Hitlary Might Appoint Bubba to Supreme Court!

On Dec 18, 11:05 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:
> > Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and
> > about 100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

> Another American myth. In real life, Bill Clinton has no job skills
> whatsoever. Hillary will do better.

What job skills does Clarence Thomas have?
>>> Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and
>>> about 100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

>> Another American myth. In real life, Bill Clinton has no job
>> skills whatsoever.

> Seems like Clinton was a good governor and great President, so one
> guesses he has many skills.

You have to say "seems like" because in fact Bill Clinton was doing
little in Arkansas except screw the secretaries.

>> Hillary will do better.

> Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great. He's smart, creative, and
> we'd probably see a lot less of him on the SCOTUS than if he
> remains in the private sector.

You mindless loyalty to a penis with legs won't convince anyone to
bring back your hero, no matter how sincere is your idolatry.
>> Here are quotes from a speech delivered by Dr. Joseph
>> Goebbels
>> at the National Socialist Party Congress, Nuernberg, 1937.

> I heard that he committed suicide after the war. Michael

Isn't Goebbels the Nazi who committed suicide while on death row?
In article
johnb505@gmail.com says...
>On Dec 18, 11:05 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:
>> > Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and
>> > about 100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

>> Another American myth. In real life, Bill Clinton has no job skills
>> whatsoever. Hillary will do better.

>What job skills does Clarence Thomas have?

Clarence Thomas was (is) Bush I's sick joke on the nation.
On 19 Dec 2007 20:35:55 GMT, in alt.politics, in thread Re: Hitlary
Might Appoint Bubba to Supreme Court!, Bert Byfield
<BertByfield@nospam.not>, wrote

>>>> Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and
>>>> about 100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

>>> Another American myth. In real life, Bill Clinton has no job
>>> skills whatsoever.

>> Seems like Clinton was a good governor and great President, so one
>> guesses he has many skills.

>You have to say "seems like" because in fact Bill Clinton was doing
>little in Arkansas except screw the secretaries.
>>> Hillary will do better.

>> Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great. He's smart, creative, and
>> we'd probably see a lot less of him on the SCOTUS than if he
>> remains in the private sector.

>You mindless loyalty to a penis with legs won't convince anyone to
>bring back your hero, no matter how sincere is your idolatry.

Hey stupid, get a decent newsreader or quit cutting off the

Or do you want to continue to advertise what a coward you are?
German leaders believed in death before dishonor. They knew the
allies were subhuman monsters:

Eyewitness account by Mrs. Leonora Geier (nee Cavoa, born Oct 22,
1925, Sao Paulo,
Brazil) to Dr. Trutz Foelsche, Ph.D

Deutsche Nationalzeitung, No. 17-65, p. 7:

"On the morning of February, 16, (1945) a Russian detachment
occupied the RAD
(Reichsarbeitsdienst) camp Vilmsee near Neustettin. The Commissar told
me in good
German language that the camp was dissolved and that we, as a unit
with uniforms (RAD - German Labour Service, not military uniforms),
would be transported to a collection camp. Since I, as a Brazilian
citizen, belong to an allied nation, he asked me to take over
as a leader of the transport that went to Neustettin, into the yard of
the former iron factory. We were about 500 girls (Maidens of the
Reichsarbeitsdienst - German Labour Service).

He said I could come into the orderly room, which I accepted.
Immediately he directed
me to make no further contact with other women, because they were
members of an illegal army. On my response that this what not true, he
cut me off with the remark that I would be shot immediately, if I
would repeat in any form a similar statement.

