• Thread starter leroyblue@pillinor.net
  • Start date
On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 05:29:59 -0600, "Jude_ _Alexander" <cajun@the
bayou.LA> wrote:

>No, pigboy, it's YOU who are ignorant. It's a COMPLETE matter of history
>that Hitler set up his home town to be used as a firing practice range. DUH
>You are CONSTANTLY showing how little you know except how to hate. You're
>truly human trash.

Google "Hitler home town to be used as a firing practice range"

relevant web pages: 0

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

Here are some quotes from the book "Kampfzeit", (period of
struggle), by Hans Hinkel:

"Faster than lightening a lie about us spread throughout the country,
spread in every attic room where poor people lived by newspapers owned
or obedient to the opponent. It took a week of work by us National
Socialists to deal with a three-line lie in an opposing newspaper. As
soon as one lie was dealt with, a hundred more sprang up. Like a
hydra, the opponent's horror stories about National Socialism and its
supporters spread. There was not a speech by the F
Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer SS) said in a speech in 1936 on the
subect of homosexuality and execution of Ernst Roehm (which he had
engineered): "Two years ago...when it became necessary, we did not
scruple to strike this plague with death, even within our own ranks."
Himmler closed with these words: "Just as we today have gone back to
the ancient Germanic view on the question of marriage mixing different
races, so too in our judgement of homosexuality, a symptom of
degeneracy which could destroy our race, we must return to the
guiding Nordic principle: extermination of degenerates"

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

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From Concerned Women From America
by Beverly LaHaye

Dear Concerned American,
What I am about to tell you in this letter is so outrageous you may
find it hard to believe. I was astounded myself. I could not believe
that our nation had fallen so far. But the reports here are true. I
have warned many times that our children are under attack. Now I'm
writing to sound the alarm that the situation is even worse than I
thought. I'll tell you more details in a moment, but here's just a
sample of what I've discovered:
Cross-dressing promoted to grade-school children Graphic instruction
in "gay" sex taught to teenage boys and girls Armed guards posted to
keep parents out of high school assemblies led by radical homosexual
activists A book - published by a taxpayer-funded university - that
endorses sex between children and adults!

