Hitler - A Jewish War Hero?

Hi, NN! You got it in one, chum. Nice work.Tick all your boxes & then some. I am an accredited and recorded folklorist & storyteller with the National Archive in Canberra, and it happens that I have studied many cultures through their formal as well as informal folkklore and their histories. It is amazing what one finds in the musty depths of one's local library, away from the blinking TV set. To be able to see our little mudball from many odd angles is indeed a gift that is truly priceless. If you get a chance, read up on the biography of Magda Goebbels (the club footed one's wife) - free diamonds for the brain. Cheers!
The decision to leave them in Germany was made based on money first and more importantly the Jewish hierarchy knew that they could eventually use any mass killings to assist in the formation of the Jewish state, sacrificing the few to benefit the whole.
I really enjoy your work, NN - masterful grasp of the essentials. Note too, that there was but a singular method by which the Gestapo and the German bureaucracy could establish who in any community was or was not a Jew - the person who kept such meticulous records was none other than the local Rabbi. No surprise they were so efficiently gathered & despatched. Cheers!