"Suddenly I heard loud screams, and promptly five girls were brought
in by the two Red Armists. The Commissar ordered them to undress. When
they, in a sense of shame, refused to do so, he ordered me to undress
them and follow him with the girls. We walked through the yard to the
former factory kitchen, which was completely cleared out
except for some tables along the window wall. It was dreadfully cold
and the unfortunate girls trembled. In the huge tiled room several
Russians waited for us who were obviously making obscene remarks
because every word was followed by loud laughter.
The Commissar then directed me to watch how one makes sissies out of
'The Master Race'.
Now two Poles, clad in trousers only, entered the room. At their
sight the girls cried out.
Briskly, they seized the first of the two girls and bent her over with
her back over the edge of the table until her joints cracked. I almost
fainted when one of the men pulled his knife and cut off her right
breast in the presence of the other girls. I have never heard a
human being scream as desperately as this young woman. After this
'operation' both men stabbed her several times in the abdomen,
accompanied by the howling of the Russians.
The next girl cried for mercy, in vain, since she was exceptionally
pretty. I had the impression that the 'work' was carried out very
slowly. The other three girls were completely broken down, cried for
their mothers and begged for a speedy death, but also
fate them overtook.
The last of the girls was still half a child, with barely developed
breasts, one tore the
flesh literally from her ribs until the white bone appeared.
Again, five girls were brought in. This time, they had been selected
carefully. All were
developed and pretty. When they saw the bodies of their predecessors,
they began to cry and scream. Weak as they were, they tried to defend
themselves but to no avail; the Poles became more cruel every time.
One of the girls, they cut open her womb and trunk over the whole
length; poured a can of machine oil into the mutilated body and tried
to set fire
to it. Another was shot in the genitals by a Russia, before they cut
off her breasts.
A great howling began when someone brought a saw from a toolbox.
Now, using the saw, they set to work to the breasts of the girls to
pieces, which in a short period of time
led to the floor being covered with blood. A blood rage seized the
Russians. Continuously
one of them brought more and more girls.
Like a red fog, I saw the gruesome happenings again and again and I
perceived the inhuman screaming at the torture of their breasts and
the load groaning at the mutilation of their private parts. When my
legs failed me I was forced into a chair. The Commissar persistently
watched me to make sure I was looking toward the torture scenes. In
fact, when I had to vomit, they even paused with their tortures. One
girl had not undressed completely, she may have been somewhat older
than the rest of the girls who were about 17-years old. One of the
torturers soaked her bra with oil and ignited it and, while she cried
out, another drove a thin iron rod into her vagina until it emerged at
her naval.
In the yard they liquidated entire groups of girls, after they had
selected the prettiest ones for the torture room. The air was filled
with the death cries of many hundreds of girls. But in view of what
happened here, the slaughter outside could be considered more humane.
It was a dreadful fact that not one of the girls brought into the
torture room lost here consciousness.
In their horror all were equal in their expressions. It was always
the same; the begging for mercy, the high-pitched scream when their
breasts were cut and their genitals mutilated. Several times the
slaughter was interrupted to sweep out the blood and to clear away the
That evening I sank into a severe nerve fever. From then on I lack
any recollection
until the moment I awoke in a military hospital. German troops had
recaptured Neustettin temporarily, and had liberated us. As I learned
later, approximately 2,000 girls were murdered during the first three
days of the first round of Russian occupation."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

German leaders believed in death before dishonor. They knew the allies
were subhuman monsters:

The Diaries of Charles A. Lindbergh, p.986

"That young girl riding on her bicycle - she must know that on the
day the Russians come she will probably be raped by a dozen soldiers.
When do they come? In days? In weeks? That, we have not told the
Germans. She has a good face - nicely dressed in old but clean and
brightly colored garments - like the daughter of a middle class
American family. I realize that we Americans are holding her at
Dessau. She cannot flee to safety.
We will not let her pass our sentries on the roads. We are turning her
and thousands of
others like her over to the Soviet soldiers for their sport. I feel

"German children look in through the window. We have more food than
we need, but regulations prevent giving it to them. It is difficult to
look at them. I feel ashamed of myself, of my people, as I eat and
watch those children. They are not to blame for the war. They are
hungry children. What right have we to stuff ourselves while they look
on - well-fed men eating, leaving unwanted food on plates, while
hungry children look on."

Berlin Correspondent, The Times, September 10th, 1945

"...Another small boy turned out of Danzig had a scrawled postcard
attached to him stating that his soldier father was long since missing
and that his mother and two sisters had died of hunger."

At this time, Denmark, formerly occupied by the Germans as a means
of denying the allies a North Sea bridgehead was bursting at the seams
with surplus food and was pleading with the allies to put it to good
use. It was refused.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

John B. wrote:

> On Dec 18, 11:05 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:
>>>Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and
>>>about 100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

>>Another American myth. In real life, Bill Clinton has no job skills
>>whatsoever. Hillary will do better.

> What job skills does Clarence Thomas have?

JD from Yale.
Asst AG of Missouri.
Asst Secretary of Ed. for the Office of Civil Rights.
Chairman of the EEOC.
US Court of Appeals (DC circuit).
On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 13:55:28 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com> wrote:

>"Taylor" <Taylor@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> "Gogarty" <Gogarty@Clongowes.edu.ie> wrote in message
>> news:20071218-134935.531.0@Gogarty.news.bway.net...
>>> In article <4767ceec$0$10990$4c368faf@roadrunner.com>, Taylor@nospam.com
>>> says...
>>>>Hillary won't win, so she won't be appointing anyone.
>>> We'll see. Though I am not supporting her.
>>>>It would be ironic to have a Supreme Court justice with his law license
>>> His license was restored.