I've warned about this for many years. Now the evidence is beyond
dispute: there is an evil scheme aimed at destroying our children. The
attack comes on many fronts. It aims to expose children to sex at
earlier and earlier ages... to rob them of their innocence and open
them up to immoral and unhealthy practices... to set them up to accept
messages of
"safe sex" and homosexuality... to usher them into becoming advocates
for - and ultimately participants in - sexual promiscuity, sodomy,
bisexuality, and transgenderism.
These reports confirm my worst fears about this scheme. The time is
short! Radical homosexual activists have long said, "Whoever controls
the schools, controls the future." If they can convince the next
generation that homosexuality is "just another lifestyle," there will
be no stopping them. Even more chilling: If they can lure a whole
generation of young people to explore "alternative" sexual behavior...
to discover their "gay side"...
they will have a whole new generation of young, willing sex partners.
Their first step is to promote gender confusion. Nothing I have ever
seen promises to confuse kids more than a lesson guide obtained and
given to me by one of the researchers here at CWA.
Straight Education Network, also known as "GLSEN, is pushing a
grade-school curriculum book that promotes cross-dressing. This book
was created by a homosexual parents group at the Buena Vista
Elementary School in San Francisco. It includes a lesson based on a
children's book titled "Jesse's Dream Skirt."
As incredible as it sounds, this is real! The story is about a young
boy named Jesse who likes trying on his mother's dresses, and dreams
of a skirt "that whirled, twirled, flowed and glowed, and felt soft
inside." Jesse's mom helps him make a skirt, and he wears it to
daycare, where his classmates make fun of him. The daycare teacher,
Bruce, gathers the
children together and says, "Jesse loves his skirt. Why are some of
you making fun of him?" A girl says, "Well, I wear pants. Why can't
Jesse wear a skirt?"
A boy, Mike, says that one day his mother let him dress up in her old
dresses and hats. "It was a lot of fun," he said, until his father
came in and yelled at him, saying, "Take off that dress, I don't want
my son to be a sissy!" Mike told his daycare classmates, "I don't
know, - I still don't see what was wrong with it." The children and
their teacher discuss the issue and most of the children end up liking
Jesse's skirt. Some even start making dresses themselves. The book
ends with Jesse twirling around in his "dream skirt," with his
boy-style underwear showing. The companion lesson plan says the "key
message" of "Jesse's Dream Skirt" is: "Respect means keeping our minds
open. Having open minds means giving people freedom to be who they
want to be." I don't know what's worse: encouraging boys to wear
dresses, or the negative portrayal of Mike's father. Children who
study "Jesse's Dream Skirt" are getting the message that their
parents' view of morality cannot be trusted. Lest you think this sort
of insanity is restricted to California, take a loot at this next
report, straight from the Midwest. Armed Security Guard Ejects Mother
of Student from School Assembly on Homosexuality
This really made me angry when I heard about it! The incident took
place in St. Louis, Missouri last year just after school had started
for fall. Debra Loveless, whose daughter attends Metro High School,
heard that GLESEN was conducting a school-sponsored assembly. Loveless
had told school officials that she considered the event inappropriate.
When she tried to view it for herself, she was escorted out of the
assembly by an armed security guard. (Just for wanting to view it!)
Can you believe the arrogance of those school administrators! We may
never know all of what those dear young people were exposed to during
that assembly. But if GLSEN's past performance is any indication, the
material was corrupting an destructive. GLESEN has produced some of
the most foul "educational" material in the dishonorable history of
sex education. Two years ago, CWA uncovered a pornographic teaching
session conducted in Massachusetts by GLSEN. During that workshop,
homosexual instructors indoctrinated children as young
as 14 years old. The children heard detailed descriptions of
perverted sex acts, including the dangerous practice known in
homosexual slang as "fisting." After it was exposed, that session
sparked outrage across the nation. It was such a scandal that it
became known as "Fistgate." GLSEN leaders responded by becoming much
more secretive. Apparently this has led them to keep parents out of
their workshops like the one in St. Louis.
So it has come to this. Our tax dollars foot the bill for homosexual
propaganda to poison our children's minds and defile their hearts.
And when parents want to find out what's going on, they get thrown out
of public schools by armed guards! It's time for parents and
grandparents to stand up and fight to protect our children. We can't
think that just because it hasn't happened in our school yet that it
never will! The radical homosexual activists won't stop with just the
California schools. They won't stop with just the big city
schools. They won't stop until they have reached every school in the
The University of Minnesota Press has just published Judith Levine's
Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex. This
book includes such outrageous statements as, "Sex is not harmful to
children... There are many ways even the smallesst children can
partake of it."

On another page, the author gushes over a "lush and mysterious" photo
of a "naked 3- or 4-year-old." Quoting a variety of pedophiles,
Levine says children are not necessarily harmed by sex with adults.
She also advocates that America adopt a law like Holland's that
legalizes sex between adults and children as young as 12! It's
unbelievable, but this book is defended by the liberal media elite.
I'm shocked and heartbroken. But we should not be surprised.
America's standards of sexual morality have been belittled as
"taboos," and been worn down step by step. Today, almost nothing is
off limits. Sex between adults and children is just the next barrier
to be torn down. How long will it take these radical activists to
achieve their next evil objective? Our grade-school children are
already being taught that cross-dressing is just wonderful
self-expression. Graphic details of perverted sex practices are
already being taught to high school children, and parents are being
locked out of assemblies taught by radical homosexual activists. We
must - and we can - stop this. NOW! I grieve for our children and
grandchildren. And I fear for our nation if we do not stand up to
this assault of immorality and defeat it...

I've learned that GLSEN now boasts a budget of 3.5 million and a
membership of more than 1,200 homosexual-activist educators. Their
mission is to promote homosexuality and gender confusion in the
schools under any guise that works.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

Topaz wrote:

Do you actually believe we are stupid enough to fall for that tripe?


"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
bobandcarole wrote:
> On Jul 28, 7:29?am, "Jude_ _Alexander" <cajun@the bayou.LA> wrote:

>> You are CONSTANTLY showing how little you know except how to hate. You're
>> truly human trash.

> cites, liar?

All of your usenet messages are cites, stupid Blobtard.
On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 18:23:59 -0700, "David V." <spam@hotmail.com>

>Topaz wrote:

>Do you actually believe we are stupid enough to fall for that tripe?

