Hope ~im warning u its **** ^_^


New member
this stories called HOPE (about child abuse)

i came up with the idea when i was 13, made the draft then and now im kinda adding toit, this is all rough for it hasnt been read over etc by me...so i apologise for my crapness at writing..some of ur stuff is amazing so it may put mine to shame...lol ^.^

hope u like it! this is how far ive got...

Chapter One

Never before had she ventured this far before, never before had she disobeyed her mothers sharp words, fear kept Gabby going, running deeper into the cavernous, dank underground that was used as extra storage space.

It held the potential as a basement or a cellar of some kind, but it had never before been renovated along with the rest of the house, it had been left, forgotten and rotting.

The spiders seemed to cling to the very air, which was thick and musty with thirty years of grime. Gabby pushed her way through the collection of boxes trying her best to move but make as little sound as possible.

Finally it seemed, the room came to an end and Gabby came into contact with the rough, cold surface of the wall. Slightly perplexed on what her next action would be, Gabby turned around, pressing her back against the one solid and stable object in the room.

Her hair stuck to her sweaty, pink forehead and she could feel the dirt clinging to her body and new white dress, not only would her mother kill her after the ignorance she had shown towards her orders, but now the irrecoverable damage would not go in her favour.

The sound of heavy approaching foot steps seemed to alter Gabby’s breathing ability, arching her back in panic she scanned the room quickly for a place of sanctuary. Her gaze fell upon a large upturned box in the furthest corner from the only entrance. Stooping down low, Gabby scampered over to it, lifting it over herself just as the clip of a stiletto heal could be heard on the stone floor.

Her mother was in the room.

“Gabriella.” Came a hiss from the still surroundings, Tara Matthews didn’t need to say anymore, the tone of her voice told all to her young daughter.

Clamping a hand over her mouth, Gabby tried to do anything but let the squeal of fright escape her pursed lips.

Loud movement could be heard as boxes, linen and old toys went flying in Tara’s search for the small child. Wriggling her body on the cold floor Gabby manoeuvred herself underneath an old tablecloth, which covered the whole of her body and made her a feel a little safer in her box.

“Where the **** are you, you stupid child?” Tara growled kicking damp boxes out of her way with a pointy-toed foot. Muttering under her breath Tara slowly inched her way closer to the end of the room, which was relatively empty in comparison to the front of it. Frowning she stood still, un-aware she was stood in the exact place Gabby herself had been a few short moments before.

Her angry gaze fell onto the only place possible, a wide box, it’s corners knocked in slightly, with a small tendril of golden blond hair escaping from underneath.

Smiling to herself Tara inched her way forward, outstretched her hand and yanked the box from its place on the floor.

There her daughter lay, trembling and covered in the tablecloth that Tara had bought the night before it had all happened...brushing away the flickering memory Tara through the box to her left.

“Get up” Tara whispered folding her arms across her chest, as she watched Gabby slowly rise to her feet. Gabby watched her beautiful mother wrinkle her nose in disgust as she stood up.

“You’re a disgrace!” Tara spat, grabbing Gabby’s arm and dragging her to the stairs at the other side of the room. The boxes had all been moved from Tara’s previous entry into the room, so they were out of the room in half the time it had taken to get into it.

Gabby blinked as she entered the brightly lit hallway, shielding her eyes with her dirt covered hand, Gabby fixed her attention to the floor, knowing if she held eye contact with her mother she would aggravate her even further.

“Look at your dress you horrible brat! That was new on this morning and look what you’ve done to it already…I distinctly asked you to stay inside and what do you do…? The complete sodding opposite!” Tara slapped Gabby sharply across the face.

“Get out of my sight.” Tara waved her daughter away, stalking off into the kitchen where her open bottle of vodka was waiting for her.

“Mrs Matthews your husband told me to leave the message he-”

“Let me guess he isn’t coming back tonight?” Tara shot a steely look at Stephanie, the young girl who had been working for her since Gabby was born. Stephanie nodded, making her black curly hair bounce.

“Go away!” Tara slurred, taking a swig from the bottle, when Stephanie didn’t move Tara swung her arm out violently, “**** off!” The young girl scuttled silently from the room.