>> I don't think so. I thought it was revoked, as in forever.

>Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and about 100X
>Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

You think a sexual predator who has been known to use the U.S. Secret Service as his
pimps would make a good Supreme Court justice? You think a known liar would make a
good justice? .....AAC

It would be strange to have a Clinton in the oval office with a woman
at the desk instead of under it....M. Levine
AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmnesty@earthlink.net> wrote in

> On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 13:55:28 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>>"Taylor" <Taylor@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>> "Gogarty" <Gogarty@Clongowes.edu.ie> wrote in message
>>> news:20071218-134935.531.0@Gogarty.news.bway.net...
>>>> In article <4767ceec$0$10990$4c368faf@roadrunner.com>,
>>>> Taylor@nospam.com says...
>>>>>Hillary won't win, so she won't be appointing anyone.
>>>> We'll see. Though I am not supporting her.
>>>>>It would be ironic to have a Supreme Court justice with his law
>>>>>license revoked!
>>>> His license was restored.
>>> I don't think so. I thought it was revoked, as in forever.

>>Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and about
>>100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

> You think a sexual predator who has been known to use the U.S. Secret
> Service as his pimps would make a good Supreme Court justice? You
> think a known liar would make a good justice? .....AAC
> It would be strange to have a Clinton in the oval office with a woman
> at the desk instead of under it....M. Levine

whoa..what a point you have..why you are like Albert ****in Einstein!

Hmm..I'm a local here..dunno how many generations as a American...AND..
I think people here in the U.S.A. are about

Everything from our poor comrades up in South Dakota and Capitol One
where the whores circumvented usery laws..to the drug dealers ripping
one another off.. to the predatory mortgage industry.

America is like a big crowd of people- pretending that a game of
pretense is not going on.

The most patriotic people I know are the ones who never served in the
military..all real gung-ho!

I used to work for AT&T in their billing department.. CHEATING THE ****
OUT OF CUSTOMERS...indeed it was my JOB to **** 'em over!

Been a truck driver for a long time...why..we are bound by our logbooks
and hours of service..YEAH RIGHT.. you are expected to cheat as a
condition of employment, both over the road and locally... drove for
a garbage company for a while in the wonderfully deregulated industry..
what a bunch of LYING MOTHER ****ERS.

So you must be just another LYING roach yourself.


It is OUR duty..our right, and our privilige not to have our privacy

YOU ..are the reason why I would never EVER fight for this country and
people like you..why I am ashamed of military service. To DEFEND WHAT..
to protect YOU? **** YOU. I could care less if you were on TV flying
out of a building.
AnAmericanCitizen wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 13:55:28 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> "Taylor" <Taylor@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> news:476806a1$0$10949$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "Gogarty" <Gogarty@Clongowes.edu.ie> wrote in message
>>> news:20071218-134935.531.0@Gogarty.news.bway.net...
>>>> In article <4767ceec$0$10990$4c368faf@roadrunner.com>,
>>>> Taylor@nospam.com says...
>>>>> Hillary won't win, so she won't be appointing anyone.
>>>> We'll see. Though I am not supporting her.
>>>>> It would be ironic to have a Supreme Court justice with his law
>>>>> license revoked!
>>>> His license was restored.
>>> I don't think so. I thought it was revoked, as in forever.

>> Nope.
>> Clinton on the SCOTUS would be great, IMO. He's a centrist and about
>> 100X Smarter than all the Conservative justices combined.

> You think a sexual predator who has been known to use the U.S. Secret
> Service as his pimps would make a good Supreme Court justice? You
> think a known liar would make a good justice? .....AAC
> It would be strange to have a Clinton in the oval office with a woman
> at the desk instead of under it....M. Levine

Bill Clinton would make a great justice for the American people!
If she were to do that, I would vote for her even though I don't like
her politics. Just the idea of Bill sitting there on the Supreme
Court, driving all the Republicans nuts, is worth the vote for Hillary.
Goebbels speech on March 18, 1933:
"German women, German men !
It is a happy accident that my first speech since taking charge of the
Ministry for Propaganda and People's Enlightenment is to German women.
Although I agree with Treitschke that men make history, I do not
forget that women raise boys to manhood. You know that the National
Socialist movement is the only party that keeps women out of daily
politics. This arouses bitter criticism and hostility, all of it very
unjustified. We have kept women out of the parliamentary-democratic
intrigues of the past fourteen years in Germany not because we do not
respect them, but because we respect them too much. We do not see the
woman as inferior, rather as having a different mission, a different
value, than that of the man. Therefore we believed that the German
woman, who more than any other in the world is a woman in the best
sense of the word, should use her strength and abilities in other
areas than the man.

