

>God help us!
>> She can get the job done, but unlike her husband, she won't have an
>> opposition Congress to keep her in line.

>What job? Oh, that little favor she owes George Soros, you mean the
>EuroSocialization of America? That job?

We're a Eurocentric nation, DUH!

AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmnesty@earthlink.net> used a stick in the sand
to babble
>>She can get the job done, but unlike her husband, she won't have an
>>opposition Congress to keep her in line.

>You certainly don't know that for sure, not with the present Democratic Congress at
>an 11% approval rating....AAC

All the better.

On Jan 5, 5:43 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmne...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:15:31 -0500, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> >And the Huckabee victory on the Republican side mirrored the Obama triumph.
> >The evangelical populist reached out to the Reagan Democrats in a way that
> >the GOP has not since the master left the stage. But now, the Republicans
> >have a candidate who defies the country club set, blasts hedge fund tax
> >shelters, criticizes huge CEO salaries and calls for an end to the IRS.

> What an insult to Ronald Reagan. There is no way that Huckabee resembles anything

Reagan, ah what an inflated lie he was. Reagan Democrats is another
way of saying, Idiots. Any Democrat who voted for Reagan was either
not paying attention or just plain stupid. Reagan did nothing good
for the middle class and poor.

Those who worship Reagan do so in ignorance, unless, of course, if
you're one of the few who made millions or more because you are the
only ones who benefited from Reagan's presidency.
"Does Jesus recycle?" <goofindoo@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jan 5, 5:43 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmne...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:15:31 -0500, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com>
>> wrote:
>> >And the Huckabee victory on the Republican side mirrored the Obama
>> >triumph.
>> >The evangelical populist reached out to the Reagan Democrats in a way
>> >that
>> >the GOP has not since the master left the stage. But now, the
>> >Republicans
>> >have a candidate who defies the country club set, blasts hedge fund tax
>> >shelters, criticizes huge CEO salaries and calls for an end to the IRS.

>> What an insult to Ronald Reagan. There is no way that Huckabee resembles
>> anything

> Reagan, ah what an inflated lie he was. Reagan Democrats is another
> way of saying, Idiots. Any Democrat who voted for Reagan was either
> not paying attention or just plain stupid. Reagan did nothing good
> for the middle class and poor.

Could you be a bigger fool?

President's aren't supposed to do ANYTHING for ANYONE.

President's are supposed to provide the OPPORTUNITY for YOU to HELP
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>> Reagan, ah what an inflated lie he was. Reagan Democrats is another
>> way of saying, Idiots. Any Democrat who voted for Reagan was either
>> not paying attention or just plain stupid. Reagan did nothing good
>> for the middle class and poor.

>Could you be a bigger fool?
>President's aren't supposed to do ANYTHING for ANYONE.
>President's are supposed to provide the OPPORTUNITY for YOU to HELP

Which Reagan didn't do for the working classes.

Goebbels speech on March 18, 1933:
"German women, German men !
It is a happy accident that my first speech since taking charge of the
Ministry for Propaganda and People's Enlightenment is to German women.
Although I agree with Treitschke that men make history, I do not
forget that women raise boys to manhood. You know that the National
Socialist movement is the only party that keeps women out of daily
politics. This arouses bitter criticism and hostility, all of it very
unjustified. We have kept women out of the parliamentary-democratic
intrigues of the past fourteen years in Germany not because we do not
respect them, but because we respect them too much. We do not see the
woman as inferior, rather as having a different mission, a different
value, than that of the man. Therefore we believed that the German
woman, who more than any other in the world is a woman in the best
sense of the word, should use her strength and abilities in other
areas than the man.

The woman has always been not only the man's sexual companion, but
also his fellow worker. Long ago, she did heavy labor with the man in
the field. She moved with him into the cities, entering the offices
and factories, doing her share of the work for which she was best
suited. She did this with all her abilities, her loyalty, her selfless
devotion, her readiness to sacrifice.