* * *

Gabby rubbed her check gently, fleeing quickly to her room, the faster she was out of her mother’s line of vision the better.

As soon as she was safely in her room, she clicked the door, slowly shut, when the door was closed properly it meant more effort was needed, meaning that she was sometimes safe as the alcohol she consumed seemed to drain most of the energy Tara had.

Sighing deeply Gabby started to untie her dress, she had had a lucky escape, on another other occasion she would have received a harsh beating and a few words, but just because she had been sent to her room, didn’t mean that she was safe. Even when her mother was asleep Gabby was not totally safe, it was when she was unconscious, this usually occurred with vodka, whisky or some fatal concoction that her friend Donald made.

Gabby disliked Donald, he liked her though and always managed to make Gabby feel out of place and uncomfortable, but he was an adult and as her mother had said on frequent occasions. Adults were more intelligent and knew better than any child, so she was not allowed to disagree with anything any adult said or did to her.



New member
Aww Keza! That was really well written! It's not **** at all! Don't say that =P The mum is really scary lol. Poor Gabby *Wishes I could hug her*. That was really good!! Keep on writing, I really can't wait till you post the next chapter up! ^.^


New member
*stands up and applauds* yay for boredom! its sooo good! I really loved reading it! if u ever write a story again plz post it!


New member
Wow Keza. That was really beautiful. Very well written hun. Please post the next chapter soon... nice work. :)


New member
thanks guys, ur all really sweet!

*hugs everyone who posted*

heres somemore of it...

Folding the dress in the neatest square she could make it, Gabby placed it on her chair awaiting Stephanie tomorrow when she picked up the dirty clothes from each room. Her room wasn’t the best room in the house, from an outsider it wouldn’t have seemed a 7-year-old child lived in the house. With the neat and tidy exterior, the interior was as controlled as possible; it had the appearance of the latest show house, not a family’s home.

Gabby’s simple room, consisted of a chair, a bed, chest of drawers and a fashionable rocking horse that had been Tara’s grandmother’s and Gabby had been forbidden to touch, ever. ‘It is for decoration and decoration only, if I see one grubby little hand mark on it you will receive a beating so bad, this mornings will look like a tickle!” Tara had said on the day she had given it to her, before going into a drunken stupor with her drink.

Pulling on her pyjama’s Gabby slid in between the crisp white sheets that Stephanie must have lain down that day, it was only partly through the day, but she knew better than to go downstairs and ask for dinner, sleeping would be the better option at that moment, it would take her mind off of her rumbling stomach and the knowledge that her father wasn’t coming back home, for the second night in a row.

Settling down, Gabby gathered together the duvet in the shape just right for resting her head on, it’s what she imagined snuggling up to a grown up would be like, she’d seen it on the television, seen the utter contentment that the young child had felt while burying their face into the chosen family member.

Gabby had no other family, except for her mother and father, there was one other person…but he was not to be talked about.

Yawning widely Gabby submerged herself in the duvet, maybe for comfort, or maybe to protect her from the outside world that had shown her no kindness or love in her short life.

* * *

The creak of the door broke into Tara’s unconscious but she ignored it, the very idea of lifting her head off of the dining table was all too much to bear.

Daniel Matthews let himself, as quietly as the door would allow him, to be met with the sight of his wife, sprawled out on the table.

He shook his head in disgust, is this what would be welcoming him every time he came home, his ‘wife’ bombed out on whatever high or alcohol beverage his money allowed?

Looking down at the stairs he saw that the basement door was open, sending a slight chill through the air, not wanting to know what his wife had been up to, Daniel closed it firmly shut and made his way upstairs.

Stopping briefly at the top, he glanced at the door to his youngest daughter, Gabriella, she hadn’t been the most wanted child but he did love her nonetheless, no matter what kind of dark stories Tara tried to push onto him.

Running his hand through his once thick dark hair, Daniel turned his back on Gabby’s door and entered his own room pushing all the thoughts of that night to the back of his mind.



New member
Awwww another really great chapter *hugs*

Poor Gabby, I hope her evil mum goes to prison lol!

