HIV Came From Cameroon Chimps, Doctors Confirm

hugo said:
It is the old AIDS was invented by evil white people to get rid of African-Americans argument presented in socialist alternative African-American newspapers you can find in any inner city. A ridiculously stupid hypothesis. Poisoning watermelons would be much simpler.
What? Let me get this straight... AIDS was invented by "the evil white man" to wipe out african americans? Whatever, is this true? Do you actually believe that?

Just between you and me, If thought that "the white man" was that intelligent and resourceful, I'd submit right now! ... No, wait a minute... Wouldn't it be easier to just round up all of the african americans into extermination camps? That sounds easier than inventing a virus...

dunno, I'm gonna smoke a bowl and contemplate this; switching between the history channel and sci-fi.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
What? Let me get this straight... AIDS was invented by "the evil white man" to wipe out african americans? Whatever, is this true? Do you actually believe that?

Just between you and me, If thought that "the white man" was that intelligent and resourceful, I'd submit right now! ... No, wait a minute... Wouldn't it be easier to just round up all of the african americans into extermination camps? That sounds easier than inventing a virus...

dunno, I'm gonna smoke a bowl and contemplate this; switching between the history channel and sci-fi.

With all the gun-owners in America taking away freedoms from individuals doesn't go over very well.

Inventing a virus and spreading it is a lot easier than planning the logistics involved in organizing mass arrests and dealing with the public backlash.

Funny how AIDS spread like wildfire in the gay community after a hep vaccination trial.

Don't get flu shots. Now that we're into the pico-technology age I don't trust anything the government gives out for free.
Gallytuck said:
With all the gun-owners in America taking away freedoms from individuals doesn't go over very well.
Phreakwars, help! I need your handy-dandy idiot to english translator... Does this mean that all of the gun owners are taking away our freedoms -or- does it mean that taking away freedoms doesn't go over very well??????

Gallytuck said:
Inventing a virus and spreading it is a lot easier than planning the logistics involved in organizing mass arrests and dealing with the public backlash.
Yeah, sure I just invented a virus last week... oh wait I'm mexican, I don't have the intellect to do it... I'll go ask my neighbor John to invent me a virus to make my roses more fragrant... since it's so easy for white people to invent them.:rolleyes:

Gallytuck said:
Funny how AIDS spread like wildfire in the gay community after a hep vaccination trial.
Those evil WHITE-PEOPLE!

Gallytuck said:
Don't get flu shots. Now that we're into the pico-technology age I don't trust anything the government gives out for free.
Absolutely not! ...and don't drink milk either (it's white) and the evil white man might start putting some more "designer viruses" in chiterlin's and tortillas just to wipe us all out!
Yes they said on the History channel without a doubt it came from chimps. The natives used to hunt and eat them. They tried to connect it with leukemia but found it to be a completely different virus. They said the odds of that were astronomical. Also we get a lot of viruses from chimps it's just that they don't mutate to the level Aids and Leukemia has.