Posted by Mariama:
Seeing you stupid comments makes me change my mind on certain things.
Directing your post to a particular person would indeed circumvent confusion. In the future, utilize this tactic.
People like you since the beginning have been saying and doing the same old tired things, Drinking too much, smoking, using women, the filthy act of sodomy....
Your battling conceived generalizations, with generalizations. I don't drink, ever. Sodomy is gross, I don't diddle the pooper. Using women??? Hmmm, this statement is mired in ambiguity. All humans, be it man or woman, have the inherent trait of free thought. In some cultures their freedom of thought is suppressed. Here in America, freedom of thought is encouraged, yes, even for women. Freedom is a compromise of good and bad. With certain freedoms come a down side. Such as woman being allowed to wear sexy clothing. Some men are mentally defective and cannot control their sexual depravity. Rape may ensue with this combination of circumstance, the chance meeting of a sexily clad young lady and a sexual predator.
We are protected which is why the west has sky high rape statistics!!
Statistics are derived from
reported incidents of rape. In many Muslim Nations, the statistics are skewed because of the lack of
reported rape. Your assertion that low rape statistics in the Muslim world are the result of "protection" of women, well, I find it a humorous take on reality. With or without your admission, rape occurs in Muslim nations with great speed. Due to the "protection" of the Muslim woman, she has not the power nor the ability to have justice for the crime against her.
We do not go out late at night and drink till we cannot stand and we do not stay out without a man to look after us!!
Is this by choice or by way of religious doctrine? Because choice is a good thing. Going out and enjoying life is a good thing. Maybe something bad will happen, and you will be left with regret for your debauchery. Maybe you will have a great time, then die the next day in a terrible fire. However you'll be glad for the good times you allowed yourself, as opposed to seething regret for living a life of sheltered comfort under the awning of religious laws.
and that is why you are stuck in the dark ages.
The "dark ages". A reference to a time when religion of the land was the governing force. A time when peoples freedoms and choices were dictated by religious doctrine. A time when killing the non-believers, be it man woman or child, was an act which inherited one eternal martyrdom.
Your so ******* off base. My society has a dark side, yes. The freedoms of my people bring the worst of humanity at times, yes. But this is a progressive society. One that has moved on from the fairy tales of old that ruled the land. Sadly, we have yet to shake free completely of religious influence. Social progression is slowly eating at the Christian influence that dominates this American landscape. As an ardent agnostic I recognize Christianity as a non-violent religion, in its current modernized form. Christianity was a realization of the dark ages, but has progressed over time and adapted to the cultures that utilize this belief system. For that I applaud.
How can you argue that Islam is a progressive belief system? Your people have held onto values of an ancient religion, without progression. Progression and change are deemed as evil to those whom fully and properly subscribe to Islam. These things are the hallmark of the dark ages. Progression is the hallmark of a new age.
An excerpt from a CNN article on the state of womens rights in Saudi-Arabia:
The Saudi kingdom is known for its harsh treatment of women, who are prohibited from driving or leaving their homes without their husbands, fathers, or brothers. In public, they are forced to wear suffocating black veils that cover them from head to toe, turning them into shadows of the men they walk behind.
For you to continue to argue that the egregious stripping of human rights from women in the Muslim world is a form of adoring protection, will only result in my continuing to post examples to the contrary. Your stubborn opinion, derived from your instinct to protect your faith, will not have the power to counter the reality that exist.