Please post more soon :)



New member
hehe, thanks becks *hugs*

mari~thanks sweetie, heres the next part u were waiting for, its kinda raw but...lol

Pheonix791989~hey thanks..thats really nice of u

ForgottenKid~thanks for taking the time to read it, means alot...


thanks guys, well heres some more...i was kinda running out of ideas, so i wrote out a rough plan, thats why it took so long to write so little...im breaking it down where it makes sense though...hope u like it!

Chapter Two

Early the next morning Gabby found herself being pulled out of the bed rapidly, she fell with a crash onto the cold wooden floor, slightly bemused, Gabby lifted her head slightly to see a pink slipper clad foot coming rapidly in the direction of her stomach.

Clenching it against the blow, Gabby felt all of the air immediately leave her gasping lungs as the kicks rained down on her small body.

“Filth.” Tara screamed, thrusting her foot forward for the last time before running out of the room. Gabby slowly picked herself up; her stomach seemed to seer with pain as she rose to her feet and pulled down her pyjama top that had ridden up during the short beating.

“Get dressed quickly, your mother is taking you out.” Came a breathless voice from behind, Stephanie thrust a pair of jeans and clean t-shirt in Gabby’s direction after picking up the dirty dress that Gabby had neatly left the night before.

Nodding to herself, Gabby slowly dressed trying not to stretch her pained stomach too much, wondering what had been the cause of Tara’s upset, it couldn’t have been her surely?

Unless she was now able to upset her mother in her sleep as well as in her waking hour.

Running her Minnie mouse hairbrush through her hair, she slipped on her black buckle shoes, unable to walk particularly fast because of the shooting pains running not only in her stomach but her back also, she gingerly crept down the stairs.

“What took you so long? Hurry up, we’re late!” Tara beckoned for Gabby to follow her as she opened the front door and rushed outside.

“*** I can’t wait until Monday when you go back to school, you’ve been a pain this whole week.”

Gabby nodded her head in agreement, she couldn’t wait to get back to school either, six hours of not being told that she was useless, a couple of moments in the day that she had to herself, where she didn’t have to be constantly looking over her shoulder.

“Get in the car, you’re so slow!” Gabby jumped into the backseat, closing the door as her mother pulled out of the driveway.

“Where are we going?” Gabby asked, fiddling with a thread that was coming loose on her jacket. Tara rolled her eyes in the rear view mirror at her daughter’s reflection, a loud sigh escaped her lips as she steered the car forwards.

Breaking her mother’s piercing gaze, Gabby turned her head to look out of the window as their car sped out of their small crescent, out onto the main road.

Having always lived in the same house, Gabby was all too familiar with the routes that her mother took, so instead of persisting Gabby decided to guess which of her mother’s friends they were visiting that day.

Flicking a stray hair off her shoulder Gabby watched the people outside her window, she always felt more bold to do this when she was in the car opposed to when she was outside, as if the thin sheet of glass would protect her from the accusing eyes of strangers.

She ended up trying to guess the types of people she passed, if they were kind, misunderstood or the type of person she would like to grow up to become. She focused on the scene in front of her, as the car came to a stop at the traffic lights. It was a man, sitting in the concave step of a shop, his dirty straggly beard reaching close enough to his knees; his eyes were haggard and deep. Pleading it seemed, with the passers by, each ignoring his very presence. His mouth moved forming the words people did not want to hear, his eyes searched, a movement not one person accepted.

Gabby brought out a small hand and waved, to which the old man looked up at. A slow smile formed on his chapped, cold lips and he waggled his fingers in her direction. Smiling broadly, Gabby watched him disappear into the distance as the car moved on.

* * *



New member
this is a really good story!!...the part where she waves at that man is really sweet!...man what's wrong with her mom?


New member
jelly~thanks for the comment, thats really nice of u! yeah trying to make the mum as mean as poss, but realistic...not really working but...oh well its fun..lol


pheonix~hey thanks for commenting again lol...dont think my writings gd anough to take me places though...but thanks...^_^


well i have some more...again its coming slowly but...hehe

“Come on.” Tara urged, knocking on the large wooden door, which belonged to the Hunter family. Diane opened the door; she was Tara’s best friend, from what Gabby had gathered they had been good friends since secondary school.

“Hi there Tara, how’ve you been?” Diane cried ushering them both into the warm scented house.

