Hope ~im warning u its **** ^_^


New member
hey hey, thanks for the comments guys ur all so nice about the shiteness of my writing ^_^well heres another chapter...hehe slightly..ummm...well ull see...

“Gabriella, what in ***’s name were you doing in there?” Tara screamed, reaching inside and yanking her daughter out as easily as a person would a rag doll. “Oh my goodness, look at the mess! You know it’s rude to go climbing around in other people’s houses, you could have broken it!” As Tara rambled on, her voice steadily got higher in pitch until it was just below an indignant squeak.

“I’m so sorry Di, really I am, but I’m going to have to go now, because of this little madam!” Tara curled her steel like fingers around Gabby’s left arm, grabbing their coats as she strode down the stairs.

Lewis and Emily stood near the front door, Emily, a look of pure evil on her face, her long red hair covering the look of malice in her steely brown eyes.

Lewis’ expression was of a softer nature, a completely different expression followed Gabby, and to her it seemed to be sympathy.

“Get in the car…” Tara swung the door open and pushed Gabby forward, as she turned to say her goodbyes.

Stifling the feeling of fore boding in her stomach Gabby ran to the car, slouching her body low so that she couldn’t be seen through that window. Gabby looked at her muddy knees. It would take a miracle to get the stains out of her trousers, she picked at the congealed oil and mud that had somehow become caked to her shirt as well as her trousers.

“I don’t actually believe you, how do you always manage to ruin everything.” Tara barked letting herself into the car and snapping her seatbelt on roughly.

“Arghhh you are totally selfish Gabriella, you totally ruined mine and Diane’s day.”

Gabby didn’t say anything, scared that she would say the wrong thing, not wanting to dig herself a deeper hole. Wiping a stray tear off her cheek Gabby sniffed silently.

“Oh stop your sniffling, there’s no reason to cry you stupid girl!” Tara screamed swerving out of the way of an on coming car.

Gabby craned her neck to see if she could spot the old man she had waved at earlier that day, but to no avail. The car was travelling too fast.

It seemed that in not time at all Gabby had reached the house and was being dragged into the cold house.

“I HATE YOU!” Tara screamed. “YOU ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING.” Gabby was thrown full force in the direction of the stairs. A dead pain ran through her legs as they came into contact with the floor.

Tara’s fits ran down on Gabby, one after the other, rather rigorously, one after the other, even through her fits; Tara seemed to keep a sane mind, only ever aiming at the parts that would not be seen under clothes.

Gabby shut her eyes, trying not to cry out, any noise would just aggravate her mother more. Soon her body grew numb as it always did, she still felt them, but she had found a way to disconnect herself, to distant her body from her mind.

Pressing her face against the carpet Gabby imagined a different place, a place without the pain and without the screams. A place like in one of those American television shows her mother was so fond of, a place where cuddles were abundance.

“MOVE.” Tara shrieked, kicking her daughter heftily in the side. Gabby groaned gently, as her mother stepped over her, she tried to catch breath. Gasping and wincing at the pain Gabby slowly rose to her feet and pulled herself up the stairs using the banister, it seemed to take an age to reach the top of the stairs, but when she finally did she collapsed onto her bed, cradling her rib cage.

To her, it seemed there was no point in healing, every time her body cured itself something seemed to bring it all back again. Not only was her whole body throbbing from that beating, but also the old pains that she had experienced a long time ago seemed to come back to life, sending their discomfort.

Gabby moved the duvet forward and slid herself in between the sheets, trying to position her body in a relatively comfortable position.

Would she ever be comfortable again?



New member
I should start paying attention to updates.

O wow poor gabby, she reminds me of someone... Its not me so dont go there. Great update its a great story.

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