They are, so why would they think we aren't?
Homosexual activists are exploiting their agenda through "safe school"
laws across the nation - and California is their latest laboratory.
It's 1 o'clock in the morning and 27-year-old Lybe Crumpton is
standing alone, shaking and on the verge of tears. No, she hasn't been
robbed. She's a fifth-grade teacher who's afraid her students might be
harmed by the homosexual agenda.
A petite brunette with large brown eyes, she has just watched her
school board approve the idea that classrooms like hers play a video
called That's A Family!, featuring 9- and 10-year-old children lauding
the benefits of living with two moms or two dads.
My dads are gay, and gay means . . . two men or two women love each
other, says one smiling girl in the video. It's sort of like having a
mom and a dad love each other, just that it is a man and a man.
But that's not the worst of it. The video which also portrays
children of divorced, single and even jailed parents comes with a
teachers handbook including a crossword puzzle for elementary kids
using words like
transgender and discussion questions such as, What did you learn from
this video about families with gay parents? What else would you like
to know?
It was five hours ago that Crumpton slipped unnoticed into the back of
the Novato, Calif., school board meeting and heard gay-rights
activists warning the board it had better allow tolerance lessons like
this video or risk lawsuits.
That upsets Crumpton because she doesn't think elementary-school kids
are ready to discuss sexual lifestyles, especially one as physically
and spiritually devastating as homosexuality.
They're not worried about who is sleeping with whom, she says. They
worry about who's the best at soccer.
They are just opening a Pandora's box, Crumpton told Citizen moments
after the vote.
Exploiting Danger
What's happening in Novato, an affluent Bay-area suburb in Northern
California, has become increasingly common across the nation as
homosexual activists use safe school laws and concerns over school
bullying to advance their agenda.
It works like this: First, homosexual activists tout hate crimes those
sad but rare incidents in which students are harmed because they are
gay and then they push for laws protecting homosexual students. Once
those laws pass, activists persuade schools to adopt curricula that
promotes not just student safety, but acceptance of homosexuality.
Making schools safe . . . is strongly tied to ensuring that classrooms
are inclusive of LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] themes,
said the Web site for one of the nation's largest homosexual lobby
groups the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
GLSEN's executive director, Kevin Jennings, made no secret of that
strategy while extolling homosexual activists inroads into
Massachusetts schools a few years ago.
We immediately seized upon the opponents calling card safety, he
said. We knew that, confronted with real-life stories of youth who had
suffered from homophobia, our opponents would automatically be on the
defensive. . . . This allowed us to set the terms of the debate.
So far the tactic is working; at least eight states have passed safe
school laws to protect gay and lesbian students, and five more
(including Florida and New York) are considering similar legislation.
But it's California schools that have taken the lead.
Over the last two years, legislators in Sacramento have cranked out
laws requiring curriculum to reflect appreciation of different sexual
lifestyles and adding sexual orientation to school discrimination
Those laws leave schools that resist homosexual pressure vulnerable to
lawsuits, explained Jeff McAlpin, a Novato school board member who
voted against pro-homosexual curriculum.
The state of California has put us in a very difficult position, he
said. We don't have a choice in terms of providing protection [for
homosexual rights], so then the question becomes how far do we go?
It puts you at some level of risk if they can prove you didn't have a
safe environment. And that risk has cast the door wide open to
homosexual activists wielding the threat of lawsuits.
The Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSA), for instance a group that
openly pushes for the normalization of homosexuality through student
clubs has issued a fact sheet urging activists to think of AB 537 [a
California safe school law] as a tool and use it as leverage to work
to change the school climate.
Apparently, members took their marching orders seriously.
After homosexual students in Visalia, Calif., complained of
harassment, their district was punished with a federal court
settlement under AB 537 that forced teachers to receive mandatory
gay-rights training. This year, the district's ninth-grade students
also will attend court-ordered classes taught by the GSA.
While the case does not directly apply to Novato, said McAlpin, It was
clearly a shot across the bows of all school districts that [safe
school laws] had an impact on one district . . . and other districts
better be careful.
Part of the Price?
If the California education system is the latest gay-rights
laboratory, then the Hayward Unified School District is its most
successful experiment. Unlike Novato, with its Victorian homes and
white picket fences, Hayward is an industrial town on the south side
of the Bay filled with cinderblock buildings and windowless factories.
But just like Novato, Christian teachers in Hayward feel forced to