“Oh just terrible Di, Gabriella’s been in one of those moods, you know, very demanding and whiney. She just puts so much pressure on me, you know!” Gabby stood, her arms wrapped around the intricately designed stair banister, listening as her mother’s voice muffled as they entered the kitchen.

Rubbing her fingers on the wood of the banister Gabby glanced up the stairs, Diane had three children, Emily who was ten, Lewis who was eight but older and wiser than his years, and the youngest was Rose who was eighteen months.

Rose would probably be her favourite of the Hunter children, being small and quiet, she was the only one that didn’t seem set on getting her into trouble. The oldest children however had a different agenda, for the days Gabby came to visit, their favourite hobby was terrorising Gabby and seeing how loud they could make her scream.

Trying to look as brave as she wanted to feel Gabby started to climb the stairs as slowly as she could prolong it, but when she finally reached the top step she nearly collided head on with an out of breath Lewis.

“Erghhh it’s you!” Lewis cried, stopping himself just in time. “Emz, come out here, you’ll never guess who’s come to play!”

Emily, a short chubby girl, quickly extracted herself from cutting the heads off of Rose’s dolls to come to see what her brother had found, the sight that faced her made her want to laugh out loud.

Her favourite toy had come over to play.

A wide grin spread across Emily’s dark face showing a row of pearly white teeth, “Come into the play room Gabby!”

Lewis grabbed Gabby’s wrist and ran with her into the room that Emily indicated, while Emily made sure that the door was securely shut after them.

Gabby rancorously snatched her burning hand away, pure hate for the two children in front of her seemed to boil in her very skin, she could guess the activities that these two had planned for her today, she would not be disappointed.

“So what game do you think that little Gabby would like to play today?” Lewis smirked, emphasising the diminutive little.

“Who cares, lets play hide and seek.” Emily spat, watching the small pretty child in front of her squirm.

“Hurry, I’m counting, Lewis, you go find a place for Gabby to hide, you’ll be better at finding a place.” A feeling of dread seemed to settle in the pit of Gabby’s stomach as Lewis opened the door and dragged Gabby out with the sleeve of her shirt.

“Quick Gabby, you can hide in here, this is where I go usually, but you’re smaller.” He was opening a door in the wall, one of those old-fashioned wheelie laundry disposals. It was hanging by a thick, dirty rope and the small box looked unstable and claustrophobic.

“Ummm, I don’t want to go in there Lewis.” Gabby whispered turning to him, her eyes beseeching his. Lewis shook his head slowly, his grey eyes flickering, showing an emotion Gabby hadn’t thought he possessed.

“Well…umm, unfortunately Gabby, that’s the aim of the game. Get in.” Lewis forcefully pushed Gabby in, where she had to stoop low, her head near enough touching her collarbone.

Slamming the door shut, Gabby heard the distinctive key in the lock, turning quickly. “Don’t move too much, or else it’ll fall down to the bottom floor.” Came a slightly in audible instruction from the other side of the wood.

Looking at her surroundings there really wasn’t a lot of places for her to move to, a slight chill ran down her spine as she slowly sank to her knees, with this one small movement, dust seems to billow up in clouds around her, restricting her ability to breath through her nose without sneezing.

Rubbing her nose, she turned her body in a fragmentary motion, thinking of what Lewis had said, being stuck in this hole would be made so much worse if it began its descent downwards.

A slight ray of light was being let into the shaft from the gap between the wall and the wooden door. Pressing her face against this she was able to receive the right amount of clean air to stop her small sneezing fit.

No what was she supposed to do, it was obvious that they weren’t going to come back for her, that much was a certainty, but when her mother came to her friends houses, she wasn’t only there for a short while, this could drag on for hours. Already her legs were numb from having to balance her weight so as not to rock anything out of place.

Sighing Gabby blew away a small feather that had been methodically making its way to the floor.

It was going to be a long day.

* * *



New member
Hey! Sorry I missed a couple chapters but I caught up! Ahh poor Gabby =( What's going to happen to her! Keep it going Keza =P You're doing great!


New member
wow had to catch up a bit, but again: WOW! you really have talent, I love the way you write, so describing! *patiently waits for the next chapter* :)
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