How clean is ur house?

Do you watch the TV show- The only show that I can think of that involves messy houses is Cleansweep on TLC. If thats the show your talking about then no I dont watch it.
How clean is the house- My house in general is pretty clean except for my room and my sisters room.
1. No - those sorts of shows annoy me, they always chuck out everything like the person's belongings, they could at least ask before doing that, they might be personal. They're always like, "Look at all those soft toys, she can't have those, chuck!" but they might actually be personal? Lol sorry, I'm off on a rant now, but cleaning your house doesn't mean getting rid of everything. :rolleyes:

2. Clean. Physically it's falling to pieces, heh, but the interior itself of the house is pretty clean, apart from my bedroom. Somehow, I tidy that room and within a week it's miraculousy messy again. XD
Do I watch this show?-No..never heard of it.
How clean is my house?- Really clean,except for my brothers room.
and, my house or my room..i have no control of the house...the house is really clean but not overly...depends...and my room is tidy once every blue moon, but its always clean, i hate having dirty plates etc in there...^^
> do u watch the tv show-Nine
> and how clean is ur house-Its fairly Clean. I mean everyonce and a while itll get a lil messy but its usually picked up soon after. My room and The kitchen are usually a mess.