promote a political agenda.
Our backs are against the wall, said Matthew Freschi, a physical
education teacher at Hayward High School. We feel the need to step
forward. Enough is enough.
What pushed Freschi into action was the 2-4-6-8 Are you sure you're
really straight? sign he discovered on his gymnasium door, as well as
the staff meeting he attended at which teachers were encouraged to
assign students library books about homosexuals. Both incidents were
billed as the school's effort to foster safety for gay and lesbian
I agree that no student should be abused or battered for any reason,
Freschi said, but to me that's not protecting anybody; that's
promoting something.
Indeed, Hayward is the perfect case study of how safe school laws
create special privileges for some and oppression for others.
Just ask Monica, a Spanish teacher who had her pay docked last year
for refusing to attend a seminar endorsing homosexuality.
When Hayward school officials ordered teachers to attend sensitivity
training on April 8, Monica and three colleagues at Tennyson High
School requested permission to opt out.
We didn't want to sit and be indoctrinated for four hours, said
Manriquez, who'd already suffered through previous sensitivity
sessions. I have no problem with being sensitive, but what they mean
by that is that we have to be pro-gay in our classrooms.
After the principal denied their request, the teachers sought help
from the Pacific Justice Institute, a Sacramento-based Christian legal
organization, which argued that civil-rights laws protect religious
freedom in the workplace.
But school officials claimed safe school laws trumped those rights, in
a letter stating that the District has an obligation to ensure that
its employees are properly trained in applicable law. A few days
later, the teachers received notice their pay would be docked for
missing half a day.
These teachers offered to work [in their classroom], so the issue was
not their willingness to work, said Brad Dacus, chief counsel for the
institute. The issue was the intolerance of the school district . . .
that would force teachers to compromise their convictions as
That wasn't the end of their troubles. Dubbed The Tennyson Four by
media, the teachers were derided in local newspapers and ostracized at
work. These four teachers are out of touch with the standards of our
community, wrote the Hayward Daily Review in an editorial. It's
possible that some public school students in Hayward are being
assigned to a teacher who hates them. . . . Their human rights should
outweigh teachers religious rights.
Nobody would talk to us for a while, added Monica. But that's part of
the price.
As the Hayward school district quietly trampled on religious freedom,
it drew national attention for a resolution granting homosexual
teachers the right to declare their homosexuality without fear of
reprisal and bring up homosexual relationships in class without
parental consent.
Once again waiving the safe school banner, the April 10 resolution
asserted that a crisis exists in Hayward and called for ongoing
sensitivity training and curriculum that provides positive images of
GLBT [gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender] people in the classroom.
In a newspaper interview, Tennyson drama teacher Kelsey Hartman
expressed relief that she could now talk about her lesbianism and have
students read a play featuring two women falling in love without fear
of punishment: Now I know we have support, she said. If I'm ashamed,
it shows the students there's something wrong with it.
But Christian teachers don't have the same protection. At previous
sensitivity seminars, Monica said she was told our religion is not to
be brought up. We are to talk about our culture, but not our religion.
Courage Under Fire
Another Christian teacher who did attend the April 8 training, Cynthia
Huggett, says Monica was right to stay away.
When Huggett arrived, the first thing she saw was a display of
newspaper articles about The Tennyson Four. There was a lot of
negativity toward them, Huggett remembered. I heard comments . . .
like they couldn't understand why those teachers couldn't be here. . .
.. What's their problem?
I was kind of wondering myself, well, why are these four people
refusing to go?
She soon found out. During sessions led by educators from area
schools, religion was constantly ridiculed, said Huggett. In a seminar
video called Teaching Respect, for instance, a presenter
matter-of-factly listed people homosexual students could go to for
help, including parents and teachers, but when he got to the word
pastor, he stopped. He paused, and he looked at the audience to get a
laugh out of it like, Right . . . Christians hate gays. . . . If
anything it would be somebody that they would not trust. That was the
gist of it, said Huggett, a Tennyson math teacher. She recalled her
shock when other teachers laughed:
I was thinking, Why are they laughing? Here this was called
sensitivity awareness. . . . First you start with joking, you break
the ice by saying we can make fun of these people now.
According to Huggett and others , the video also claimed that biblical
references about Jesus sitting at the right hand of God were used to
discriminate against left-handed people.
They used Scripture to point out the fact that . . . Christians have a
history from the beginning of bashing homosexuality and people who are
different because God said so, said Huggett. I thought, How dare you