The woman in public life today is no different than the women of the
past. No one who understands the modern age would have the crazy idea
of driving women from public life, from work, profession, and bread
winning. But it must also be said that those things that belong to the
man must remain his. That includes politics and the military. That is
not to disparage women, only a recognition of how she can best use her
talents and abilities.
Looking back over the past year's of Germany's decline, we come to the
frightening, nearly terrifying conclusion, that the less German men
were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to
the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men
always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all
great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness and determination
have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually
loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the

It may be unpopular to say this to an audience of women, but it must
be said, because it is true and because it will help make clear our
attitude toward women.

The modern age, with all its vast revolutionary transformations in
government, politics, economics and social relations has not left
women and their role in public life untouched. Things we thought
impossible several years or decades ago are now everyday reality. Some
good, noble and commendable things have happened. But also things that
are contemptible and humiliating. These revolutionary transformations
have largely taken from women their proper tasks. Their eyes were set
in directions that were not appropriate for them. The result was a
distorted public view of German womanhood that had nothing to do with
former ideals.

A fundamental change is necessary. At the risk of sounding reactionary
and outdated, let me say this clearly: The first, best, and most
suitable place for the women is in the family, and her most glorious
duty is to give children to her people and nation, children who can
continue the line of generations and who guarantee the immortality of
the nation. The woman is the teacher of the youth, and therefore the
builder of the foundation of the future. If the family is the nation's
source of strength, the woman is its core and center. The best place
for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family,
in motherhood. This is her highest mission. That does not mean that
those women who are employed or who have no children have no role in
the motherhood of the German people. They use their strength, their
abilities, their sense of responsibility for the nation, in other
ways. We are convinced, however, that the first task of a socially
reformed nation must be to again give the woman the possibility to
fulfill her real task, her mission in the family and as a mother.

The national revolutionary government is everything but reactionary.
It does not want to stop the pace of our rapidly moving age. It has no
intention of lagging behind the times. It wants to be the flag bearer
and pathfinder of the future. We know the demands of the modern age.
But that does not stop us from seeing that every age has its roots in
motherhood, that there is nothing of greater importance than the
living mother of a family who gives the state children.

German women have been transformed in recent years. They are beginning
to see that they are not happier as a result of being given more
rights but fewer duties. They now realize that the right to be elected
to public office at the expense of the right to life, motherhood and
her daily bread is not a good trade.

A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in
our big cities. In 1900 two million babies were born in Germany. Now
the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most
evident in the national capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin's
birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without
emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants. The
government is determined to halt this decline of the family and the
resulting impoverishment of our blood. There must be a fundamental
change. The liberal attitude toward the family and the child is
responsible for Germany's rapid decline. We today must begin worrying
about an aging population. In 1900 there were seven children for each
elderly person, today it is only four. If current trends continue, by
1988 the ratio will be 1 : 1. These statistics say it all. They are
the best proof that if Germany continues along its current path, it
will end in an abyss with breathtaking speed. We can almost determine
the decade when Germany collapses because of depopulation.

We are not willing to stand aside and watch the collapse of our
national life and the destruction of the blood we have inherited. The
national revolutionary government has the duty to rebuilt the nation
on its original foundations, to transform the life and work of the
woman so that it once again best serves the national good. It intends
to eliminate the social inequalities so that once again the life of
our people and the future of our people and the immortality of our
blood is assured..."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> babble
>>> Reagan, ah what an inflated lie he was. Reagan Democrats is another
>>> way of saying, Idiots. Any Democrat who voted for Reagan was either
>>> not paying attention or just plain stupid. Reagan did nothing good
>>> for the middle class and poor.

>>Could you be a bigger fool?
>>President's aren't supposed to do ANYTHING for ANYONE.
>>President's are supposed to provide the OPPORTUNITY for YOU to HELP

> Which Reagan didn't do for the working classes.

Of course he did.