Hostel 2 crossed the line.


New member
Ok i watched the work print of it today.

and wow.

this is possibly the sickest movie I have ever seen.

Worse than part uno by miles.

The guy gets his ***** chopped off. >.< and

hands shoved in them. AhmahGod.


then that nerdy *** princess diares girl is like hanging

upside down buck naked getting he back chopped up while

some naked woman is bathing in her blood

getting turned on.

there is so much more i just had to get that off my chest.




New member

sexualized violence is very BAD!!! im defianatly not seeing that! im scared just reading about it!



Active Members
I just saw part one....and was alright

gonna check out part 2 for sure...

but it sounds sick



New member
Ahhh thats horrible!

I haven't seen the first one, I was too scared. haha >.>

It crosses the line really. I'll watch stuff like Saw but thats just sick. hah.



New member
Everyone said that Hostel was really sick and stuff and they couldn't watch it without cringing, but I really didn't see what all the fuss was about. I thought it was pretty tame.

Gunna check out Part II for sure though, just to see if this is actually cringe-worthy.



New member
The first one had me staring at my tv like "WTHF WAT THAT?!?"

Then i seen the ad for part 2 and i thought to myself

"Oh ****... I don't want to watch it but im gonna have to..."

Now after reading this... i think i'm going to vomit now...



New member
The first one was ok, but I hated how it ended. Part 2 will probably end in a similar way, so I'm not going to bother watching it. (Plus in part 1 we didn't see very many women victims. I think there were only 2 that we saw.)
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