The woman has always been not only the man's sexual companion, but
also his fellow worker. Long ago, she did heavy labor with the man in
the field. She moved with him into the cities, entering the offices
and factories, doing her share of the work for which she was best
suited. She did this with all her abilities, her loyalty, her selfless
devotion, her readiness to sacrifice.

The woman in public life today is no different than the women of the
past. No one who understands the modern age would have the crazy idea
of driving women from public life, from work, profession, and bread
winning. But it must also be said that those things that belong to the
man must remain his. That includes politics and the military. That is
not to disparage women, only a recognition of how she can best use her
talents and abilities.
Looking back over the past year's of Germany's decline, we come to the
frightening, nearly terrifying conclusion, that the less German men
were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to
the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men
always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all
great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness and determination
have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually
loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the

It may be unpopular to say this to an audience of women, but it must
be said, because it is true and because it will help make clear our
attitude toward women.

The modern age, with all its vast revolutionary transformations in
government, politics, economics and social relations has not left
women and their role in public life untouched. Things we thought
impossible several years or decades ago are now everyday reality. Some
good, noble and commendable things have happened. But also things that
are contemptible and humiliating. These revolutionary transformations
have largely taken from women their proper tasks. Their eyes were set
in directions that were not appropriate for them. The result was a
distorted public view of German womanhood that had nothing to do with
former ideals.

A fundamental change is necessary. At the risk of sounding reactionary
and outdated, let me say this clearly: The first, best, and most
suitable place for the women is in the family, and her most glorious
duty is to give children to her people and nation, children who can
continue the line of generations and who guarantee the immortality of
the nation. The woman is the teacher of the youth, and therefore the
builder of the foundation of the future. If the family is the nation's
source of strength, the woman is its core and center. The best place
for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family,
in motherhood. This is her highest mission. That does not mean that
those women who are employed or who have no children have no role in
the motherhood of the German people. They use their strength, their
abilities, their sense of responsibility for the nation, in other
ways. We are convinced, however, that the first task of a socially
reformed nation must be to again give the woman the possibility to
fulfill her real task, her mission in the family and as a mother.

The national revolutionary government is everything but reactionary.
It does not want to stop the pace of our rapidly moving age. It has no
intention of lagging behind the times. It wants to be the flag bearer
and pathfinder of the future. We know the demands of the modern age.
But that does not stop us from seeing that every age has its roots in
motherhood, that there is nothing of greater importance than the
living mother of a family who gives the state children.

German women have been transformed in recent years. They are beginning
to see that they are not happier as a result of being given more
rights but fewer duties. They now realize that the right to be elected
to public office at the expense of the right to life, motherhood and
her daily bread is not a good trade.

A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in
our big cities. In 1900 two million babies were born in Germany. Now
the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most
evident in the national capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin's
birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without
emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants. The
government is determined to halt this decline of the family and the
resulting impoverishment of our blood. There must be a fundamental
change. The liberal attitude toward the family and the child is
responsible for Germany's rapid decline. We today must begin worrying
about an aging population. In 1900 there were seven children for each
elderly person, today it is only four. If current trends continue, by
1988 the ratio will be 1 : 1. These statistics say it all. They are
the best proof that if Germany continues along its current path, it
will end in an abyss with breathtaking speed. We can almost determine
the decade when Germany collapses because of depopulation.

We are not willing to stand aside and watch the collapse of our
national life and the destruction of the blood we have inherited. The
national revolutionary government has the duty to rebuilt the nation
on its original foundations, to transform the life and work of the
woman so that it once again best serves the national good. It intends
to eliminate the social inequalities so that once again the life of
our people and the future of our people and the immortality of our
blood is assured..."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

"snausages" <goofindoo@gmail.com> wrote in message
> If she were to do that, I would vote for her even though I don't like
> her politics. Just the idea of Bill sitting there on the Supreme
> Court, driving all the Republicans nuts, is worth the vote for Hillary.

Bill could also replace Hillary as US Senator from NY. That would be fun
"snausages" <goofindoo@gmail.com> wrote in message
> If she were to do that, I would vote for her even though I don't like
> her politics. Just the idea of Bill sitting there on the Supreme
> Court, driving all the Republicans nuts, is worth the vote for Hillary.

Just like a Democrat...

You don't give a **** about collateral damage. What about all the innocent
young law clerks that would be exposed to his groping, heavy breathing,
sexual innuendo?