say I can't stand up and talk to my kids about what I believe and
bring out the Bible, but you can go ahead for your purposes and
actually misquote [the Bible]?
By the time the lunch break rolled around, Huggett was too distraught
to stay, so she sought comfort at home in a daily devotional book. To
her surprise, Hebrews 12:2, a verse that describes Jesus sitting at
the right hand of God, was referenced on that day's page.
To come home and see it in my journal . . . it was one of those
moments in my Christian walk that I felt was the closest thing to God
just opening his mouth and talking to me, Huggett said. It was like,
Yes Cindy, you are right. . . . You see what's going on. You see the
evil in it. You understand it. And I'm going to let you know by
Emboldened, she spoke her mind a few days later at a faculty meeting.
I strongly feel that if I don't say something, this will continue and
Christians will be bashed again and again, And I'm not going to let
that happen. I will not stay here if that is going to happen. I will
lose my job and wash dishes if I have to.
So what does coercing Christian teachers into attending seminars that
belittle their religion have to do with teaching homosexuality to
kids? The answer is simple: To advance their cause, homosexual
activists must first undermine beliefs that categorize right and wrong
We've seen the same pattern emerge over and over, said Scott Lively,
who as director of the Pro-Family Law Center has tracked homosexual
infiltration into Vermont, Oregon and Massachusetts school districts.
The gay agenda is first pushed to teachers, then they are trained how
to get it in the classroom. They are being trained that it is
acceptable, even expected, to trample on the private beliefs and
values of the students in their care.
Handouts from the Hayward sensitivity seminars over the past two years
illustrate this agenda. A What You Can Do list distributed at one of
this year's seminars, for instance, suggested that teachers say the
words often lesbian, gay, bisexual in a positive way and identify
gay, lesbian, bisexual contributors throughout the curriculum.
Another handout encouraged schools to bring in openly gay, lesbian,
bisexual adults as resources in classes and assemblies and identify
staff who are gay-friendly and to whom questioning students may go for
Demonstrating blatant disregard for parental control, yet another page
entitled If a Student Comes Out to You told teachers if trust and
openness exist, sexual behavior could also be addressed.
For teachers in need of more indoctrination tools, a Resources list
distributed at a 2001 seminar recommended several gay-rights
curricula, including Preventing Prejudice: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender Lesson Plans for Elementary Schools.
A copy of Preventing Prejudice includes a lesson plan for first- and
second-graders entitled Who Loves Whom LGBT Relationships. The plan
encourages teachers to introduce the lesson on Valentine's Day to
broaden the definition of love that is associated with that holiday
and to ask students to rewrite stories that involve heterosexual
relationships, e.g., fairy tales like Cinderella, substituting LGBT
A kindergarten lesson included in the same curriculum called Jesse's
Dream Skirt tells a story about a little boy who is praised for
wearing a dress to school.
According to Hayward district spokesperson Kim Hammond, those lesson
plans, as well as books like Heather Has Two Mommies, are available to
all staff in the district.
What disturbs me most, said Huggett, is that once you say this should
be part of our curriculum, [teachers] will have to appear to believe
that homosexuality is a normal, healthy lifestyle.
Given the pressure on teachers, the only hope for public education is
parental outrage
There will be no resistance [to pro-homosexual curriculum] from within
the system, from the administration. There might be individual
teachers who object, but the union is lock-stock in step with this. As
a matter of fact, much of the leadership is controlled by these
people anyway.
When one school had a gay-pride day, there wasn't a peep of protest,
an anonymous administrator said. If the phones were ringing off the
hooks the day after they did that . . . saying, How dare you? believe
me, it would have empowered the staff to say, You know this is really
taking things too far. But the great masses just seem to be, I don't
know, asleep.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

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Topaz wrote:
The subject line says it all. Except that he was probably coprophilic.

"The text of this web page was originally published by the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a pamphlet titled "Homosexuals:
Victims of the Nazi Era".

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
100 Raoul Walenberg Place SW,
Washington D.C. 20024-2150.

As part of the Nazis' attempt to purify German society and propagate
an "Aryan master race," they condemned homosexuals as "socially
aberrant." Soon after taking office on January 30, 1933, Hitler banned
all homosexual and lesbian organizations. Brownshirted storm troopers
raided the institutions and gathering places of homosexuals. Greatly
weakened and driven underground, this subculture had flourished in the
relative freedom of the 1920s, in the pubs and cafes of Berlin,
Hamburg, Munich, Bremen, and other cities."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

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